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Created January 21, 2024 23:47
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Matplotlib Stylesheet
# this style sheet defines "Calvin style" a purely subjective matplotlib style that I like best
# font and render options : "serif"
font.serif : "Times"
text.usetex : True
text.latex.preamble : \usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage{bm}\usepackage{siunitx}\usepackage{esdiff}
# text size options
font.size : 16
axes.titlesize : 16
axes.labelsize : 16
xtick.labelsize : 14
ytick.labelsize : 14
legend.fontsize : 14
# figure size options
figure.figsize : 8, 8
# line width options
lines.linewidth : 1.5
lines.markersize : 8.0
# legend options
legend.frameon : False
# tick options
xtick.major.width : 1.25
xtick.minor.width : 1.25
ytick.major.width : 1.25
ytick.minor.width : 1.25
# axes options
axes.linewidth : 1.25
axes.prop_cycle : cycler('color', ['k'])
axes.xmargin : 0.0
# save options
savefig.dpi : 300
savefig.bbox : "tight"
savefig.transparent : True
savefig.format : "pdf"
# set default colormap
image.cmap : viridis
image.aspect : equal
# set date autoformatting see python 'datetime'
#date.autoformatter.year : %Y
#date.autoformatter.month : %Y-%m : %Y-%m-%d
#date.autoformatter.hour : %m-%d %H
#date.autoformatter.minute : %d %H:%M
#date.autoformatter.second : %H:%M:%S
#date.autoformatter.microsecond : %M:%S.%f
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