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Learning bio brb

Cameron Davidson-Pilon CamDavidsonPilon

Learning bio brb
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I consider this a greedy algorithm, since at each time step, I ask which is a better "twist". I don't think it's optimal.
The idea is to estimate the probability of discovering tau in the next time step, given your current position and knowledge (position being left or right, denoted 1 and 2 here). We calculate the probability of discovering tau in the next time step as follows:
t1 is the max time observed in position 1, and t2 in position 2. Denote P the random variable of which position tau is in (1 or 2). Small p is our current position. Suppose we start in position 1, i.e. p=1
Pr(discover tau in next delta time| t1, t2, p=1) =
Pr(discover tau in next delta time| t1, t2, P=1, p=1) * Pr(P=1) +
CamDavidsonPilon /
Last active August 28, 2019 20:39
initial thoughts on jax
  • vmap is a very general function, but like einsum, I end up trying a bunch of permutations before it works the way I want. More documentation and examples, or higher order functions, would be helpful.

  • debugging is much more difficult than in autograd. Ex: tracking down NaNs is harder, and inspecting variables in jax is not possible?

  • It's as fast as advertised. jit is pretty impressive.

  • stax is a neat little sublibrary, I'd like to see more developer there, but I understand the possible scope-creep.

  • I love the idea of riding the upgrade train of Jax, XLA and GPUs.

  • I see a lot¹ of examples using internal Jax APIs and my code doesn't, so that gives me pause. Am I missing something, or are more higher order functions needed?

  • 🆕 Is vectorize the right API? I'm not sure. Perhaps some common patterns could be extracted into functions. I had a lot of trouble with trying to duplicate elementwise_grad in grad + vmap primitives. It was much easier in autograd. After reading h

MAX = 114
MIN = 22
def falling_factorial(n, k):
computes (n) * (n-1) * ... * (n-(k-1))
running_product = n
for p in range(n-1, n-k, -1):
running_product *= p
from zepid.base import create_spline_transform
from lifelines import CoxPHFitter
from lifelines.datasets import load_rossi
rossi = load_rossi()
rossi_with_splines = rossi.copy()
spline_transform, bp = create_spline_transform(rossi_with_splines['age'], term=3, restricted=False)
rossi_with_splines[['age0', 'age1', 'age2']] = pd.DataFrame(spline_transform(rossi_with_splines['age']))
rossi_with_splines = rossi_with_splines.drop('age', axis=1)
from lifelines import WeibullFitter
lambda_, rho_ = 2, 0.5
N = 10_000
T_actual = lambda_ * np.random.exponential(1, size=N)**(1/rho_)
T_censor = lambda_ * np.random.exponential(1, size=N)**(1/rho_)
T = np.minimum(T_actual, T_censor)
E = T_actual < T_censor

The Delta Method and Autograd

One of the reasons I'm really excited about autograd is because it enables me to be able to transform my abstract parameters into business-logic. Let me explain with an example. Suppose I am modeling customer churn, and I have fitted a Weibull survival model using maximum likelihood estimation. I have two parameter estimates: lambda-hat and rho-hat. I also have their covariance matrix, which tells me how much uncertainty is present in the estimates (in lifelines, this is under the variance_matrix_ property. From this, I can plot the survival curve, which is fine, but what I really want is a measure of lifetime value. Customers give us $10 each time period for the first 3 time periods, and then $30 a month afterwards. For a single user, the average LTV (up to timeline) calculation might look like:

# create a Weibull model with fake data
wf = WeibullFitter().fit(np.arange(1, 100))

from autograd import numpy as np
import numpy as np
def piecewise_exponential_survival_data(n, breakpoints, lambdas):
>>> T = piecewise_exponential_survival_data(100000, [1, 3], [0.2, 3, 1.])
>>> NelsonAalenFitter().fit(T).plot()
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for _ in range(10):
v = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=2)
print(check_grad(_negative_log_likelihood, gradient_function, v, log(T), E), v)
0.4712740782685882 [-6.56058891 5.14902935]
3237.6524450846837 [ 9.08538372 -1.41142257]
N frac batch single ratio
432 0.01 0.17586684226989746 0.24918293952941895 0.7057740092560965
432 0.09909090909090909 0.139909029006958 0.18905401229858398 0.7400479223154045
432 0.1881818181818182 0.18714380264282227 0.19823789596557617 0.9440364655369406
432 0.2772727272727273 0.15966224670410156 0.1492321491241455 1.0698917601949116
432 0.3663636363636364 0.1783008575439453 0.2960469722747803 0.6022721873286135
432 0.4554545454545455 0.2235269546508789 0.2482771873474121 0.9003120948768426
432 0.5445454545454546 0.2755610942840576 0.27878808975219727 0.9884249163190293
432 0.6336363636363637 0.2598390579223633 0.19139719009399414 1.3575907660648399
432 0.7227272727272728 0.28580784797668457 0.19529199600219727 1.4634898194878856