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Forked from Kroc/domtemplate.php
Created June 16, 2024 05:00
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DOM Template Class
//DOM Templating classes v7 © copyright (cc-by) Kroc Camen 2012
//you may do whatever you want with this code as long as you give credit
//documentation at
class DOMTemplate extends DOMTemplateNode {
private $DOMDocument;
private $keep_prolog = false;
public function __construct ($filepath, $NS='', $NS_URI='') {
//get just the template text to begin with
$xml = file_get_contents ($filepath);
//does this file have an XML prolog? if so, we’ll keep it as-is in the output
if (substr_compare ($xml, '<?xml', 0, 4, true) === 0) $this->keep_prolog = true;
//load the template file to work with. this must be valid XML (but not XHTML)
$this->DOMDocument = new DOMDocument ();
$this->DOMDocument->loadXML (
//if the document doesn't already have an XML prolog, add one to avoid mangling unicode characters
//see <>
(!$this->keep_prolog ? "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" : '').
//replace HTML entities (e.g. "&copy;") with real unicode characters to prevent invalid XML
self::html_entity_decode ($xml), @LIBXML_COMPACT | @LIBXML_NONET
) or trigger_error (
"Template '$filepath' is invalid XML", E_USER_ERROR
//set the root node for all xpath searching
//(handled all internally by `DOMTemplateNode`)
parent::__construct ($this->DOMDocument->documentElement, $NS, $NS_URI);
//output the complete HTML
public function html () {
//fix and clean DOM's XML output:
return preg_replace (
//add space to self-closing //fix broken self-closed tags
array ('/<(.*?[^ ])\/>/s', '/<(div|[ou]l|textarea)(.*?) ?\/>/'),
array ('<$1 />', '<$1$2></$1>'),
//should we remove the XML prolog?
? preg_replace ('/^<\?xml.*?>\n/', '', $this->DOMDocument->saveXML ())
: $this->DOMDocument->saveXML ()
//these functions are shared between the base `DOMTemplate` and the repeater `DOMTemplateRepeater`,
//the DOM/XPATH voodoo is encapsulated here
class DOMTemplateNode {
protected $DOMNode;
private $DOMXPath;
protected $NS; //namespace
protected $NS_URI; //namespace URI
//because everything is XML, HTML named entities like "&copy;" will cause blank output.
//we need to convert these named entities back to real UTF-8 characters (which XML doesn’t mind)
//'&', '<' and '>' are exlcuded so that we don’t turn user text into working HTML!
public static $entities = array (
//BTW, if you have PHP 5.3.4+ you can produce this whole array with just two lines of code:
// $entities = array_flip (get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
// unset ($entities['&'], $entities['<'], $entities['>']);
//also, this list is *far* from comprehensive. see this page for the full list
'&nbsp;' => ' ', '&iexcl;' => '¡', '&cent;' => '¢', '&pound;' => '£',
'&curren;' => '¤', '&yen;' => '¥', '&brvbar;' => '¦', '&sect;' => '§',
'&uml;' => '¨', '&copy;' => '©', '&ordf;' => 'ª', '&laquo;' => '«',
'&not;' => '¬', '&shy;' => '­', '&reg;' => '®', '&macr;' => '¯',
'&deg;' => '°', '&plusmn;' => '±', '&sup2;' => '²', '&sup3;' => '³',
'&acute;' => '´', '&micro;' => 'µ', '&para;' => '¶', '&middot;' => '·',
'&cedil;' => '¸', '&sup1;' => '¹', '&ordm;' => 'º', '&raquo;' => '»',
'&frac14;' => '¼', '&frac12;' => '½', '&frac34;' => '¾', '&iquest;' => '¿',
'&Agrave;' => 'À', '&Aacute;' => 'Á', '&Acirc;' => 'Â', '&Atilde;' => 'Ã',
'&Auml;' => 'Ä', '&Aring;' => 'Å', '&AElig;' => 'Æ', '&Ccedil;' => 'Ç',
'&Egrave;' => 'È', '&Eacute;' => 'É', '&Ecirc;' => 'Ê', '&Euml;' => 'Ë',
'&Igrave;' => 'Ì', '&Iacute;' => 'Í', '&Icirc;' => 'Î', '&Iuml;' => 'Ï',
'&ETH;' => 'Ð', '&Ntilde;' => 'Ñ', '&Ograve;' => 'Ò', '&Oacute;' => 'Ó',
'&Ocirc;' => 'Ô', '&Otilde;' => 'Õ', '&Ouml;' => 'Ö', '&times;' => '×',
'&Oslash;' => 'Ø', '&Ugrave;' => 'Ù', '&Uacute;' => 'Ú', '&Ucirc;' => 'Û',
'&Uuml;' => 'Ü', '&Yacute;' => 'Ý', '&THORN;' => 'Þ', '&szlig;' => 'ß',
'&agrave;' => 'à', '&aacute;' => 'á', '&acirc;' => 'â', '&atilde;' => 'ã',
'&auml;' => 'ä', '&aring;' => 'å', '&aelig;' => 'æ', '&ccedil;' => 'ç',
'&egrave;' => 'è', '&eacute;' => 'é', '&ecirc;' => 'ê', '&euml;' => 'ë',
'&igrave;' => 'ì', '&iacute;' => 'í', '&icirc;' => 'î', '&iuml;' => 'ï',
'&eth;' => 'ð', '&ntilde;' => 'ñ', '&ograve;' => 'ò', '&oacute;' => 'ó',
'&ocirc;' => 'ô', '&otilde;' => 'õ', '&ouml;' => 'ö', '&divide;' => '÷',
'&oslash;' => 'ø', '&ugrave;' => 'ù', '&uacute;' => 'ú', '&ucirc;' => 'û',
'&uuml;' => 'ü', '&yacute;' => 'ý', '&thorn;' => 'þ', '&yuml;' => 'ÿ',
'&OElig;' => 'Œ', '&oelig;' => 'œ', '&Scaron;' => 'Š', '&scaron;' => 'š',
'&Yuml;' => 'Ÿ', '&fnof;' => 'ƒ', '&circ;' => 'ˆ', '&tilde;' => '˜',
'&Alpha;' => 'Α', '&Beta;' => 'Β', '&Gamma;' => 'Γ', '&Delta;' => 'Δ',
'&Epsilon;' => 'Ε', '&Zeta;' => 'Ζ', '&Eta;' => 'Η', '&Theta;' => 'Θ',
'&Iota;' => 'Ι', '&Kappa;' => 'Κ', '&Lambda;' => 'Λ', '&Mu;' => 'Μ',
'&Nu;' => 'Ν', '&Xi;' => 'Ξ', '&Omicron;' => 'Ο', '&Pi;' => 'Π',
'&Rho;' => 'Ρ', '&Sigma;' => 'Σ', '&Tau;' => 'Τ', '&Upsilon;' => 'Υ',
'&Phi;' => 'Φ', '&Chi;' => 'Χ', '&Psi;' => 'Ψ', '&Omega;' => 'Ω',
'&alpha;' => 'α', '&beta;' => 'β', '&gamma;' => 'γ', '&delta;' => 'δ',
'&epsilon;' => 'ε', '&zeta;' => 'ζ', '&eta;' => 'η', '&theta;' => 'θ',
'&iota;' => 'ι', '&kappa;' => 'κ', '&lambda;' => 'λ', '&mu;' => 'μ',
'&nu;' => 'ν', '&xi;' => 'ξ', '&omicron;' => 'ο', '&pi;' => 'π',
'&rho;' => 'ρ', '&sigmaf;' => 'ς', '&sigma;' => 'σ', '&tau;' => 'τ',
'&upsilon;' => 'υ', '&phi;' => 'φ', '&chi;' => 'χ', '&psi;' => 'ψ',
'&omega;' => 'ω', '&thetasym;' => 'ϑ', '&upsih;' => 'ϒ', '&piv;' => 'ϖ',
'&ensp;' => ' ', '&emsp;' => ' ', '&thinsp;' => ' ', '&zwnj;' => '‌',
'&zwj;' => '‍', '&lrm;' => '‎', '&rlm;' => '‏', '&ndash;' => '–',
'&mdash;' => '—', '&lsquo;' => '‘', '&rsquo;' => '’', '&sbquo;' => '‚',
'&ldquo;' => '“', '&rdquo;' => '”', '&bdquo;' => '„', '&dagger;' => '†',
'&Dagger;' => '‡', '&bull;' => '•', '&hellip;' => '…', '&permil;' => '‰',
'&prime;' => '′', '&Prime;' => '″', '&lsaquo;' => '‹', '&rsaquo;' => '›',
'&oline;' => '‾', '&frasl;' => '⁄', '&euro;' => '€', '&image;' => 'ℑ',
'&weierp;' => '℘', '&real;' => 'ℜ', '&trade;' => '™', '&alefsym;' => 'ℵ',
'&larr;' => '←', '&uarr;' => '↑', '&rarr;' => '→', '&darr;' => '↓',
'&harr;' => '↔', '&crarr;' => '↵', '&lArr;' => '⇐', '&uArr;' => '⇑',
'&rArr;' => '⇒', '&dArr;' => '⇓', '&hArr;' => '⇔', '&forall;' => '∀',
'&part;' => '∂', '&exist;' => '∃', '&empty;' => '∅', '&nabla;' => '∇',
'&isin;' => '∈', '&notin;' => '∉', '&ni;' => '∋', '&prod;' => '∏',
'&sum;' => '∑', '&minus;' => '−', '&lowast;' => '∗', '&radic;' => '√',
'&prop;' => '∝', '&infin;' => '∞', '&ang;' => '∠', '&and;' => '∧',
'&or;' => '∨', '&cap;' => '∩', '&cup;' => '∪', '&int;' => '∫',
'&there4;' => '∴', '&sim;' => '∼', '&cong;' => '≅', '&asymp;' => '≈',
'&ne;' => '≠', '&equiv;' => '≡', '&le;' => '≤', '&ge;' => '≥',
'&sub;' => '⊂', '&sup;' => '⊃', '&nsub;' => '⊄', '&sube;' => '⊆',
'&supe;' => '⊇', '&oplus;' => '⊕', '&otimes;' => '⊗', '&perp;' => '⊥',
'&sdot;' => '⋅', '&lceil;' => '⌈', '&rceil;' => '⌉', '&lfloor;' => '⌊',
'&rfloor;' => '⌋', '&lang;' => '〈', '&rang;' => '〉', '&loz;' => '◊',
'&spades;' => '♠', '&clubs;' => '♣', '&hearts;' => '♥', '&diams;' => '♦'
public static function html_entity_decode ($html) {
return str_replace (array_keys (self::$entities), array_values (self::$entities), $html);
public function __construct ($DOMNode, $NS = '', $NS_URI = '') {
//use a DOMNode as a base point for all the XPath queries and whatnot
//(in DOMTemplate this will be the whole template, in DOMTemplateRepeater, it will be the chosen element)
$this->DOMNode = $DOMNode;
$this->DOMXPath = new DOMXPath ($DOMNode->ownerDocument);
//the painful bit. if you have an XMLNS in your template then XPath won’t work unless you:
// a. register a default namespace, and
// b. prefix all your XPath queries with this namespace
$this->NS = $NS; $this->NS_URI = $NS_URI;
if ($this->NS && $this->NS_URI) $this->DOMXPath->registerNamespace ($this->NS, $this->NS_URI);
//actions are performed on elements using xpath, but for brevity a shorthand is also recognised in the format of:
// #id - find an element with a particular ID (instead of writing './/*[@id="…"]')
// .class - find an element with a particular class
// element#id - enforce a particular element type (ID or class supported)
// #id@attr - select the named attribute of the found element
// element#id@attr - a fuller example
public function query ($query) {
//multiple targets are available by comma separating queries
$queries = explode (', ', $query);
//convert each query to real XPath:
foreach ($queries as &$query) if (
//is this the shorthand syntax?
preg_match ('/^([a-z0-9-]+)?([\.#])([a-z0-9:_-]+)(@[a-z-]+)?$/i', $query, $m)
) $query =
'.//'. //see <>
($this->NS ? $this->NS.':' : ''). //the default namespace, if set
(@$m[1] ? $m[1] : '*'). //the element name, if specified, otherwise "*"
($m[2] == '#' //is this an ID?
? "[@id=\"${m[3]}\"]" //- yes
: "[contains(@class,\"${m[3]}\")]" //- no, a class
(@$m[4] ? "/${m[4]}" : '') //optional attribute of the parent element
//run the real XPath query and return the nodelist result
return $this->DOMXPath->query (implode ('|', $queries), $this->DOMNode);
//specify an element to repeat (like a list-item):
//this will return an DOMTemplateRepeater class that allows you to modify the contents the same as with the base
//template but also append the results to the parent and return to the original element's content to go again
public function repeat ($query) {
//take just the first element found in a query and return a repeating template of the element
return new DOMTemplateRepeater ($this->query ($query)->item (0), $this->NS, $this->NS_URI);
//this sets multiple values using multiple xpath queries
public function set ($queries) {
foreach ($queries as $query => $value) $this->setValue ($query, $value); return $this;
//set the text content on the results of a single xpath query
public function setValue ($query, $value) {
foreach ($this->query ($query) as $node) $node->nodeValue = $node->nodeType == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE
? htmlspecialchars ($value, ENT_QUOTES) : htmlspecialchars ($value, ENT_NOQUOTES)
; return $this;
//set HTML content for a single xpath query
public function setHTML ($query, $html) {
foreach ($this->query ($query) as $node) {
$frag = $node->ownerDocument->createDocumentFragment ();
//if the HTML string is not valid, it won’t work
$frag->appendXML (self::html_entity_decode ($html));
$node->nodeValue = '';
$node->appendChild ($frag);
} return $this;
public function addClass ($query, $new_class) {
//first determine if there is a 'class' attribute already?
foreach ($this->query ($query) as $node) if (
$node->hasAttributes () && $class = $node->getAttribute ('class')
) {
//if the new class is not already in the list, add it in
if (!in_array ($new_class, explode (' ', $class)))
$node->setAttribute ('class', "$class $new_class")
} else {
//no class attribute to begin with, add it
$node->setAttribute ('class', $new_class);
} return $this;
//remove all the elements / attributes that match an xpath query
public function remove ($query) {
//this function can accept either a single query, or an array in the format of `'xpath' => true|false`.
//if the value is true then the xpath will be run and the found elements deleted, if the value is false
//then the xpath is skipped. why on earth would you want to provide an xpath, but not run it? because
//you can compact your code by using logic comparisons for the value
if (is_string ($query)) $query = array ($query => true);
foreach ($query as $xpath => $logic) if ($logic) foreach ($this->query ($xpath) as $node) if (
$node->nodeType == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE
) { $node->parentNode->removeAttributeNode ($node);
} else {
$node->parentNode->removeChild ($node);
} return $this;
//using `DOMTemplate->repeat ('xpath');` returns one of these classes that acts as a sub-template that you can modify and
//then call the `next` method to append it to the parent and return to the template's original HTML code. this makes
//creating a list stunning simple! e.g.
$item = $DOMTemplate->repeat ('.list-item');
foreach ($data as $value) {
$item->setValue ('.item-name', $value);
$item->next ();
class DOMTemplateRepeater extends DOMTemplateNode {
private $refNode;
private $template;
public function __construct ($DOMNode, $NS = '', $NS_URI = '') {
//we insert the templated item before or after the reference node,
//which will always be set to the last item that was templated
$this->refNode = $DOMNode;
//take a copy of the original node that we will use as a starting point each time we iterate
$this->template = $DOMNode->cloneNode (true);
//initialise the template with the current, original node
parent::__construct ($DOMNode, $NS, $NS_URI);
public function next () {
//when we insert the newly templated item, use it as the reference node for the next item and so on.
$this->refNode = ($this->refNode->parentNode->lastChild === $this->DOMNode)
? $this->refNode->parentNode->appendChild ($this->DOMNode)
//if there's some kind of HTML after the reference node, we can use that to insert our item
//inbetween. this means that the list you are templating doesn't have to be wrapped in an element!
: $this->refNode->parentNode->insertBefore ($this->DOMNode, $this->refNode->nextSibling)
//reset the template
$this->DOMNode = $this->template->cloneNode (true);
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