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Last active February 15, 2024 08:05
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Small howTo on generating deobfuscation maps for IL2CppInterop

To create a deobfuscation map for IL2CppInterop you need the unobfuscated version, and the obfuscated version of a game. you also need Cpp2IL.

.\Cpp2IL.exe --game-path "<path to obfuscated game root>" --exe-name <name of the game exe> --output-root ".\il2cpp_out_obf" --skip-analysis --skip-metadata-txts --disable-registration-prompts for the obfuscated, newer version and

.\Cpp2IL.exe --game-path "<path to normal game root>" --exe-name <name of the game exe> --output-root ".\il2cpp_out_deobf" --skip-analysis --skip-metadata-txts --disable-registration-prompts for the unobfuscated, old version.

then you can generate the mapping Il2CppInterop, the command looks as follows. .\Il2CppInterop.CLI.exe deobf generate --old-assemblies="<path to cpp2il>\il2cpp_out_deobf\" --new-assemblies="<path to cpp2il>\il2cpp_out_obf\" --output=".\map" --include="Assembly-CSharp"

that's it. just rename your maps to the games version and youre done.

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