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Created May 12, 2012 22:35
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engr 120 final: exxon-valdez oil spill simulation
% Script File: oilsim_project.m
% Exxon-Valdez Spill Simulation: Engr 120 Final Project
% Copyright (C) 2012 Cameron Carroll
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Originally Written: May 10 - 12, 2012
% Purpose: Simulation of Exxon-Valdez oil spill;
% Simulation acts according to the following rules:
% 1. Some percentage, (E%) evaporates out of a given grid.
% 2. Of the remaining oil in that grid, 10 / (10 + V) of the oil remains,
% where V is wind velocity in miles per hour.
% 3. Of the oil that dos not evaporate and does not remain,
% 40% move immediately to the east,
% 20% moves into the northeast and southeast grids (each),
% 10% moves into the north and south grids (each).
% Note that this simulation takes advantage of symmetry: From the middle
% row, changes propogate identically for the upper half and lower half of
% the graph.
% Default Values:
% # of gallons spilled = 100,000.00 gal. [Input range 0.0 - 100,000]
% Wind Velocity (miles per hour) = 0.1 mph. [Input range > 0]
% Evaporation Rate = 0.001 [Input range 0-1]
% Iterations = 300 [Input range > 0]
% Maximum Captures = 10 [Input range 1-25]
% Modifications:
% (none)
clear; clc;
pause on;
% Flags to indicate either console or google earth simulation modes:
% The generate_grid flag is used to regenerate the empty grid figure, but
% it's slow so don't leave it enabled.
console_simulation = 0;
map_simulation = 1;
generate_grid = 0;
if (map_simulation)
close all;
disp ' Engr 120 Final Project';
disp ' Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill Simulation';
disp ' ----------------------------------------';
disp ' (Leave fields blank for default values.)';
% Handle inputs and data validation ---------------------------------------
gallons_spilled = input(' Enter number of gallons spilled [Default 100,000]: ');
wind_velocity = input(' Enter wind velocity (mph) [Default 0.1]: ');
evap_rate = input(' Enter evaporation rate [Default 0.001] [Range 0-1]: ');
iterations = input(' Enter number of iterations to simulate [Default 300]: ');
default_gallons_spilled = 100000;
default_wind_velocity = 0.1;
default_evap_rate = 0.001;
default_iterations = 300;
if isempty(gallons_spilled)
gallons_spilled = default_gallons_spilled;
elseif (gallons_spilled > 100000)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [gallons spilled]');
gallons_spilled = default_gallons_spilled;
elseif (gallons_spilled < eps)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [gallons spilled]');
gallons_spilled = default_gallons_spilled;
if isempty(wind_velocity)
wind_velocity = default_wind_velocity;
elseif (wind_velocity > 100000)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [wind velocity]');
wind_velocity = default_wind_velocity;
elseif (wind_velocity < eps)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [wind velocity]');
wind_velocity = default_wind_velocity;
if isempty(evap_rate)
evap_rate = default_evap_rate;
elseif (evap_rate > 1)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [evap_rate]');
evap_rate = default_evap_rate;
elseif (evap_rate < eps)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [evap_rate]');
evap_rate = default_evap_rate;
if isempty(iterations)
iterations = default_iterations;
elseif (iterations > 10000)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [iterations]');
iterations = default_iterations;
elseif (iterations < 1)
warning('InputError:OutOfBounds', 'Input exceeded boundaries. [ierations]');
iterations = default_iterations;
% Seed data: Oil spill at leftmost column, middle row. --------------------
% Passive matrix is a copy of active, renewed on every iteration, used to
% hold the previous iteration's data for calculations.
active = repmat(eps, 23, 9);
passive = active;
active(12, 1) = gallons_spilled;
%h, v and d_rate represent percentages of oil moved into the east
%(horizonal), northeast/southeast (diagonal), or north/south (vertical)
h_rate = 0.40; %40% of oil moved (just east)
v_rate = 0.10; % 20% of oil moved (north and south)
d_rate = 0.20; %40% of oil moved (two diagonals)
% Handle calculation loop ------------------------------------------------
[rows cols] = size(active);
% Note that sym represents the symmetrical line, active(12, :)
% The value of sym is actually doubled because the indexing in the loop
% starts at 12 and goes up from there. (sym - ii) = negative if not
sym = (rows + 1);
% Captures is used to store the simulation state at various points.
captures = cell(1, 11);
captures{1} = active;
for tt = 1:iterations
if (console_simulation) && (mod(tt, 3) == 0)
elseif (map_simulation) && (mod(tt, 30) == 0)
captures{tt / 30 + 1} = active;
for ii = (rows+1)/2:rows-1
for jj = 1:cols-1
passive = active;
% Compute loss due to evaporation
active(ii, jj) = active(ii, jj) - passive(ii, jj) * evap_rate;
% Compute total oil displaced due to wind
oil_moved = active(ii, jj) * (wind_velocity / (10 + wind_velocity));
% Compute oil to remain in this grid
active(ii, jj) = active(ii, jj) - oil_moved;
% Compute oil movements: north and south
active(ii+1, jj) = active(ii+1, jj) + v_rate * oil_moved;
active(ii-1, jj) = active(ii-1, jj) + v_rate * oil_moved;
% Compute oil movements: northeast/southeast
active(ii+1, jj+1) = active(ii+1, jj+1) + d_rate * oil_moved;
active(ii-1, jj+1) = active(ii-1, jj+1) + d_rate * oil_moved;
% Compute oil movements: immediately east
active(ii, jj+1) = active(ii, jj+1) + h_rate * oil_moved;
% Perform same calculations again, but for upper half:
active(sym-ii, jj) = active(sym-ii, jj) - passive(sym-ii, jj) * evap_rate;
oil_moved = active(sym-ii, jj) * (wind_velocity / (10 + wind_velocity));
active(sym-ii, jj) = active(sym-ii, jj) - oil_moved;
active(sym-ii+1, jj) = active(sym-ii+1, jj) + v_rate * oil_moved;
active(sym-ii-1, jj) = active(sym-ii-1, jj) + v_rate * oil_moved;
active(sym-ii+1, jj+1) = active(sym-ii+1, jj+1) + d_rate * oil_moved;
active(sym-ii-1, jj+1) = active(sym-ii-1, jj+1) + d_rate * oil_moved;
active(sym-ii, jj+1) = active(sym-ii, jj+1) + h_rate * oil_moved;
% Try to load the existing empty grid figure; Flag for creation if it
% doesn't exist.
if (map_simulation)
empty_grid = hgload('emptygrid');
close all;
catch ME
switch ME.identifier
case 'MATLAB:load:couldNotReadFile'
warning('LoadError:FileNotFound', 'Couldnt load the figure file; Generating a new one...');
generate_grid = 1;
warning('LoadError:FileNotFound', 'Unknown error. Couldnt load figure file.');
generate_grid = 1;
% Helper function to generate the figure grid. This is only executed if the
% generate_grid flag is set manually, or there is no 'emptygrid.fig' file
% found in path.
if (generate_grid)
rows = 22;
cols = 9;
hold on;
for ii = 1:cols
for jj = 1:rows
x = linspace(ii, cols);
y = linspace(jj, jj);
plot(x, y);
for ii = 1:cols
for jj = 1:rows
x = linspace(ii, ii);
y = linspace(jj, rows);
plot(x, y);
axis([0 10 0 23]);
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
title('Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Simulation');
h1 = figure(1);
hgsave(h1, 'emptygrid');
close all;
% Plotting function. Note that 'relevant' consists of only rows 'within'
% simulation bounds, which excludes first and last row as well as the last
% column.
if (map_simulation)
rows = 21;
cols = 8;
emptyfig = load('emptygrid.fig', '-mat');
disp (char(10));
disp 'Drawing capture frames; This may take a moment...';
for ii = 1:length(captures)
current = struct2handle(emptyfig.hgS_070000, 0);
set(current, 'visible', 'off');
hold on;
relevant = captures{ii}(2:end-1, 1:end-1);
for jj = 1:rows
for kk = 1:cols
if relevant(jj, kk) > 0.001
scatter(kk+0.5, jj+0.5, 'k', 'filled');
thistitle = sprintf('Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Simulation -- Capture [%g/%g]', ...
ii, length(captures));
M(ii) = getframe;
disp 'Drawing finished; Displaying simulation animation...';
movie(M, 20);
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