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Created April 16, 2018 06:23
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8 bit block AES - Brute force attack
* 8-bit AES cipher.
* (C) Peter Breuer 2013 ( for any parts I’ve written
* myself, the whole of this source having been created by reverse
* engineering some unattributed fragments of C for larger block AES which I
* found publicly available on the web via Google with no licence or author
* named inside (or anywhere around, under, over, etc) those sources.
* For the record those sources were
* ecb_decrypt.c 806B
* ecb_encrypt.c 1089B
* simple_aes.c 2926B
* simple_aes_decr.c 3094B
* and if somebody can recognise and substantiate where those
* ultimately come from, I’ll be happy to acknowledge as appropriate.
* The total of comments in those files is
* ecb_decrypt.c // Encrypts input file to standard output.
* ecb_decrypt.c // Compile gcc ecb_encrypt.c simple_aes.o -o ecb
* ecb_decrypt.c // Usage: ecb inputfile>outputfile
* ecb_decrypt.c // Encrypts input file to standard output.
* ecb_encrypt.c // Compile gcc ecb_encrypt.c simple_aes.o -o ecb
* ecb_encrypt.c // Usage: ecb inputfile>outputfile
* I’m happy to place my code here under
* * Gnu General Public Licence Version 2 (June 1991) *
* the required rubric for which is
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* To get a copy of the GPL2, search for "GPL", "GPL-2", "GPL2" on the
* Internet, in particular at Otherwise "write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301 USA" for hardcopy.
* That licence means, paraphrasing, that you may use this source code
* and change it and redistribute it in source and/or binary form, but you
* must acknowledge where it comes from (i.e. include my name in the
* history) and provide source on demand or by default to whoever you
* distribute the binary to, and bind recipients of this or derived
* source to the same or a compatible licence. That means that they are
* free to change it, have to bind recipients of their binary or source
23 April 2013
* to the same or a compatible licence, etc. The upshot is that people
* who receive the compiled code always also get the right to change
* the source to suit themselves, and that right is inherited through
* any number of derivations and hand-offs.
* Not upholding your end of the licence terms means that the licence
* is automatically revoked, and then your use is governed by copyright
* law (which essentally means no use without permission, except for fair
* use exceptions as determined by copyright law).
* This file contains the Java simple_aes8 class, with its methods
* simple_aes8(byte) // makes a de/encryption device with key
* byte ecb_encrypt(byte) // encrypt one byte using key
* byte ecb_decrypt(byte) // decrypt one byte using key
* setkey(byte) // reset key
* setverbose() // make debugging noise
* setquiet() // make no debugging noise
* note: 8-bit key, 8-bit block.
public class simple_aes8 {
// 0->3->2->0; 1->1;
private static int[] sbox = { // permutation used in encryption
// 0->2->3->0; 1-1
private static int[] invsbox = { // inverse permutation
private byte key; // 8-bit key
private byte[] roundkeys = null; // derived keys
private int state; // modified by en/decryption
private boolean verbose = false;
private int interstate[] = new int[9]; // debugging encryption process
private int inverstate[] = new int[9]; // debugging decryption process
* Multiplication in GF(4). Field elements are integers in the range
* 0...3, which we think of as degree < 2 polynomials over GF(2).
* a1 a0 * b1 b0 =
* .. (b1b0+b1b1+b0b1)(a0b0+b1b1)
* (X**2 = X+1) since X**2+X+1 is irreducible mod 2.
private static int field_multiply(int a, int b) {
int ret = 0;
int[] xmultiples = new int[2]; // a, a*x
xmultiples[0] = a;
for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) // a*x^1 = x*(a*x^0)
xmultiples[i] = x_multiply(xmultiples[i - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if ((b & 1) != 0)
ret ^= xmultiples[i]; // b0*a+b1*a*x = b*a
b >>>= 1;
return ret;
* Multiplication by the element x (= 1*x+0*1 = "10") of the field
private static int x_multiply(int a) {
// 4 -> 3, i.e. x**2 -> x+1, so x**2 = x+1
switch (a) {
case 0:
return 0; // x*0 = 0
case 1: // x*1 = x
return 2;
case 2:
return 3; // x*x = x+1
case 3:
return 1; // x*(x+1) = x^2+x = 1
throw new NullPointerException();
* Make and install the derived keys from the original key
void setkey(byte key) {
if (this.key == key && roundkeys != null)
int[] w = new int[6]; // 4 bits each
roundkeys = new byte[3];
w[0] = (key >>> 4) & 0xf; // upper 4 bits of key
w[1] = key & 0xf; // lower 4 bits of key
w[2] = w[0] ^ (2*4) // 4 bits
^ ((sbox[w[1] & 0x3] << 2) | sbox[w[1] >>> 2]); // 4 bits
w[3] = w[1] ^ w[2]; // 4 bits
w[4] = w[2] ^ (3 * 4) // 4 bits
^ ((sbox[w[3] & 0x3] << 2) | sbox[w[3] >>> 2]); // 4 bits
w[5] = w[3] ^ w[4]; // 4 bits
roundkeys[0] = (byte)(key & 0xff); // 8 bits
roundkeys[1] = (byte)((w[2] << 4) | w[3]); // 8 bits
roundkeys[2] = (byte)((w[4] << 4) | w[5]); // 8 bits
// those roundkeys seem to have independent 4 bit components
pdebug("round keys: %04o\t%04o\t%04o\n",
roundkeys[0], roundkeys[1], roundkeys[2]);
this.key = key;
* Apply a subsitution in each of 4 groups of 2 bits each ("nibbles")
* to the state.
private void substitute_nibble() {
// apply sbox permutation to each nibble
int[] state_vector = new int[4]; // each is 2 bit!
int newstate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
state_vector[i] = sbox[state & 0x3]; // 2 bit
state >>>= 2;
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
newstate = (newstate << 2) | state_vector[i];
state = newstate;
* Apply inverse subsitution in each of 4 groups of 2 bits each ("nibbles")
* to the state.
private void inv_substitute_nibble() {
// apply inverse sbox permutation to each nibble
int[] state_vector = new int[4];
int newstate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
state_vector[i] = invsbox[state & 0x3]; // 2 bit
state >>= 2;
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
newstate = (newstate << 2) | state_vector[i];
state = newstate;
* Permute the nibbles. (x0,x1,x2,x3) -> (x2,x3,x0,x3)
* to the state.
private void swaprow() {
int[] state_vector = new int[4];
int newstate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
state_vector[i] = state & 0x3;
state >>= 2;
// swaps 0<->2 groups of 2 bits
// 1 0 0 0
// 0 0 0 1
// 0 0 1 0
// 0 1 0 0
newstate = (state_vector[3] << 6)
| (state_vector[0] << 4)
| (state_vector[1] << 2)
| (state_vector[2] << 0);
state = newstate;
* Apply a linear transform to the state as a vector of 4 nibbles
private void mixcolumns() {
int[] state_vector = new int[4]; // 2 bits each
int newstate = 0;
int oldstate = state;
int[] newstate_vector = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
state_vector[i] = state & 0x3; // 2 bits
state >>>= 2;
// matrix multiplication on groups of 2 bits
// 1 2 0 0
// 2 1 0 0
// 0 0 1 2
// 0 0 2 1
newstate_vector[3] = state_vector[3]
^ field_multiply(state_vector[2], 2);
newstate_vector[2] = state_vector[2]
^ field_multiply(state_vector[3], 2);
newstate_vector[1] = state_vector[1]
^ field_multiply(state_vector[0], 2);
newstate_vector[0] = state_vector[0]
^ field_multiply(state_vector[1], 2);
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
newstate = (newstate << 2) | newstate_vector[i];
state = newstate;
* Apply inverse linear transform to the state as a vector of 4 nibbles
private void inv_mixcolumns() {
int[] state_vector = new int[4];
int newstate = 0;
int[] newstate_vector = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) {
state_vector[i] = state & 0x3;
state >>>= 2;
// matrix multiplication on groups of 2 bits
// 3 1 0 0
// 1 3 0 0
// 0 0 3 1
// 0 0 1 3
newstate_vector[3] = field_multiply(state_vector[3], 3)
^ field_multiply(state_vector[2], 1);
newstate_vector[2] = field_multiply(state_vector[2], 3)
^ field_multiply(state_vector[3], 1);
newstate_vector[1] = field_multiply(state_vector[1], 3)
^ field_multiply(state_vector[0], 1);
newstate_vector[0] = field_multiply(state_vector[0], 3)
^ field_multiply(state_vector[1], 1);
for (int i = 3 ; i >= 0; i--)
newstate = (newstate << 2) | newstate_vector[i];
state = newstate;
* The debug generic printout routine. Only makes noise if verbose
* set.
private void pdebug(String format, int ... args) {
if (!verbose)
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
System.out.printf(format, args[0]);
case 2:
System.out.printf(format, args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
System.out.printf(format, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case 4:
System.out.printf(format, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
* encryption method applied to state
private void encrypt() {
// 0
pdebug("E state: %04o\n", state);
interstate[0] = state;
// 1
state ^= roundkeys[0];
pdebug("E Add round key: %04o\n", state);
interstate[1] = state;
// 2
substitute_nibble(); // code groups of 4 bits
pdebug("E Substitute: %04o\n", state);
interstate[2] = state;
// 3
swaprow(); // swap 0,2 groups
pdebug("E Swap rows: %04o\n", state);
interstate[3] = state;
// 4
mixcolumns(); // matrix multiply, preserves groups of 8 bits
pdebug("E Mix Columns: %04o\n", state);
interstate[4] = state;
// 5
state ^= roundkeys[1]; // hurr .. add a constant
pdebug("E Add round key: %04o\n", state);
interstate[5] = state;
// 6
substitute_nibble(); // SECOND coding!
pdebug("E Substitute: %04o\n", state);
interstate[6] = state;
// 7
swaprow(); // swap 0,2 groups
pdebug("E Swap rows: %04o\n", state);
interstate[7] = state;
// 8
state ^= roundkeys[2]; // .. add another constant
pdebug("E Add round key: %04o\n", state);
interstate[8] = state;
* decryption method applied to state
private void decrypt() {
// 0
pdebug("D state: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[0] = state;
// 1
state ^= roundkeys[2];
pdebug("D Add round key: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[1] = state;
// 2
pdebug("D Swap rows: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[2] = state;
// 3
pdebug("D Substitute: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[3] = state;
// 4
state ^= roundkeys[1]; // hurr .. add a constant
pdebug("D Add round key: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[4] = state;
// 5
pdebug("D Mix Columns: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[5] = state;
// 6
pdebug("D Swap rows: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[6] = state;
// 7
pdebug("D Substitute: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[7] = state;
// 8
state ^= roundkeys[0];
pdebug("D Add round key: %04o\n", state);
inverstate[8] = state;
* set in order to make more noise
public void setverbose() {
verbose = true;
* set in order to make less noise
public void setquiet() {
verbose = false;
* encryption method applied to a 8-bit plaintext
public byte ecb_encrypt(byte input_block) {
state = input_block & 0xff;
return (byte)state;
* decryption method applied to a 8-bit ciphertext
public byte ecb_decrypt(byte cipherblock) {
state = cipherblock & 0xff;
return (byte)state;
* constructor for a cipher object from a 8-bit key
public simple_aes8(byte key) {
* encrypt and decrypt random 8-bit text 100 times
static public void main(String [] args) {
// // 8-bit key
// byte key = REDACTED;
String ciphertext = "2216C88BFC753E591661FC75C4557522FC558B753E591661FC753E59167555D8E09B9B7545FCF055";
// Split ciphertext into blocks
// For each key (0, 2^8)
// Decrypt text
// Check manually for the correct decryption
} // end of class
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