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Last active September 25, 2017 13:41
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table.Properties Access table properties
t{i} Access by index
t(2:end,[1, 5]) From t make new table w/ specific cols/rows
{'var1','var2'} Also valid form to access cols
t.newVar = Add new col to table
t = datetime(timestamp) Create datetime table
hour(t), day(t), ...
t{[i j],'colName'} = {'';''} Modify values in position i,j of column in table
when sorting a list that has a relationship with another list,
one must also obtain the indexed values of the sort so that the relationship between both lists is kept:
[sorted_x, idx_vals] = sort(x);
sorted_y = y(idx_vals);
enums -> categorical(list). more memory efficient
categories(list) make array of categories found in list
useful flags:
reading tables: HeaderLines, CommentStyle
setdiff(a,b) return everything in a but not in b
useful functions:
nnz: count non zero matrix elements
any: determine which row/cols have a true value
ismissing: find all NaN, NaT, undefined indexes in a matrix
isnan: same as ismissing but only for NaN
When importing the data:
The numeric missing values are replaced by NaN.
The missing datetime values are replaced by NaT (not a time)
The missing categorical values are replaced by undefined.
valid_cats = categories(data.Var);
valid_cats = setdiff(valid_cats, 'N/A');
data.NewVar = mergecats(data.Var, valid_cats, 'Land');
data.NewVar = renamecats(data.Var, 'N/A', 'Sea')
Discretize: discretize(data.Var,bins,'Categorical',catnames)
function handle = reference to a function. Allows to pass fct as argument -> fct = @fct_name
When creating new table () extracts as table -> variable info but can't perform operations
{} extracts as cell -> can perform operations but no variable info
Main Datatypes:
Arrays: Use when heterogenous datatypes and no need for math ops.
- Struct: data accessible by name. s = struct()
- Cell: data accessible by index. c = {}
diff. sized strings s = {'', '', ''}
add/del/mod value -> c{i} = ''
Matrix: Use when homogenous datatypes and lots of math ops. v = []
same sized strings s = ['', '', '']
add/del cell -> c(i) = []
Table: Use when heterogenous variables but same col size. t = table()
Readtable to import from spreadsheet
Joining Tables:
[T1;T2] Concatenation
join(T1,T2) The key values in the first input all exist in the second input. If not, then reverse the input order.
innerjoin(T1,T2) inner join -> (AND)
outterjoin(T1,T2'Mergekeys',true) Outter join -> (OR). All empty values NaN
Basic graph properties:
hold Plot replacement behavior of axes
xlim/ylim/zlim Limits of the appropriate axis
grid Axes grid lines
axis Axis limits, shape, and appearance
colormap Map used to assign indexed colors in a figure
view 3-D viewpoint of axes
axis() square, tight, auto, fill
when trying to import data into a table from multiple files
1. create data store
2. adjust data store properties
3. import data
[grp_nums,grp_vals] = findgroups(v) -> given list, map to 1,2,3....
histcounts(list) -> histogram of number of occurrences of group in list
splitapply(@fct,data,groups): split list by afor created groups and apply input function
fig = gcf
ax = gca
obj = gco
% Read Table
data = readtable('fuelEconomy.txt','HeaderLines', 4);
% Find and delete NaN rows
nan_idx = ismissing(data.CombinedMPG);
data(nan_idx,:) = [];
% Categorize variable
bins = [0 20 30 70];
cat_names = {'Low','Medium','High'};
MPGClass = discretize(data.CombinedMPG,bins,cat_names);
MPGClass = categorical(MPGClass);
low_idx = MPGClass == 'Low';
medium_idx = MPGClass == 'Medium';
high_idx = MPGClass == 'High';
% Plot
scatter(data.CityMPG(low_idx), data.HighwayMPG(low_idx),8,'r','filled');
hold on;
scatter(data.CityMPG(medium_idx), data.HighwayMPG(medium_idx),8,'b','filled');
scatter(data.CityMPG(high_idx), data.HighwayMPG(high_idx),8,'k','filled');
xlabel('City MPG');
ylabel('Highway MPG');
hold off;
% Read data
dat = datastore('fuelEconomy2.txt');
dat.ReadSize = 362;
data =;
% Group by number of cylinders
[gNum,gVal] = findgroups(data.NumCyl);
% Find average by groups
avgMPG = splitapply(@mean,data.CombinedMPG,gNum);
% Create a bar chart
b = bar(avgMPG);
xlabel('Number of cylinders')
title('Average MPG')
% Customize the chart
f = gcf;
a = gca;
f.Color = [0.81 0.87 0.9];
a.Color = [0.81 0.87 0.9];
a.Box = 'off';
a.YAxisLocation = 'right';
a.YGrid = 'on';
a.GridColor = [1 1 1];
a.GridAlpha = 1;
a.XTickLabel = gVal;
a.YLim = [0 40];
ax = a.XAxis;
ax.TickDirection = 'out';
b.FaceColor = [0,0.31,0.42];
b.BarWidth = 0.5;
##### SURF
%% Create an XY grid from the raw data
xv = min(x):0.01:max(x);
yv = min(y):0.01:max(y);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xv,yv);
%% Interpolate the raw data and evaluate it on the X,Y grid
Z = griddata(x,y,z,X,Y);
##### PCOLOR
The pcolor function has the same syntax as surf. In fact, it actually creates a flat surface with ZData all set to 0 and CData set to Z.
>> pcolor(X,Y,Z)
%% Open file
fid = fopen('hurricaneData1960.txt');
%% TODO: Create a loop that reads the data until the end of the file
while ~feof(fid)
% Read header line
headerLine = fgetl(fid);
% Split up the line
txtCell = strsplit(headerLine);
% Find locations of M and =
mWhere = strcmp(txtCell,'M');
eqWhere = strcmp(txtCell,'=');
% Find the index value that follows 'M ='
idx = all([0 0 mWhere(1:end-2); 0 eqWhere(1:end-1)]);
% Assign that number to nLines
nLines = txtCell{idx};
nLines = str2double(nLines);
% Skip the next line
% Read in nLines of data
data = textscan(fid,'%D%f%f%f%f',nLines,'Delimiter','\t');
% Read the rest of the line
%% All done. Close the file
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