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Created September 9, 2017 12:05
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| # | Vulnerability | Explanation | How To Avoid |
| 1 | Injection | Malicious SQL, OS, LDAP commands sent into an interpreter as input | Use parametrized queries |
| 2 | Broken Auth. & Session Mgmt | Hardcoded cookies, sessiok tokens, plain text storage | Encrypt all account sensitive data, No credentials in URL, Sessions must timeout, Session ID's must be rotated |
| 3 | XSS | Occurs when app updated webpage with user content without sanitation. Types: stored: injected script stored at server. Reflected: result of script exe returned to website | Use Content Security Policy, Never insert user data into DOM, use correct HTML encoding for special characters |
| 4 | Broken Access Control | URL highjacking | Before giving access to any ressource, validate credentials of requesting user |
| 5 | Security Misconfiguration | Outdated software stack, uneccessary features/ports enabled,default accours enabled | Besides correcting the configurations already described, error messages should not print stack trace to client |
| 6 | Sensitive Data Exposure | Clear text or weak crypto storage/transmission of data | Salt + strong upt-to-date crypto algorithms, rotate algorithms, dont store unnecessary delicate data, no autocomplete in sensitive forms, use TSL |
| 7 | Insuficient Attack Protection | Non Resilient security | Actively detect and respond to attacks. WAF and SIEM systems are useful |
| 8 | CSRF | Malicious website with forget HTTP request takes advantage of browser automatically sending credentials like session cookies | samesite="strict", implement CSRF link tokens |
| 9 | Using Components with known vulnerabilities | Self explanatory | Self explanatory |
| 10 | Underprotected API | Not testing your API like you test the rest of your application | Ensure secured comm. between client and API, implement access control and input sanitation |
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