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Created April 22, 2021 04:30
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Multi-scale pixel statistics from an input image (paper by G. Impoco et al)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Multi-scale pixel statistics from
# Segmentation of structural features in cheese micrographs using pixel statistics
# by G. Impoco, L. Tuminello, N. Fucà, M. Caccamo and G. Licitra
# Available in:
# Adapted to Python by Camilo Martínez,
# Share and enjoy.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np
import timeit
def convolution_approach(img: np.ndarray, scales: int) -> np.ndarray:
img (np.ndarray): Input image.
scales (int, optional): Number of scales to consider, i.e neighboring window radius
in pixels.
np.ndarray: Feature vectors of the input image of shape (*img.shape, 4*3*scales)
directions = 4
gx_img, gy_img = np.gradient(img)
feature_vectors = np.zeros(
(img.size * 3 * directions * scales,), dtype=np.float64
computed_statistics_per_scale = np.zeros(
(scales, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], directions * 3), dtype=np.float64
for scale in range(1, scales + 1):
computed_statistics_per_dir = np.zeros(
(directions, *img.shape, 3), dtype=np.float64
filter_size = 2 * (scale - 1) + 3
orig = np.zeros((filter_size, filter_size), dtype=np.float64)
orig[:, 0] = 1 / filter_size
for c in range(directions):
# c = 0 -> North; c = 1 -> East; c = 2 -> South; c = 3 -> West
correlation_filter = np.rot90(orig, 3 - c, (0, 1))
convolution_filter = np.flip(correlation_filter)
directions_img = scipy.ndimage.convolve(
img, convolution_filter, cval=0.0, mode="constant"
directions_gx_img = scipy.ndimage.convolve(
gx_img, convolution_filter, cval=0.0, mode="constant"
directions_gy_img = scipy.ndimage.convolve(
gy_img, convolution_filter, cval=0.0, mode="constant"
computed_statistics_per_dir[c] = np.concatenate(
directions_img[..., np.newaxis],
directions_gx_img[..., np.newaxis],
directions_gy_img[..., np.newaxis],
computed_statistics_per_scale[scale - 1] = np.concatenate(
computed_statistics_per_dir[i][..., np.newaxis]
for i in range(directions)
).reshape(*img.shape, 3 * directions)
for i in range(scales):
feature_vectors[i::scales] = computed_statistics_per_scale[i].flatten()
return feature_vectors.reshape((*img.shape, 3 * directions * scales))
def naive_approach(img: np.ndarray, scales: int) -> np.ndarray:
img (np.ndarray): Input image.
scales (int, optional): Number of scales to consider, i.e neighboring window radius
in pixels.
np.ndarray: Feature vectors of the input image of shape (*img.shape, 4*3*scales)
padded_img = np.pad(img, scales, mode="constant")
gx, gy = np.gradient(padded_img)
feature_vectors = np.zeros((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 4 * 3 * scales))
z = 0
for i in range(scales, padded_img.shape[0] - scales):
for j in range(scales, padded_img.shape[1] - scales):
for scale in range(1, scales + 1):
N = padded_img[i - scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
E = padded_img[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j + scale]
S = padded_img[i + scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
W = padded_img[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j - scale]
N_gx = gx[i - scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
E_gx = gx[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j + scale]
S_gx = gx[i + scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
W_gx = gx[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j - scale]
N_gy = gy[i - scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
E_gy = gy[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j + scale]
S_gy = gy[i + scale, j - scale : j + scale + 1]
W_gy = gy[i - scale : i + scale + 1, j - scale]
neighbors = np.vstack((N, E, S, W))
avgs = np.mean(neighbors, axis=1)
neighbors_gx = np.vstack((N_gx, E_gx, S_gx, W_gx))
grads_x = np.mean(neighbors_gx, axis=1)
neighbors_gy = np.vstack((N_gy, E_gy, S_gy, W_gy))
grads_y = np.mean(neighbors_gy, axis=1)
feature_vectors[z, 4 * 3 * (scale - 1) : 4 * 3 * scale] = np.ravel(
(avgs, grads_x, grads_y), "F"
z += 1
return feature_vectors.reshape((*img.shape, 4 * 3 * scales))
def benchmark(scales: int = 1):
naive_times = [] # ms
convolution_times = [] # ms
sizes = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
for size in sizes:
img = np.random.randn(size, size)
1000 * timeit.timeit(lambda: convolution_approach(img, scales), number=5) / 5
1000 * timeit.timeit(lambda: naive_approach(img, scales), number=5) / 5
plt.title("Average running time")
plt.plot(sizes, naive_times, label="Naïve approach")
plt.plot(sizes, convolution_times, label="Convolution approach")
plt.ylabel("Time [ms]")
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