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Created October 15, 2015 07:41
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<div class="test">TEST</div>
// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
/// device map
/// format: device: ( width (smaller dimension), height (larger dimension ), ratio (optional)
$devices: (
'iPad': ( width: 768px, length: 1024px, minratio: 1 ),
'iPadR': ( width: 768px, length: 1024px, minratio: 2),
'iPhone': ( width: 320px, length: 480px, minratio: 1 ),
'iPhone4': ( width: 320px, length: 480px, minratio: 2 ),
'iPhone5': ( width: 320px, length: 568px, minratio: 2 ),
'iPhone6': ( width: 375px, length: 667px, minratio: 2 ),
'iPhone6+': ( width: 414px, length: 736px, minratio: 3 ),
/// Mixin to create a device-specific media query
/// @example scss
/// @include device( 'iPad', ){
/// width: 200px
/// }
/// @param {String} $device - the case-sensitive name of the device.
/// @param {String} $orientation [both] - Specify orientation. Allowed values are 'both', 'landscape', 'protrait'
@mixin device( $device, $orientation: 'both' ) {
@if map-has-key($devices, $device) {
$device: map-get($devices, $device);
$width: if( map-get( $device, width ), 'only screen and ( min-device-width : #{map-get($device, width)} )', '' );
$length: if( map-get( $device, length ), ' and ( max-device-width : #{map-get($device, length)} )', '' );
$min-ratio: if( map-get( $device, minratio ), ' and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: #{map-get($device, minratio)} )', '' );
$max-ratio: if( map-get( $device, maxratio ), ' and ( -webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: #{map-get($device, maxratio)} )', '' );
$orientation: if( $orientation not 'landscape' and $orientation not 'protrait', ' and ( orientation:#{$orientation} )', '' );
@media #{ $width + $length + $min-ratio + $max-ratio + $orientation } {
} @else {
@warn "No value could be retrieved for `#{$device}`. Please make sure it is defined in the `$devices` map.";
//test it
.test {
background-color: white;
// iPhone 5
@include device( 'iPhone5' ) {
background-color: pink;
// iPad with portrait orientation.
@include device( 'iPad', 'portrait' ) {
background-color: aliceblue;
// iPad with landscape orientation.
@include device( 'iPad', 'landscape' ) {
background-color: cornsilk;
.test {
background-color: white;
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 568px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (orientation: both) {
.test {
background-color: pink;
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) and (orientation: portrait) {
.test {
background-color: aliceblue;
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) and (orientation: landscape) {
.test {
background-color: cornsilk;
<div class="test">TEST</div>
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Camwyn commented Oct 15, 2015

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