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Last active December 28, 2023 06:38
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  • Save CannoHarito/e64199abc59b18f01a61f6af6b522c28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CannoHarito/e64199abc59b18f01a61f6af6b522c28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows版iTunesで再生中の楽曲を#NowPlayingをつけてツイートするページを開く cmd版,WSH(JScript)版,Powershell版
powershell (New-Object -C 'iTunes.Application').CurrentTrack^|%%{start(''+[Uri]::EscapeDataString(\"#NowPlaying $($_.Name) - $($_.Artist) ($($_.Album))\"))}
var t=new ActiveXObject("iTunes.Application").CurrentTrack;
new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run(""+encodeURIComponent("#NowPlaying "+t.Name+" - "+t.Artist+" (Album: "+t.Album+")"));
# $t=(New-Object -Com "iTunes.Application").CurrentTrack;
# Add-Type -AssemblyName ($w="System.Web");
# $w="$w.HttpUtility" -as [type];
# start (""+$w::UrlEncode("#NowPlaying $($t.Name) - $($t.Artist) (Album: $($t.Album))"))
# System.Uri の方で十分であった
# $t = (New-Object -Com "iTunes.Application").CurrentTrack;
# start ("" + [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString("#NowPlaying $($t.Name) - $($t.Artist) (Album: $($t.Album))"))
# ついでに一行にする
(New-Object -Com "iTunes.Application").CurrentTrack | % { start ("" + [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString("#NowPlaying $($_.Name) - $($_.Artist) (Album: $($_.Album))")) }
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