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Created March 18, 2018 18:48
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local discord = {}
local config = assert(file.Read("discordrelay_config.json"), "Discord config file not found...")
config = assert(util.JSONToTable(config), "Invalid Discord config!")
local endpoints = endpoints or {}
endpoints.base = ""
endpoints.channels = endpoints.base .. "/channels"
endpoints.guilds = endpoints.base .. "/guilds"
endpoints.users = endpoints.base .. "/users"
endpoints.webhooks = endpoints.base .. "/webhooks"
local function getCode(code)
local codes = {
[200] = "OK",
[201] = "CREATED",
[204] = "NO CONTENT",
[304] = "NOT MODIFIED",
[400] = "BAD REQUEST",
[403] = "FORBIDDEN",
[404] = "NOT FOUND",
return string.format("[%s] %s", tostring(code), code > 502 and "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" or codes[code] or "Unknown Error")
local function getJsonCode(code)
local jsoncodes = {
[10001] = "Unknown account",
[10002] = "Unknown application",
[10003] = "Unknown channel",
[10004] = "Unknown guild",
[10005] = "Unknown integration",
[10006] = "Unknown invite",
[10007] = "Unknown member",
[10008] = "Unknown message",
[10009] = "Unknown overwrite",
[10010] = "Unknown provider",
[10011] = "Unknown role",
[10012] = "Unknown token",
[10013] = "Unknown user",
[10014] = "Unknown Emoji",
[20001] = "Bots cannot use this endpoint",
[20002] = "Only bots can use this endpoint",
[30001] = "Maximum number of guilds reached (100)",
[30002] = "Maximum number of friends reached (1000)",
[30003] = "Maximum number of pins reached (50)",
[30005] = "Maximum number of guild roles reached (250)",
[30010] = "Too many reactions",
[30013] = "Maximum number of guild channels reached (500)",
[40001] = "Unauthorized",
[50001] = "Missing access",
[50002] = "Invalid account type",
[50003] = "Cannot execute action on a DM channel",
[50004] = "Widget Disabled",
[50005] = "Cannot edit a message authored by another user",
[50006] = "Cannot send an empty message",
[50007] = "Cannot send messages to this user",
[50008] = "Cannot send messages in a voice channel",
[50009] = "Channel verification level is too high",
[50010] = "OAuth2 application does not have a bot",
[50011] = "OAuth2 application limit reached",
[50012] = "Invalid OAuth state",
[50013] = "Missing permissions",
[50014] = "Invalid authentication token",
[50015] = "Note is too long",
[50016] = "Provided too few or too many messages to delete. Must provide at least 2 and fewer than 100 messages to delete.",
[50019] = "A message can only be pinned to the channel it was sent in",
[50021] = "Cannot execute action on a system message",
[50034] = "A message provided was too old to bulk delete",
[50035] = "Invalid Form Body",
[50036] = "An invite was accepted to a guild the application's bot is not in",
[50041] = "Invalid API version",
[90001] = "Reaction blocked"
return string.format("[%s] %s", tostring(code), jsoncodes[code])
local function isValidHTTPMethod(method)
local valid = {
["GET"] = true,
["POST"] = true,
["HEAD"] = true,
["PUT"] = true,
["DELETE"] = true,
["PATCH"] = true,
["OPTIONS"] = true
return valid[method:upper()] or false
local function check(cnd, f)
return cnd and (cnd(f) and f)
function discord.HTTPRequest(x)
assert(istable(x), "Invalid HTTP Request")
--[ A Glua HTTP Request looks like this:
---- method : string
---- url : string
---- type : string
---- headers : string
---- parameters : kv table
---- body : string
---- success : function
---- failed : function
-- validation
local method = assert(x.method and check(isstring, x.method) and check(isValidHTTPMethod, x.method), "Invalid HTTP Method: " .. tostring(x.method or ""))
local uri = assert(x.uri and check(isstring, x.uri), "Invalid URI: " .. tostring(x.uri or ""))
local ctype = check(isstring, x.type) or "application/json"
local parameters = check(istable, x.parameters) or ""
local body = x.body and (check(istable, x.body) and util.TableToJSON(x.body)) or util.TableToJSON({
["content"] = tostring(x.body)
}) or ""
local headers = x.headers and assert(check(istable, x.headers), "Invalid Headers: " .. tostring(x.headers)) or assert(config.token and {
["Authorization"] = "Bot " .. config.token,
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Content-Length"] = #body,
["User-Agent"] = "DiscordBot (, 1.0.0)"
}, "Missing Discord Token...")
local success = check(isfunction, x.success) or nil
local failed = check(isfunction, x.failed) or nil
local request = {
method = method,
url = uri,
type = ctype,
headers = headers,
parameters = parameters,
body = body,
success = success,
failed = failed,
return HTTP(request)
function discord.GetChannel(id)
local a = nil
method = "get",
uri = endpoints.channels .. "/" .. tostring(id),
success = function(...) a = ... end
while true do
if a then
return a
local co = coroutine.create(function()
hook.Add("Think", "coroutine_test", function()
local ok, err = coroutine.resume(co)
if not ok then
print(ok, err)
hook.Remove("Think", "coroutine_test")
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