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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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AppleScript Samples

刚写了一段同步 mac 与 android 手机 特定文件夹的 script 😄

tell application "Finder"
set folder_video to folder "Documents:Projects:temp" of home
set file_name_list to (name of files in folder_video whose name ends with "flv")
count file_name_list
set folder_dest to folder "temp" of second disk
set file_name_list_dest to name of every file of folder_dest
count of file_name_list_dest
repeat with f_ref in file_name_list
if f_ref is not in file_name_list_dest then
log f_ref
get name of (file f_ref of folder_video)
duplicate (file f_ref of folder_video) to folder_dest
end if
end repeat
eject second disk
end tell

先还是要称赞一下 Apple 的 Mail,比Windows 的 Live Mail 要强太多了:+1:。之前我只是简单的输入了一下Google Apps的账号信息,它就能替我同步邮件了,甚至我都没有在Google Apps 中enable 它的 smtp 和 imtp,太神奇了。而到了Live Mail 这边,就不行了,必须一步一步设置,甚至连端口号,都得我从网上去查。但是这样一来,就带了一点麻烦,因为之前 Mail 已经为我同步了邮件,enable Google Apps 的 smtp 和 imtp 之后,它又替我把每一封邮件重复下载了一遍。还好,我用下面这段 AppleScript 把重复的邮件都删除了,非常好的练手机会。

tell application "Mail"
tell second account
tell mailbox "INBOX"
set c to count of messages
set dup to 0
set dup_msg to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (c - 1)
set m to item i of messages
set m_next to item (i + 1) of messages
if date sent of m = date sent of m_next then
set dup to dup + 1
if id of m < id of m_next then
set end of dup_msg to m
set end of dup_msg to m_next
end if
end if
end repeat
get (c - dup)
log dup
repeat with item_ref in dup_msg
delete item_ref
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
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