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Created August 3, 2023 02:19
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  • Save CaptainPalapa/88b601384eef38870a51836eef4f0cb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Setting up websocket from dynamic URL in node-red
"id": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"type": "tab",
"label": "MyBot - Socket",
"disabled": true,
"info": "",
"env": []
"id": "http-request",
"type": "http request",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "Slack: Get WS URL",
"method": "POST",
"paytoqs": "ignore",
"url": "",
"tls": "",
"persist": false,
"proxy": "",
"insecureHTTPParser": false,
"authType": "",
"senderr": false,
"headers": [],
"x": 160,
"y": 320,
"wires": [
"id": "generate-websocket-url",
"type": "function",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "Generate WebSocket URL",
"func": "const fnFlow = flow.get(\"fnFlow\");\nconst dynamicInfo = msg.payload;\nflow.set(\"websocket\", fnFlow.createWebsocket(dynamicInfo.url));\n\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 160,
"y": 440,
"wires": [
"id": "websocket",
"type": "function",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "WebSocket Connection",
"func": "// Fetch the WebSocket connection\nconst ws = flow.get(\"websocket\")\n\n// Handle incoming WebSocket messages\nws.on(\"message\", function (message) {\n // Do something with the received message\n node.warn(JSON.parse(message));\n node.send({ payload: message });\n});\n\n// Handle WebSocket close event\nws.on(\"close\", function () {\n // Optionally, handle the close event\n node.warn(\"WebSocket connection closed.\");\n});\n\n// Handle WebSocket error event\nws.on(\"error\", function (error) {\n // Optionally, handle the error event\n node.error(\"WebSocket connection error: \" + error.message);\n});\n\n// Save the WebSocket connection in context to keep it open\ncontext.set(\"websocketConnection\", ws);\n\n// Do not send anything to the output\nreturn null;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 470,
"y": 280,
"wires": [
"id": "b608c6dbebb2cfe0",
"type": "inject",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
"payload": "",
"payloadType": "date",
"x": 160,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "ed36fbb616227da1",
"type": "change",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "Set up Request",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "{}",
"tot": "json"
"t": "set",
"p": "headers",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "{\"Content-type\":\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\",\"Authorization\":\"Bearer [token here]\"}",
"tot": "json"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 160,
"y": 260,
"wires": [
"id": "6f518d25c5e6542f",
"type": "require",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "require ws",
"module": "ws",
"field": "ws",
"fieldType": "flow",
"x": 110,
"y": 60,
"wires": [
"id": "1895ea2c15e7bc86",
"type": "json",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "",
"property": "payload",
"action": "",
"pretty": false,
"x": 160,
"y": 380,
"wires": [
"id": "778b9695920de8dc",
"type": "function",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "Define flow function library...",
"func": "\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "// Code added here will be run once\n// whenever the node is started.\nconst fnFlow = {\n \"test1\": function () {\n return \"Test 1!\";\n }\n , \"createWebsocket\": function (url) {\n // Variable \"ws\" is set in the \"require ws\" node\n var websocket = flow.get(\"ws\");\n // Establish the WebSocket connection\n return new websocket(url);\n }\n , \"getUsername\": function(userId){\n node.warn(`Not yet implemented....`);\n node.warn(`Finding name for ${userId}`);\n }\n};\nflow.set(\"fnFlow\", fnFlow);\n",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 360,
"y": 60,
"wires": [
"id": "21210eee98092063",
"type": "debug",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "debug 1",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": false,
"complete": "false",
"statusVal": "",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 470,
"y": 360,
"wires": []
"id": "2d1bf8eab4f9bcd4",
"type": "complete",
"z": "0a8a0f7d0b4143ac",
"name": "Websocket Ready",
"scope": [
"uncaught": false,
"x": 470,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
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