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CaraCara / PayloadBruteforce
Created February 10, 2014 00:39
PayloadBruteforce - Alpha release example, simplistic, stupid.
require 'openssl'
require 'digest/sha2'
# This encryption/decryption routine is borrowed from someplace online, I will annotate where later, but the basis of the encryption/decryption is typical openssl useage in Ruby from what I can gather.
payload = "puts 'Plans for Blofelds newest Doomsday Device. This is top secret!'"# 99,9% of the text is in tact a stray " ' " was causing me issue, so I removed it, and the puts is obviously for testing execution. This was left in tact to aid in verifying where the encryption/decryption routine was from.
sha256 =
aes ="AES-256-CFB")
key = sha256.digest("15") #Set this to be something simple and so it could overshoot to prove it was not just sequential.
#IV Was left out as this is just to prove the feasability. In actuality it could be randomized as much as wanted.
aes.key = key
CaraCara / [02-24-14] Challenge #149 [Easy] Disemvoweler
Created March 3, 2014 05:30
Reddit - Daily Programmer - [02-24-14] Challenge #149 [Easy] Disemvoweler
puts "Please input the alpha characters to remove: " #Simply asking for input of letters to remove.
removals = gets.split('') #Gets the alpha characters, without any seperation, and splits them into an array.
#removals.pop #Input takes RETURN as character in array, pops off the stack.
puts removals #Showing nothing unusual.
puts "Please enter something to remove alpha character from: " #Asking for sentance 'block' of text to de alpha characterize.
block = gets #Block = Input
mutated =, "") #Holding it after the array converted to a string, and replaced in block text.
puts mutated #Show me the money
finale = (block.split('') - mutated.split('')) #Compares the entered block, and the mutated block.
finale.delete(" ") #Delete spaces from array so we can have it nice and neat.