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Last active May 5, 2018 15:29
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i3 plasma 5 mash-up
# Modify i3 config
for_window [title="Desktop — Plasma"] kill; floating enable; border none
# Add following to ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/
# Disable KWin and use i3gaps as WM
export KDEWM=/usr/bin/i3
# Use wmctrl to kill the Plasma desktop view:
wmctrl -c Plasma
# Compositor (Animations, Shadows, Transparency)
# xcompmgr -C
compton -cCFb --backend glx --vsync opengl
# Move background file to allow for feh and i3 to work
sudo mv /usr/bin/ksplashqml /usr/bin/ksplashqml.old
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