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Last active June 23, 2022 15:55
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Bank or Client Pay in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Example where
import Language.Marlowe.Extended
main :: IO ()
main = printJSON $ contract "Bank" "Client" 5 50 (TimeParam "BankDeadline") (TimeParam "ClientDeadlines")
{- Define a contract where the Bank makes an initial deposit and the Client makes a series of deposits of
a specified amount until the Bank contract is paid off. If the Client fails to make all the deposits, the
Bank is paid its deposit, plus the client deposits, otherwise the Client receives all the deposits. -}
contract :: Party -> Party -> Integer -> Integer -> Timeout -> Timeout -> Contract
contract bank client count amount clientDeadline bankDeadline = When
[Case (deposit bank) (clientObligation 1)]
pay :: Party -> Party -> Contract --Payment Contract
pay role1 role2 = Pay role1 (Party role2) ada (AvailableMoney role1 ada) Close --allows for two switchable "Role" parties
deposit :: Party -> Action --Deposit Contract
deposit p = do
if p == "Client" --checking for "Client" or "Bank"
then do
Deposit p p ada (Constant (amount * 1000)) --50*1000 (converting to ada)
else do
Deposit p p ada (Constant (amount * count * 1000)) --50*count*1000 (full deposit converted to ada)
clientObligation :: Integer -> Contract --function made to check for client's deposit obligation
clientObligation i = do
if (count - i) > 0
then do
(When [Case (deposit client)
(clientObligation (i + 1))] --recursive call
(pay client bank)
else do
(When [Case (deposit client) --client makes last obligated deposit
(pay bank client)]
{"valueParameterInfo":[],"timeParameterDescriptions":[],"roleDescriptions":[],"contractType":"Other","contractShortDescription":"Unknown","contractName":"Unknown","contractLongDescription":"We couldn't find information about this contract","choiceInfo":[]}
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Thanks for posting your solution. Interesting to see how you solved it using a counter. Maybe you would be interested in comparing with my solution, where I use 'foldr' ; see line 38 in

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