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Last active November 18, 2023 22:26
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Gruvbox material colorscheme for i3wm
#### Gruvbox Material Light ####
set $bg #fbf1c7
set $fg #654735
set $red #c14a4a
set $orange #c35e0a
set $green #6c782e
set $blue #45707a
set $purple #945e80
set $aqua #4c7a5d
set $darkgray #fbf1c7
#### Gruvbox Material Dark ####
set $bg #282828
set $fg #d4be98
set $red #ea6962
set $orange #e78a4e
set $green #a9b665
set $blue #7daea3
set $purple #d3869b
set $aqua #89b482
set $darkgray #282828
#### BAR ####
bar {
colors {
# bar background color
background $bg
# text color used for blocks that do not have a color specified.
statusline $fg
# workspaces section
# border backgr. text
focused_workspace $orange $orange $bg
inactive_workspace $bg $aqua $bg
active_workspace $bg $blue $bg
urgent_workspace $red $red $fg
#### i3 appearance ####
# Gruvbox Theme brdr bg text indictr chld_brdr
client.focused $orange $orange $bg $orange $orange
client.focused_inactive $aqua $aqua $bg $aqua $aqua
client.unfocused $bg $bg $bg $bg $bg
client.urgent $red $red $bg $red $red
client.placeholder $bg $bg $bg $bg $bg
client.background $bg
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i used my color scheme in sway at my dotfile repo

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