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Created September 1, 2017 16:27
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Global Environment helpers for rstudio
# Environment Utilities ----------------------------------------------
#' Clean all lines out of the console.
#' \code{env.clear_console}
#' Rstudio Server can get really slow if a lot of text, especially unicode
#' or foreign data types are sitting in the GUI. This function is the equiv
#' of \code{Edit > Ctrl + L}
#' @family Environment utilities
#' @export
env.clear_console <- function(){
#' Function to index every object in an environment or namespace
#' \code{env.idx}
#' This function is helpful when space becomes cluttered, or even for finding
#' and calling alternate variables or functions from within a space
#' @param filter_class string or character vector, Pass the class of objects
#' to be returned, if NULL, the default, return all.
#' @param env string This variable interprets the input as a package name, or
#' the default, global, the working invironment. This is the environment from
#' which we want the objects from.
#' @param pattern A regular expression or string to find in the environment.
#' @return
#' \format{
#' A data frame with 77 observations on the following 2 variables.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{obj_name}}{\emph{a character vector}
#' This is the name of the object within the
#' active, or called namespace.}
#' \item{\strong{obj_type}}{\emph{a character vector}
#' The class of the object. Such as character,
#' data.frame, environment etc.}
#' }
#' }
#' @author Carl S.A. Boneri, \email{}
#' @examples
#' ============ ========
#' obj_name obj_type
#' ============ ========
#' . function
#' aaply function
#' adply function
#' alply function
#' amv_dimnames function
#' a_ply function
#' ============ ========
#' @export
env.idx <- function(filter_class = NULL, env = 'global', pattern = NULL){
if(env != 'global'){
if(!grepl('^package', env)){
get_from <- sprintf('package:%s', env)
}else {
get_from <- env
}else {
get_from <- .GlobalEnv
var_jects <- ls(pos = get_from, all.names = TRUE)
IDX <-
ldply(var_jects, function(i){
IST <-
ifelse(env != 'global',
class(get(i, pos = get_from)),
i_size <- object.size(deparse(substitute(i)))
c(obj_name = i,
obj_type = IST)
IDX$`obj_size(kb)` <- unlist(llply(1:nrow(IDX), function(i){
object.size(get(IDX$obj_name[[i]])) * 0.001
IDX$`obj_size(mb)` <- unlist(llply(1:nrow(IDX), function(i){
object.size(get(IDX$obj_name[[i]])) * 1e-6
IDX <- IDX %>% filter(grepl(filter_class,obj_type)) %>%
}else {
IDX <- IDX %>%
IDX <- IDX[grepl(pattern, IDX$obj_name),]
#' Function for clearing all objects from cache in a session
#' \code{env.clear_objects}
#' Working in an environment or in an app can mean the workspace or
#' in-memory storage can get bogged down with unecessary data objects. This
#' can impact speed or simply clutter the space itself. This function will
#' remove all objects that are not functions in the current environment.
#' @family Environment utilities
#' @export
env.clear_objects <- function(keep_pat = NULL){
the_objz <- sapply(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), function(i){
is.function(get(i, envir = .GlobalEnv))
}) %>% .[!.] %>% names
the_objz <- the_objz[stri_detect_regex(
the_objz, pattern = keep_pat,
negate = TRUE
rm(list = the_objz, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#' Clear all created functions from an environment
#' \code{env.clean_funs}
env.clear_funs <- function(keep_pat = NULL){
the_funz <- ldply(mapply(function(x){
}, ls(env = .GlobalEnv))
) %>% select(.id, mode_of = 2) %>%
mode_of == "function"
) %>% .$.id
the_funz <- the_funz[stri_detect_regex(
the_funz, pattern = keep_pat,
negate = TRUE
rm(list = the_funz, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#' Create a new Global Environment
#' \code{}
#' Works much like calling \code{\link{new.env()}} but allows passing a string
#' argument to assign to the environment namespace. Useful within function calls
#' where a new env can be used to mask operations and send outputs early to
#' outside functions while the intended function completes its steps.
#' @param env_name String, the name of the new environment.
#' @examples
#' <- function(env_name = NULL){
check_name <- tryCatch(is.character(env_name), error = function(e)FALSE)
assign(env_name, new.env(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
}else {
set_name <- deparse(substitute(env_name))
assign(set_name, new.env(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
#' A wrapper to make everything silent
#' \code{shh}
shh <- function(...){
# env.ensure <- function(x = NULL, create_if_not = TRUE, silent = FALSE){
# chk <- tryCatch(x, error = function(e){
# # Possibly the cheapest, ugliest work-around I've ever pulled...
# (gsub("^(.*?)object '|' not found>$","",capture.output(e)))
# })
# if(!is.environment(chk)){
# if(!create_if_not){
# return(chk)
# }else {
# assign(chk, new.env(), envir = .GlobalEnv) %>% (function(x){
# if(typeof(x) == "environment"){
# point <- as.environment(x)
# if(!silent){
# return(point)
# }
# }
# })
# }
# }else {
# point <- as.environment(chk)
# if(!silent){
# return(point)
# }
# }
# }
#' Return an object as an environment
#' \code{env.ensure}
#' Primarily for both ensuring an environment exists, as well as allowing
#' for flexibility in the input format between a quoted, or non-quoted
#' object.
#' If the object-variable does not exists, the name passed into the function
#' will be assigned into the \code{.GlobalEnv} as a new object.
#' If the object-variable already exists, nothing is created.
#' @param e_in The name of the environment to check for or create
#' @return
#' The calling identity of the parent frame: ie the calling parents
#' unique id.
#' @examples
#' > env.ensure(e_in = this_new_e)
#' <environment: 0x0000000019de5fc0>
#' > this_new_e
#' <environment: 0x0000000019de5fc0>
#' > env.ensure(e_in = "this_new_e1")
#' <environment: 0x0000000019f5f018>
env.ensure <- function(e_in = NULL){
e_in <- names(as.quoted(substitute(e_in)))
var_e <- new.env()
assign(e_in, var_e, envir = .GlobalEnv)
}else if(is.environment(e_in)){
var_e <- as.environment(e_in)
}else {
var_e <- as.environment(get(e_in, envir = .GlobalEnv))
}else {
var_e <- environment()
#' Assign a data object into an environment
#e_assign <- function(.x = NULL, .name = NULL, .e_out = globalenv(), ...){
# lapply(as.list( = TRUE))[-1],
# > e_assign(.x = iris, .name = iris_data, .e_out = 'carl1', my = function(u)u + 1)
# $.x
# [1] FALSE
# $.name
# [1] FALSE
# $.e_out
# [1] FALSE
# $my
# [1] TRUE
#' Check if a library is loaded in the environment
#' \code{env.lib_lookup}
env.lib_lookup <- function(lib = NULL){
get_loaded <- gsub("package:", "", grep(
paste0(sessionInfo()[[5]], collapse = "|")),
search(), value = TRUE, perl = TRUE))
if(!lib %in% get_loaded){
if(!lib %in% row.names(installed.packages())){
cat(sprintf('The %s package is not installed locally', lib))
}else {
library(lib, character.only = TRUE)
}else {
# Library and Package utils ------------------------------------------
#' Helper function to ensure no outputs from loading or detaching libraries
#' \code{libs.shh}
#' @param x The list of libraries to be loaded
#' @param lib_action Either adding libraries or removing.
#' @family Loading functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.detach}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.load}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.shh}}
#' @export
libs.shh <- function(x, lib_action = c('add','detach')){
if(length(lib_action) == 2){
lib_action_f <- "library"
}else {
lib_action_f <- switch(lib_action,
'add' = "library",
'detach' = "detach")
lapply(x, function(i){,list(i, character.only = T))
#' Get all of the libraries loaded into a namespace that are not part of base
#' \code{}
#' @family Loading functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.detach}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.load}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.shh}}
#' @export <- function(){
#' Helper function for loading multiple libraries from a loop
#' \code{libs.load}
#' Useful function for loading libraries in a clean loop silently and from
#' a reference list. Helpful in \code{shiny} as included in the global.R or
#' the server.R scripts, as a clean way to save space and ensure package deps
#' are loaded properly.
#' @param add_lib string Add a library to the default list which is set by the
#' function itself.
#' @return NULL
#' @family Loading functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.detach}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.load}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.shh}}
#' @author Carl S.A. Boneri, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Currently loaded libraries
#' > cat(paste0(c("#'",, collapse = " \code{'\n'}#' # "))
#' # package:roxygen2
#' # package:jsonlite
#' # package:rCharts
#' # package:sodium
#' # package:dplyr
#' # package:plyr
#' # package:reshape2
#' # package:stringi
#' # package:RCurl
#' # package:bitops
#' # package:curl
#' # package:rvest
#' # package:httr
#' # package:htmlwidgets
#' # package:htmltools
#' # package:leaflet
#' # package:shiny
#' # Now detach only curl
#' libs.detach("curl")
#' > ls(pos = "package:curl")
#' Error in as.environment(pos) :
#' no item called "package:curl" on the search list
#' # Deatch every package that is loaded into the environment
#' libs.detach()
#' # verify that all are detached
#' >
#' character(0)
#' # Load all of the defaults back in
#' > libs.load()
#' > cat(paste0(c("#'",, collapse = " \code{'\n'}#' # "))
#' # package:jsonlite
#' # package:rCharts
#' # package:sodium
#' # package:dplyr
#' # package:plyr
#' # package:reshape2
#' # package:stringi
#' # package:RCurl
#' # package:bitops
#' # package:curl
#' # package:rvest
#' # package:httr
#' # package:htmlwidgets
#' # package:htmltools
#' # package:leaflet
#' # package:shiny
#' # Add devtools, knitr and roxygen2 to the default list
#' > libs.load(add_lib = c("devtools", "knitr","roxygen2"))
#' > cat(paste0(c("#'",, collapse = " \code{'\n'}#' # "))
#' # package:roxygen2
#' # package:knitr
#' # package:devtools
#' # package:jsonlite
#' # package:rCharts
#' # package:sodium
#' # package:dplyr
#' # package:plyr
#' # package:reshape2
#' # package:stringi
#' # package:RCurl
#' # package:bitops
#' # package:curl
#' # package:rvest
#' # package:httr
#' # package:htmlwidgets
#' # package:htmltools
#' # package:leaflet
#' # package:shiny
#' @export
libs.load <- function(add_lib = NULL){
default_libs <- list(
default_libs <- append(default_libs, add_lib)
libs.shh(default_libs, lib_action = "add")
#' Detach all packages and libraries from a workspace or environment
#' \code{libs.detach}
#' @param lib_name Names of libraries to detach if we're not detaching all
#' @family Loading functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.detach}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.load}},
#' @seealso \code{\link{libs.shh}}
#' @export
libs.detach <- function(lib_name = NULL){
bye_libs <- sprintf("package:%s", lib_name)
}else {
bye_libs <-
libs.shh(bye_libs, lib_action = "detach")
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