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Last active December 28, 2016 11:47
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A pmap function in Racket (Scheme)
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list
; Objective: Building an equivalent to Clojure's PMAP .
; PMAP is a lot like MAP. As a first step, let's build our own MAP .
; Let's assume we want to use MAP like this:
(printf "Sample MAP usage: ")
(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9) '(10 11 12))
; Running that yields: '(22 26 30) (I hand checked, it's correct).
; I don't know how MAP is defined, but presumably to take a variable number
; of arguments its LAMBDA header looks something like this:
; (lambda map (f . args) ...
; i.e. it actually takes 2 arguments, namely f and a list of the other args.
; Here's a list for testing with:
(define test-list '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11 12)))
(printf "test-list: ")
; Here's how to run MAP with this list as arguments:
(printf "(apply map + test-list): ")
(apply map + test-list)
; Using MAP to apply "+" to this list, taken as arguments, would mean
; computing ((+ 1 4 7 10) (+ 2 5 8 11) (+ 3 6 12))
; Clearly, this would be a lot easier if this data structure were transposed,
; i.e. if TEST-LIST was a matrix we'd like to have rows and columns swapped.
; Then we'd just need to prepend the function to each sublist and we could
; execute all sublists to obtain our result.
; Given a "matrix" of M rows by N columns, TRANSPOSE starts off by using
; MAKE-LIST in the "starting value" expression of FOLDR to create a list
; containing N empty lists (= NULL). It then calls an anonymous (internal
; LAMBDA) function that uses FOR/LIST to isolate, pair-wise, corresponding
; pairs of simple list values from the accumulator list (ACC) and from the
; current row of LSTS, passed in as ROWS, and to CONS the items from the row
; (in E) onto the corresponding row in the accumulator (in A). FOLDR starts at
; the end of the input list, so for my test data, after its first iteration, the
; accumulator contains '((10) (11) (12)). Next round, it prepends the contents
; of row 3, making ACC '((7 10) (8 11) (9 12)) .
(define transpose
(lambda (lsts)
(lambda (acc rows)
(for/list ([a acc][e rows]) (cons a e)))
(make-list (length (car lsts)) null)
(printf "(transpose test-list): ")
(transpose test-list)
; As Andreas Per Olsson has pointed out to me, TRANSPOSE is trivial if you have
; MAP already:
(define apo-transpose
(lambda (lsts)
(map list lsts)))
(printf "(apo-transpose test-list): ")
(transpose test-list)
; We can use APPLY to prepend the function and FOR/LIST to do that with each
; sub-list. So here's MY-MAP:
(define my-map
(lambda (f . lists)
(for/list ([one (transpose lists)])
(apply f one))))
(printf "(my-map * '(2 3) '(5 7)): ")
(my-map * '(2 3) '(5 7))
(printf "(apply my-map + test-list: ")
(apply my-map + test-list)
; Given this fairly simple definition of MY-MAP, it's pretty easy to build
; a list of FUTUREs instead, and TOUCH the resulting list:
(define my-pmap
(lambda (f . lists)
(map touch
(for/list ([one (transpose lists)])
(future (lambda ()
(apply f one)))))))
; MY-PMAP yields the same result as MY-MAP, as it should:
(printf "(apply my-pmap + test-list: ")
(apply my-pmap + test-list)
; To show that MY-PMAP is actually parallelizing, let's make a slow operation.
; (It's a good thing Racket doesn't optimize this useless loop away!)
(define slow-job
(lambda (how-slow)
(do ([j 0 (add1 j)])
((> j how-slow) #f))))
(define slow-plus
(lambda lists
(slow-job 10000000)
(apply + lists)))
; here's a function to time a thunk's execution.
; If VF is true, visualize it too.
(define my-time
(lambda (thunk vf)
(and vf (start-future-tracing!))
(let ([t0 (current-inexact-milliseconds)]
[result (thunk)]
[t1 (current-inexact-milliseconds)])
(and vf (begin
(printf "time: ~a ms.~n" (round (- t1 t0)))
; Run it using MY-MAP:
(printf "~napply my-map slow-plus test-list: ")
(my-time (lambda ()
(apply my-map slow-plus test-list))
; MY-PMAP yields the same result as MY-MAP, as it should:
(printf "~napply my-pmap slow-plus test-list: ")
(my-time (lambda ()
(apply my-pmap slow-plus test-list))
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CarlSmotricz commented Dec 27, 2016


Sample MAP usage:           '(22 26 30)
test-list:                  '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (10 11 12))
(apply map + test-list):    '(22 26 30)
(transpose test-list):      '((1 4 7 10) (2 5 8 11) (3 6 9 12))
(apo-transpose test-list):  '((1 4 7 10) (2 5 8 11) (3 6 9 12))
(my-map * '(2 3) '(5 7)):   '(10 21)
(apply my-map + test-list:  '(22 26 30)
(apply my-pmap + test-list: '(22 26 30)

apply my-map slow-plus test-list:  time: 512.0 ms.
'(22 26 30)

apply my-pmap slow-plus test-list: time: 181.0 ms.
'(22 26 30)```

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