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Created August 30, 2015 13:10
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  • Save CarlSmotricz/0c886cd7701d393ee66b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Some Clojure code to calculate frequencies for names of countries and cities in a given text.
(ns countries.core
(:use [ :only [reader]]
[clojure.string :only [lower-case join]]
[clojure.set :only [union]]))
; Regexp for a word in a city or country name.
; A country name may contain multiple words (space separated).
; African names may contain "!",
; Arabic names have lots of apostrophes (also backquotes),
; French (and other) names have hyphens.
; The Alpha class takes care of international chars.
(def rex-name #"[-!'`[\p{Alpha}]]+")
; Set of lower-cased country names.
; May be multi-word, i.e. contain blanks.
(def countries (->> "resources/countries.txt"
(map lower-case)
; Set of lower-cased city names.
; May be multi-word, i.e. contain blanks.
(def cities (->> "resources/city.txt"
(map lower-case)
; Text to be scanned, as a sequence of words as per rex-name.
(def text (->> "resources/article.txt"
(mapcat #(re-seq rex-name %))
(map lower-case)))
; Print up to 5 of the "longest" names, i.e. those
; with the greatest number of words (mnp).
; This is for interest/verification only;
; it's not part of the required functionality.
(defn print-longest-names
[mnp names-set]
(->> names-set
(filter #(= (count (re-seq rex-name %)) mnp))
(take 5)
(map println)))
; Return the sub-map of freqs with non-zero counts.
(defn nonzero-freqs
(apply hash-map (apply concat (filter (fn [[k v]] (pos? v)) freqs))))
; For a single position in the sequence of words, return a new frequency
; map with an incremented count for the name at the beginninig of the
; sequence, or the unchanged frequency map.
; For each position, we need to loop over possible word combinations
; up to the maximum number of word parts for any name in the data.
; This function is meant to be used with REDUCE on a list of frequencies
; initially all 0 and a collection of subsets of the text sequence provided
; A function used with REDUCE takes only 2 args! So the first 2 args are
; provided by currying (using PARTIAL) in the function calling REDUCE.
(defn tally
[parts-end names freqs txt-seq]
(if-let [name (some names (for [n (range 1 parts-end)] (join " " (take n txt-seq))))]
(assoc freqs name (inc (get freqs name)))
; Given a set of country names, a set of city names and a sequence of
; text words, find the frequencies of each kind of name.
; We calculate frequencies for a combined set of country and city names,
; filter out the non-zero ones, and then separate countries and cities for display.
(defn find-frequencies [country-set city-set text-seq]
(let [merged-names (union country-set city-set)
most-name-parts (apply max (map #(count (re-seq rex-name %)) merged-names))
parts-end (inc most-name-parts)
; _ (print-longest-names most-name-parts merged-names)
merged-freqs (apply hash-map (interleave merged-names (repeat 0)))
; _ (prn "merged-freqs:" merged-freqs)
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; The heavy lifting is done in this call to REDUCE with TALLY
frequencies (reduce (partial tally parts-end merged-names)
(take-while seq (iterate rest text)))
; -----------------------------------------------------------
filtered-freqs (nonzero-freqs frequencies)]
(println (format "Country frequencies:\n%s\n----------\nCity frequencies:\n%s"
(select-keys filtered-freqs countries)
(select-keys filtered-freqs cities)))))
(time (find-frequencies countries cities text))
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