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Created January 31, 2015 16:13
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module HsList ( List(..)
, fromList
, (+++)
, singleton
, map
, length
, intersperse
, intercalate
, concat
, and
, or
, any
, all
, iterate
, head
, init
, tail
, last
, take
, drop
, splitAt
, takeWhile
, span
) where
import Prelude hiding ( map
, length
, intersperse
, intercalate
, concat
, iterate
, splitAt
, takeWhile
, span
, head
, init
, tail
, last
, take
, drop
, and
, or
, any
, all)
data List a = a :+ (List a)
| Nil
infixr 4 :+
instance (Show a) => Show (List a) where
show Nil = "[]"
show xs = let str = mkString $ intersperse ", " $ map show xs
in "[" ++ str ++ "]"
xs, ys :: List Int
xs = 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ Nil
ys = 15 :+ 42 :+ 52 :+ 22 :+ Nil
xss :: List (List Int)
xss = xs :+ ys :+ Nil
fromList :: [a] -> List a
fromList = foldr (:+) Nil
(+++) :: List a -> List a -> List a
Nil +++ ys = ys
(x :+ xs) +++ ys = x :+ (xs +++ ys)
singleton :: a -> List a
singleton x = x :+ Nil
length :: List a -> Int
length Nil = 0
length (_ :+ xs) = 1 + length xs
mkString :: List String -> String
mkString Nil = ""
mkString (cs :+ css) = cs ++ mkString css
head :: List a -> Maybe a
head Nil = Nothing
head (x :+ _) = Just x
init :: List a -> List a
init Nil = error "init: empty list"
init (x :+ y :+ Nil) = singleton x
init (x :+ xs) = x :+ (init xs)
tail :: List a -> List a
tail Nil = Nil
tail (x :+ xs) = xs
last :: List a -> Maybe a
last Nil = Nothing
last (x :+ Nil) = Just x
last (x :+ xs) = last xs
map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map _ Nil = Nil
map f (x :+ xs) = f x :+ map f xs
intersperse :: a -> List a -> List a
intersperse _ Nil = Nil
intersperse _ l@(x :+ Nil) = l
intersperse y (x :+ xs) = x :+ y :+ (intersperse y xs)
concat :: List (List a) -> List a
concat Nil = Nil
concat (xs :+ xss) = xs +++ (concat xss)
intercalate :: List a -> List (List a) -> List a
intercalate ys xss = concat (intersperse ys xss)
and :: List Bool -> Bool
and Nil = True
and (b :+ bs) = b && (and bs)
or :: List Bool -> Bool
or Nil = False
or (b :+ bs) = b || (or bs)
any :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool
any _ Nil = False
any p (x :+ xs) = p x || (any p xs)
all :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool
all _ Nil = True
all p (x :+ xs) = p x && (all p xs)
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> List a
iterate step v = v :+ iterate step (step v)
take :: Int -> List a -> List a
take _ Nil = Nil
take n (x :+ xs) | n > 0 = x :+ take (n - 1) xs
| otherwise = Nil
drop :: Int -> List a -> List a
drop _ Nil = Nil
drop n l@(x :+ xs) | n > 0 = drop (n - 1) xs
| otherwise = l
splitAt :: Int -> List a -> (List a, List a)
splitAt _ Nil = (Nil, Nil)
splitAt 0 xs = (Nil, xs)
splitAt n (x :+ xs) = let (fst, snd) = splitAt (n - 1) xs
in if n > 0
then (x :+ fst, snd)
else (fst, x :+ snd)
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
takeWhile _ Nil = Nil
takeWhile p (x :+ xs) = if p x
then x :+ takeWhile p xs
else Nil
span :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
span _ Nil = (Nil, Nil)
span p rest@(x :+ xs) = if p x
then let (fst, snd) = span p xs
in (x :+ fst, snd)
else (Nil, rest)
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