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Created July 17, 2014 08:16
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List imap mail folders with parent and child relationship
* List the with parent and child relationship
object ImapFolders extends App {
val folders = List(
" Phil",
" Phil.PO",
" Factory",
" Messages",
" Factory",
" Message",
//The gist divide the following steps into two steps for better illustration
//Actually, step 1 and 2 can be merged together...
// Step 1:
// Find grouped folders foreach elemented
// If the size of a group is one, this means its group member is itself
val groupedFolders =
folders map (x => findGroup(x, folders))
//groups which have children
val groupsWithChildren = groupedFolders filter (_.length > 1)
// Check whether any group it is a child of other groups.
// If yes, remove it
val uniqueGroupedFolders = groupedFolders filter { x =>
//Loop though all groupsWithChildren
//Check if any of them contains x,
// If x is contained in subgroups,
// need to remove x in this group to avoid duplication
if(inSubgroup(x, groupsWithChildren)) false
else true
uniqueGroupedFolders foreach (println)
// Step 2:
// For each group whose member size is larger than 3,
// we need to do similar stuffs recursively since subgroup may exist
val groupedResult = uniqueGroupedFolders map { grp =>
if(grp.length >= 3)
divideSubgroup(grp, 0)
groupedResult foreach println
def divideSubgroup(group: List[String], level:Int):List[Any] = {
//Remeber that the first elem is parent, So start with the second elem
val subGroup = group.tail
val grpedFolders = subGroup map (x => findGroup(x, subGroup))
val grpsWithChildren = grpedFolders filter (_.length > 1)
val uniqueGrpedFolders = grpedFolders filter { x =>
if(inSubgroup(x, grpsWithChildren)) false
else true
//If the group size is 1, means no subgroup
val children = uniqueGrpedFolders filter (_.length == 1)
//If the group size > 2, means it is a potential subgroup
val potentialSubgroups = uniqueGrpedFolders filter (_.length > 1)
val result:List[Any] = (group.head ::
potentialSubgroups.foldLeft(result) { (r, sub) =>
r ::: List(divideSubgroup(sub, level + 1))
def inSubgroup(elem:List[String], haystack:List[List[String]]):Boolean = {
for(compare <- haystack) {
if(compare.length > elem.length
&& compare.toSet.intersect(elem.toSet) == elem.toSet)
return true
return false
def findGroup(elem: String, haystack: List[String]):List[String] = {
//Find all elements startWith "elem." in "haystack"
//e.g. if "elem" is "",
//then and similar items should be
return elem :: haystack.filter(_.startsWith(s"$elem."))
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