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Created December 19, 2022 11:05
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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 19
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- Description : Advent of Code - 2022 / Tag 19
-- see [Advent of Code 2022 - day 19](
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Y2022.Day19.Solution where
import CommonParsers (Parser, numberP, runParser)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as PC
yearNr :: Int
yearNr = 2022
dayNr :: Int
dayNr = 19
run :: IO ()
run = do
putStrLn $ "YEAR " <> show yearNr <> "/ DAY " <> show dayNr
input <- loadInput
let result1 = part1 input
putStrLn $ "\t Part 1: " ++ show result1
let result2 = part2 input
putStrLn $ "\t Part 2: " ++ show result2
putStrLn "---\n"
-- solutions
part1 :: Input -> Int
part1 = qualityLevel 24
part2 :: Input -> Int
part2 = solve2
-- data model
type Input = BluePrints
data Material
= Ore
| Clay
| Obsidian
| Geode
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Cost = Int
data RobotBluePrint = Robot
{ robotMines :: Material
, robotCosts :: [(Material, Cost)]
deriving (Show)
type BluePrint = [RobotBluePrint]
type BluePrints = [BluePrint]
data Robots = Robots
{ oreRobots :: Int
, clayRobots :: Int
, obsidianRobots :: Int
, geodeRobots :: Int
deriving (Show)
data Materials = Materials
{ ores :: Int
, clays :: Int
, obsidians :: Int
, geodes :: Int
deriving (Show)
-- Algorithm
type Minutes = Int
type Count = Int
qualityLevel :: Minutes -> Input -> Count
qualityLevel totalTime =
sum . zipWith (\i bp -> i * solveBluePrint bp totalTime) [1 ..]
solve2 :: Input -> Count
solve2 =
product . map (`solveBluePrint` 32) . take 3
solveBluePrint :: BluePrint -> Minutes -> Count
solveBluePrint bluePrint =
solve oRo cRo obRo obRc gRo gRO
oRo = snd $ head $ robotCosts oreRob
cRo = snd $ head $ robotCosts clayRob
[obRo, obRc] = map snd $ robotCosts obsidianRob
[gRo, gRO] = map snd $ robotCosts geodeRob
(oreRob, clayRob, obsidianRob, geodeRob) =
case bluePrint of
[oreRob, clayRob, obsidianRob, geodeRob] -> (oreRob, clayRob, obsidianRob, geodeRob)
_ -> error "wrong config"
solve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Minutes -> Count
solve oreRobotOreCost clayRobotOreCost obsidianRobotOreCost obsidianRobotClayCost geodeRobotOreCost geodeRobotObsidianCost =
go 0 (1, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0, 0) (False, False, False)
go !bestSoFar (_, _, _, _) (_, _, _, !geodes) _ 0 = max bestSoFar geodes
go !bestSoFar (!oreRobots, !clayRobots, !obsidianRobots, !geodeRobots) (!ore, !clay, !obsidian, !geodes) (couldProduceOreRobot, couldProduceClayRobot, couldProduceObsidianRobot) timeLeft
| (timeLeft * (timeLeft - 1) `div` 2) + geodes + geodeRobots * timeLeft <= bestSoFar = bestSoFar
| obsidian >= geodeRobotObsidianCost && ore >= geodeRobotOreCost =
(oreRobots, clayRobots, obsidianRobots, geodeRobots + 1)
(ore + oreRobots - geodeRobotOreCost, clay + clayRobots, obsidian + obsidianRobots - geodeRobotObsidianCost, geodes + geodeRobots)
(False, False, False)
(timeLeft - 1)
| otherwise =
accum bestSoFar (withNewOreRobot ++ withNewClayRobot ++ withNewObsidianRobot ++ justProduce)
accum best [] = best
accum best (opt : more) =
let best' = opt best
in accum best' more
justProduce =
[ \best ->
(oreRobots, clayRobots, obsidianRobots, geodeRobots)
(ore + oreRobots, clay + clayRobots, obsidian + obsidianRobots, geodes + geodeRobots)
(canProduceOreRobot, canProduceClayRobot, canProduceObidianRobot)
(timeLeft - 1)
canProduceObidianRobot = clay >= obsidianRobotClayCost && ore >= obsidianRobotOreCost
| not couldProduceObsidianRobot && obsidianRobots < maxObsidianCost && canProduceObidianRobot =
[ \best ->
(oreRobots, clayRobots, obsidianRobots + 1, geodeRobots)
(ore + oreRobots - obsidianRobotOreCost, clay + clayRobots - obsidianRobotClayCost, obsidian + obsidianRobots, geodes + geodeRobots)
(False, False, False)
(timeLeft - 1)
| otherwise = []
canProduceClayRobot = ore >= clayRobotOreCost
| not couldProduceClayRobot && clayRobots < maxClayCost && canProduceClayRobot =
[ \best ->
(oreRobots, clayRobots + 1, obsidianRobots, geodeRobots)
(ore + oreRobots - clayRobotOreCost, clay + clayRobots, obsidian + obsidianRobots, geodes + geodeRobots)
(False, False, False)
(timeLeft - 1)
| otherwise = []
canProduceOreRobot = ore >= oreRobotOreCost
| not couldProduceOreRobot && oreRobots < maxOreCost && canProduceOreRobot =
[ \best ->
(oreRobots + 1, clayRobots, obsidianRobots, geodeRobots)
(ore + oreRobots - oreRobotOreCost, clay + clayRobots, obsidian + obsidianRobots, geodes + geodeRobots)
(False, False, False)
(timeLeft - 1)
| otherwise = []
maxOreCost = maximum [oreRobotOreCost, clayRobotOreCost, obsidianRobotOreCost, geodeRobotOreCost]
maxClayCost = obsidianRobotClayCost
maxObsidianCost = geodeRobotObsidianCost
-- load and parse input
loadInput :: IO Input
loadInput = loadFile "input.txt"
loadExample :: IO Input
loadExample = loadFile "example.txt"
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO Input
loadFile file = do
txt <- readFile ("./src/Y" <> show yearNr <> "/Day" <> show dayNr <> "/" <> file)
pure $ parseText txt
parseText :: String -> Input
parseText = map (runParser bluePrintP) . lines
bluePrintP :: Parser BluePrint
bluePrintP = do
_ <- PC.string "Blueprint " *> (numberP :: Parser Int) <* PC.string ": "
robotBluePrintP `P.sepBy1` PC.string " "
robotBluePrintP :: Parser RobotBluePrint
robotBluePrintP = do
_ <- PC.string "Each "
mat <- materialP
_ <- PC.string " robot costs "
costs <- costsP
_ <- PC.string "."
pure $ Robot mat costs
costsP :: Parser [(Material, Cost)]
costsP = (swap <$> costP) `P.sepBy1` PC.string " and "
costP :: Parser (Cost, Material)
costP = (,) <$> (numberP <* PC.string " ") <*> materialP
materialP :: Parser Material
materialP = P.choice [oreP, clayP, obisidanP, geodeP]
oreP = Ore <$ PC.string "ore"
clayP = Clay <$ PC.string "clay"
obisidanP = Obsidian <$ PC.string "obsidian"
geodeP = Geode <$ PC.string "geode"
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