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Created December 2, 2019 15:10
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vuejs input text example
// Component
var VInputText = Vue.extend({
props: {
value: { type: String, required: true, default:'' },
placeholder: { type: String, required: true, default:'請輸入資料' },
maxLength: { type: Number, required: false, default:10},
minLength: { type: Number, required: false, default:0},
regx: { type: String, required: false, default: "" },
regxMsg: { type: String, required: false, default: "格式錯誤" },
hasButton: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false },
buttonWord: { type: String, required: false, default: false, default: "送出" },
buttonEvent: { type: Function, required: false},
template: `<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-primary">
<input type="num" ref="datedom" v-bind:placeholder="placeholder" v-model="value" />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary ml-md-3" v-on:click="buttonEvent(value)" v-text="buttonWord"></button>
<div class="w-100 d-inline p-2 mt-1 bg-danger text-white" v-if="msg">
<span v-text="msg"></span>
data: () => data = { msg: ''},
created: function(){},
mounted: function() {
console.log("test func",typeof buttonEvent);
this.$nextTick(function () {
methods: {
checkRegx: function(data) {
if(!!this.regx) {
// 有格式檢查
if(!new RegExp(this.regx).test(data)) {
this.msg = this.regxMsg;
} else {
this.msg = '';
checkLength: function(data) {
if(data.length > this.maxLength) {
console.log("b",data.length, this.minLength);
this.msg = `字數必須少於${this.maxLength}`;
return false;
if(data.length < this.minLength) {
console.log("l",data.length, this.minLength);
this.msg = `字數最少要${this.minLength}`;
return false;
if(data.length >= this.minLength && data.length <= this.maxLength ) {
this.msg = '';
return true;
return true;
watch: {
value: function(newValue, oldValue){
// 檢查長度
if(!this.checkLength(newValue)) {
this.value = oldValue;
this.$emit('update:value', oldValue)
} else {
this.$emit('update:value', newValue)
// register
Vue.component('v-input-text', VInputText)
// create a root instance
new Vue({
el: '#example',
data: {
inputData: ["hello"]
test: function(value) {
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