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Created October 29, 2016 03:05
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% Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
% Your class should be named solution
main() ->
readAll() ->
readAll([], io:get_chars("", 4096)).
readAll(In, eof) ->
[StringN|Lines] = string:tokens(lists:flatten(lists:reverse(In)), "\n"),
{list_to_integer(StringN), Lines};
readAll(In, Data) ->
readAll([Data|In], io:get_chars("", 4096)).
createPhoneBook({N, Queries}) ->
createPhoneBook({N, Queries}, #{}).
createPhoneBook({0, Queries}, PhoneBook) ->
{Queries, PhoneBook};
createPhoneBook({N, [Entry|Lines]}, PhoneBook) ->
[Key, Value] = string:tokens(Entry, " "),
createPhoneBook({N-1, Lines}, maps:put(Key, Key ++ "=" ++ Value ++ "\n", PhoneBook)).
runQueries({[], _PhoneBook}) ->
runQueries({[Key|Queries], PhoneBook}) ->
io:put_chars(maps:get(Key, PhoneBook, "Not found\n")),
runQueries({Queries, PhoneBook}).
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