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Created August 10, 2011 01:29
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Save CashWilliams/1135808 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AEgir - hostmaster install for non-standard install (osx based)
* This file helps install aegir on osx, not using the standard AEgir user
* create a host entry for your machine name (Cash-Williamss-MacBook-Pro.local)
* run drush hostmaster-install --aegir_root=/path/to/aegir
* @file install the hostmaster system
function drush_provision_hostmaster_install_validate($site = NULL) {
// set defaults for this whole script
// those are settings that are not prompted to the user but still overridable
drush_set_default('version', provision_version());
$version = drush_get_option('version');
drush_set_default('aegir_root', drush_get_option('aegir_root', drush_server_home()));
drush_set_default('root', drush_get_option('aegir_root') . '/' . 'hostmaster-' . $version);
drush_set_default('r', drush_get_option('root'));
drush_set_default('script_user', provision_current_user());
drush_set_default('web_group', _provision_default_web_group());
drush_set_default('http_service_type', 'apache');
drush_set_default('drush_make_version', '6.x-2.2');
drush_set_default('aegir_db_user', 'root');
drush_set_default('client_name', 'admin');
$aegir_db_user = drush_get_option('aegir_db_user');
drush_set_default('makefile', dirname(__FILE__) . '/aegir.make');
drush_print("Aegir $version automated install script");
if (!$site || !drush_get_option('aegir_host', NULL) || !drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL) || filter_var(drush_get_option('client_email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
drush_print("Some settings have not been provided and will now be prompted.
Don't worry: you will get to review those settings after the final install");
// now we prompt the user for settings if not provided or not sane
if (!$site) {
$site = drush_prompt(dt("Aegir frontend URL"), provision_fqdn());
drush_set_option('site', $site);
// drush_set_default('aegir_host', provision_fqdn());
drush_set_default('aegir_host', 'localhost');
drush_set_default('aegir_db_host', 'localhost');
if (is_null(drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL))) {
// XXX: may not be portable everywhere?
system('stty -echo');
drush_set_option('aegir_db_pass', drush_prompt(dt('MySQL privileged user ("!root") password', array('!root' => $aegir_db_user))));
system('stty echo');
print "\n"; // add a newline since the user's didn't print
if (drush_get_option('aegir_host') == 'localhost') {
$default_email = '';
} else {
$default_email = 'webmaster@' . drush_get_option('aegir_host');
while (!filter_var(drush_get_option('client_email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$client_email = drush_prompt(dt("Admin user e-mail"), $default_email);
drush_set_option('client_email', $client_email);
This script will operate the following changes in your system:
1. Create server-level configuration directories
2. Download drush_make
3. Create the Hostmaster frontend platform
4. Install the frontend site
5. Setup the dispatcher (a user cron job)
We are making the following assumptions:
* you have read and are following the install instructions at:
* the FQDN of this machine is valid and resolves
* you are executing this script as your "aegir" user
The following settings will be used:
Aegir frontend URL: !site
Master server FQDN: !fqdn
Aegir root: !home
Aegir user: !user
Web group: !web
Web server: !web_server
Aegir DB host: !db_host
Aegir DB user: !db_user
Aegir DB password: !db_pass
Drush make version: !drush_make
Aegir version: !version
Aegir platform path: !root
Aegir makefile: !makefile
Admin email: !email
', array('!site' => $site,
'!fqdn' => drush_get_option('aegir_host'),
'!home' => drush_get_option('aegir_root'),
'!user' => drush_get_option('script_user'),
'!web' => drush_get_option('web_group'),
'!web_server' => drush_get_option('http_service_type'),
'!db_host' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_host'),
'!db_user' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_user'),
'!db_pass' => is_null(drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL, 'process')) ? '<previously set>' : '<prompted>',
'!drush_make' => drush_get_option('drush_make_version'),
'!version' => drush_get_option('version'),
'!root' => drush_get_option(array('r', 'root')),
'!makefile' => drush_get_option('makefile'),
'!email' => drush_get_option('client_email'),
if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to proceed with the install'))) {
return drush_set_error('PROVISION_CANCEL_INSTALL', dt('Installation aborted by user'));
return TRUE;
function drush_provision_hostmaster_install($site = NULL) {
$version = drush_get_option('version');
$site = drush_get_option('site', provision_fqdn());
$aegir_root = drush_get_option('aegir_root');
$platform = drush_get_option(array('r', 'root'));
$aegir_db_user = drush_get_option('aegir_db_user');
$aegir_db_pass = drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass');
$server = '@server_master';
$master_context = array(
'context_type' => 'server',
// files
'remote_host' => drush_get_option('aegir_host'),
'aegir_root' => $aegir_root,
'script_user' => drush_get_option('script_user'),
// apache or nginx or..
'http_service_type' => drush_get_option('http_service_type'),
'web_group' => drush_get_option('web_group'),
'master_url' => "http://" . $site,
$master_db = sprintf("mysql://%s:%s@%s",$aegir_db_user, $aegir_db_pass, drush_get_option('aegir_db_host'));
if (drush_get_option('aegir_host') == drush_get_option('aegir_db_host')) {
$master_context['db_service_type'] = 'mysql';
$master_context['master_db'] = $master_db;
$dbserver = $server;
} else {
$dbserver = '@server_' . drush_get_option('aegir_db_host');
$dbserver_context = array(
'remote_host' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_host'),
'context_type' => 'server',
'db_service_type' => 'mysql',
'master_db' => $master_db,
drush_backend_invoke_args("provision-save", array($dbserver), $dbserver_context);
provision_backend_invoke($dbserver, 'provision-verify');
drush_backend_invoke_args("provision-save", array($server), $master_context);
provision_backend_invoke($server, 'provision-verify');
// exit if an error has occured.
if (drush_get_error()) {
return false;
if (drush_get_option('backend-only')) {
if (!function_exists('drush_make_drush_command')) {
drush_backend_invoke('dl', array('drush_make-' . drush_get_option('drush_make_version'), 'destination' => $aegir_root . '/.drush/'));
$platform_name = '@platform_hostmaster';
drush_backend_invoke_args("provision-save", array($platform_name), array(
'context_type' => 'platform',
'server' => $server,
'web_server' => $server,
'root' => $platform,
'makefile' => drush_get_option('makefile'),
// propagate working-copy args downward
$options = array();
if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) {
$options['working-copy'] = 1;
provision_backend_invoke($platform_name, 'provision-verify', array(), $options);
// exit if an error has occured.
if (drush_get_error()) {
return false;
$site_name = '@hostmaster';
drush_backend_invoke_args("provision-save", array($site_name), array(
'context_type' => 'site',
'platform' => $platform_name,
'db_server' => $dbserver,
'uri' => $site,
'client_name' => drush_get_option('client_name'),
'profile' => 'hostmaster',
$data = provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'provision-install', array(), array('client_email' => drush_get_option('client_email')));
provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'provision-verify');
// exit if an error has occured.
if (drush_get_error()) {
return false;
drush_print(dt("Initializing the hosting system"));
provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'hosting-setup');
drush_print(dt("Aegir is now installed. You can visit it at @link", array('@link' => $data['context']['login_link'])));
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