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Created November 1, 2019 14:34
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Modified tensorrt inference server image client sample
import argparse
import numpy as np
import os
import tensorrtserver.api as tapi
import tensorrtserver.api.model_config_pb2 as model_config
import cv2
import queue as q
def model_dtype_to_np(model_dtype):
if model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_BOOL:
return np.bool
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT8:
return np.int8
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT16:
return np.int16
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT32:
return np.int32
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT64:
return np.int64
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_UINT8:
return np.uint8
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_UINT16:
return np.uint16
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP16:
return np.float16
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP32:
return np.float32
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP64:
return np.float64
elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_STRING:
return np.dtype(object)
return None
def get_serving_model_config(url, model_name, data_format=None, verbose=False):
Check the configuration of a model to make sure it meets the
requirements for an image classification network (as expected by
this client)
url: trt model inference server url
model_name: serving model name
batch_size: input array batch size for inference in serving
data_format: input image array format, NHWC or NCHW
protocol = tapi.ProtocolType.from_str("HTTP")
ctx = tapi.ServerStatusContext(url, protocol, model_name, verbose)
server_status = ctx.get_server_status()
if model_name not in server_status.model_status:
raise Exception("unable to get status for '" + model_name + "'")
status = server_status.model_status[model_name]
config = status.config
if len(config.input) != 1:
raise Exception("expecting 1 input, got {}".format(len(config.input)))
if len(config.output) != 1:
raise Exception("expecting 1 output, got {}".format(len(config.output)))
server_input = config.input[0]
server_output = config.output[0]
for dim in server_output.dims:
if dim == -1:
raise Exception("variable-size dimension in model output not supported")
# Variable-size dimensions are not currently supported.
for dim in server_input.dims:
if dim == -1:
raise Exception("variable-size dimension in model input not supported")
if data_format == "NCHW":
n, c, h, w = server_input.dims
n, h, w, c = server_input.dims
return (,, n, c, h, w, model_dtype_to_np(server_input.data_type))
class TRTInferServingEngine():
def __init__(self, url, model_name, model_version=1, data_format="NCHW", async_run=True, request_count=1):
input_name, output_name, n, c, h, w, dtype = get_serving_model_config(url, model_name, data_format)
protocol = tapi.ProtocolType.from_str("HTTP")
self.ctx = tapi.InferContext(url, protocol, model_name, model_version, verbose=False, correlation_id=0, streaming=False)
self.data_format = data_format
self.input_name = input_name
self.output_name = output_name
self.input_c = c
self.input_h = h
self.input_w = w
self.input_batch = n
self.dtype = dtype
self.async_run = async_run
self.request_count = request_count
def preprocess(self, img):
Pre-process an image to meet the size, type and format
requirements specified by the parameters.
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(img, (self.input_w, self.input_h)).astype(self.dtype)
# Swap to CHW if necessary
if self.data_format == "NCHW":
img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))
return img
def predict(self, img):
# image after processing
img = self.preprocess(img)
# Send requests of FLAGS.batch_size images. If the number of
# images isn't an exact multiple of FLAGS.batch_size then just
# start over with the first images until the batch is filled.
results = []
request_ids = q.Queue()
image_idx = 0
last_request = False
img_count = len(img)
def completion_callback(ctx, request_id):
while not last_request:
input_batch = []
for idx in range(self.input_batch):
image_idx = (image_idx + 1) % img_count
if image_idx == 0:
last_request = True
# Send request
if not self.async_run:
{ self.input_name : [np.array(input_batch)] },
{ self.output_name : tapi.InferContext.ResultFormat.RAW },
{ self.input_name : input_batch },
{ self.output_name : tapi.InferContext.ResultFormat.RAW },
# For async, retrieve results according to the send order
r_count = 0
if self.async_run:
while True:
request_id = request_ids.get()
results.append(self.ctx.get_async_run_results(request_id, True))
r_count += 1
if r_count == self.request_count:
return np.array(list(results[0].values())[0])[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "" # is the docker ip
# or
# url = "trt_server:8000"
model_name = "onnx_model"
model_version = 1
server_eng = TRTInferServingEngine(url, model_name, model_version)
inputs = np.random.random((1, 3, 112, 112)).astype(np.float32)
res = server_eng.predict(inputs)
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Hi @CasiaFan,

Thanks for your great sharing! It is useful for me!!
I wonder (completion_callbac)[] function that why you didnt use the ctx variable in definition ? Second, when I run the srcipt, it said the q has no "put" attribute.
Is there any reason?

I will be grateful if you can provide some information.
Thank you so much!!

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