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let TimeFrame = ago(1d);
let Alert1 =
| where TimeGenerated > TimeFrame
| where AlertName == "Unfamiliar sign-in properties"
| extend UserPrincipalName = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties).["User Account"])
| extend Alert1Time = TimeGenerated
| extend Alert1 = AlertName
| extend Alert1Severity = AlertSeverity
let Alert2 =
| where TimeGenerated > TimeFrame
| where AlertName == "Atypical travel"
| extend UserPrincipalName = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties).["User Account"])
| extend Alert2Time = TimeGenerated
| extend Alert2 = AlertName
| extend Alert2Severity = AlertSeverity
| extend CurrentLocation = strcat(tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[1].Location)).CountryCode), "|", tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[1].Location)).State), "|", tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[1].Location)).City))
| extend PreviousLocation = strcat(tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[2].Location)).CountryCode), "|", tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[2].Location)).State), "|", tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Entities)[2].Location)).City))
| extend CurrentIPAddress = tostring(parse_json(Entities)[1].Address)
| extend PreviousIPAddress = tostring(parse_json(Entities)[2].Address)
| join kind=inner Alert2 on UserPrincipalName
| where (Alert1Time - Alert2Time) between (-10min..10min)
| project UserPrincipalName, Alert1, Alert1Time, Alert1Severity, Alert2, Alert2Time, Alert2Severity, CurrentLocation, PreviousLocation, CurrentIPAddress, PreviousIPAddress
| extend AccountCustomEntity = UserPrincipalName
| extend IPCustomEntity = CurrentIPAddress
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When I run this query it will produce output but there is no user name or account information so all I know is there was an Incident but no way of determining who.

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