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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save CasualSuperman/b35793859bc701c824a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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package robots
import (
var Players = make(map[string]Player)
var Items = make(map[string]Item)
var Rooms = make(map[string]Room)
var Widgets = make(map[string]Widget)
var Actions = make(map[string]Action)
var Requirements = make(map[string]Requirement)
var Nouns = make(map[string][]string)
var Adjectives = make(map[string][]string)
var Verbs = make(map[string][]string)
var Adverbs = make(map[string][]string)
//var filter = []string{"around", "by", "near", "towards", "to", "the", "a", "an", "on", "in"}
//var movement = []string{"go", "move", "walk", "frollic", "climb", "travel", "crawl", "roll", "skip", "stumble", "meander", "cartwheel"}
//var norths = []string{"n", "north", "nort", "norht", "norh"}
//var northeasts = []string{"ne", "northeast", "norhteast", "norteast", "norheast", "norhteas", "norteas", "norheas"}
//var easts = []string{"e", "east", "eas"}
//var southeasts = []string{"se", "southeast", "souhteast", "souteast", "souheast", "souhteas", "souteas", "souheas"}
//var souths = []string{"s", "south", "sout", "souht", "souh"}
//var southwests = []string{"sw", "southwest", "souhtwest", "soutwest", "souhwest", "souhtwes", "soutwes", "souhwes"}
//var wests = []string{"w", "west", "wes"}
//var northwests = []string{"nw", "northwest", "norhtwest", "nortwest", "norhwest", "norhtwes", "nortwes", "norhwes"}
type AdventureBot struct {
func init() {
n := new(AdventureBot)
RegisterRobot("adventurebot", func() (robot Robot) { return n })
func (p AdventureBot) Load() {
fmt.Println("Registering Requirements")
fmt.Println("Registering Actions")
fmt.Println("Registering Widgets")
fmt.Println("Registering Items")
fmt.Println("Registering Rooms")
func TraverseDirectories(dirloc string, action1 func(string), action2 func([]byte)) {
names := getDirNames(dirloc)
for _, element := range names {
if isDir, _ := IsDirectory(dirloc + "/" + element); isDir {
if isLink, _ := IsSymlink(dirloc + "/" + element); isLink {
fmt.Println("Ignoring link: " + dirloc + "/" + element)
action1(dirloc + "/" + element)
} else {
input, err2 := ioutil.ReadFile(dirloc + "/" + element)
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not read " + element)
} else {
func RegisterRequirements(dirloc string) {
TraverseDirectories(dirloc, RegisterItems, func(b []byte) {
var r Requirement
json.Unmarshal(b, &r)
if r.Name != "" {
Requirements[r.Name] = r
//fmt.Println("Loaded: " + r.Name)
func RegisterActions(dirloc string) {
TraverseDirectories(dirloc, RegisterItems, func(b []byte) {
var a Action
json.Unmarshal(b, &a)
if a.ID != "" {
for _, s := range a.Commands {
Verbs[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Verbs[strings.ToLower(s)], a.ID)
for _, s := range a.Adverbs {
Adverbs[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Adverbs[strings.ToLower(s)], a.ID)
Actions[a.ID] = a
//fmt.Println("Loaded: " + a.ID)
func RegisterWidgets(dirloc string) {
TraverseDirectories(dirloc, RegisterItems, func(b []byte) {
var w Widget
json.Unmarshal(b, &w)
if w.ID != "" {
for _, s := range w.Adjectives {
Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)], w.ID)
for _, s := range w.Names {
Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)], w.ID)
Widgets[w.ID] = w
//fmt.Println("Loaded: " + w.ID)
func RegisterItems(dirloc string) {
TraverseDirectories(dirloc RegisterItems, func(b []byte) {
var i Item
json.Unmarshal(b, &i)
if i.ID != "" {
for _, s := range i.Adjectives {
Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)], i.ID)
for _, s := range i.Names {
Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)], i.ID)
Items[i.ID] = i
//fmt.Println("Loaded: " + i.ID)
func RegisterRooms(dirloc string) {
TraverseDirectories(dirloc RegisterRooms, func(b []byte) {
var r Room
json.Unmarshal(b, &r)
if r.ID != "" {
for _, s := range r.Adjectives {
Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Adjectives[strings.ToLower(s)], r.ID)
for _, s := range r.Names {
Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)] = append(Nouns[strings.ToLower(s)], r.ID)
Rooms[r.ID] = r
//fmt.Println("Loaded: " + r.ID)
} else {
fmt.Println("Warning: " + element + " could not be read.")
for k, _ := range Nouns {
fmt.Print(k + ", ")
for k, _ := range Adjectives {
fmt.Print(k + ", ")
for k, _ := range Verbs {
fmt.Print(k + ", ")
for k, _ := range Adverbs {
fmt.Print(k + ", ")
func IsDirectory(path string) (bool, error) {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
return fileInfo.IsDir(), err
func IsSymlink(path string) (bool, error) {
fileInfo, err := os.Lstat(path)
return fileInfo.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink, err
func getDirNames(dirloc string) (names []string) {
dir, err0 := os.Open(dirloc)
if err0 != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s directory is missing", dirloc))
names, err1 := dir.Readdirnames(0)
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Println("directory names could not be read")
func RegisterPlayer(name string) (player Player) {
player.Name = name
Nouns[strings.ToLower(name)] = append(Nouns[strings.ToLower(name)], name)
player.Location = "beach3"
player.Last_Location = "beach3"
Players[player.Name] = player
fmt.Println("Registered " + name)
return player
func (p AdventureBot) Run(command *SlashCommand) (slashCommandImmediateReturn string) {
go p.DeferredAction(command)
return ""
func (p AdventureBot) DeferredAction(command *SlashCommand) {
//if the command isn't issued from adventure, then ignore it. This shouldn't be possible anymore
if command.Channel_Name != "adventure" {
if _, exist := Players[command.User_Name]; !exist {
player := Players[command.User_Name]
//remove any question marks, split strings by spaces
input := strings.Split(strings.Trim(strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(command.Text), "?"), " "), " ")
//create new arrays to filter user input
nouns := make([]string, 0)
adjectives := make([]string, 0)
verbs := make([]string, 0)
adverbs := make([]string, 0)
for _, s := range input {
//fmt.Print(s + ", ")
if _, exist := Nouns[s]; exist {
nouns = append(nouns, s)
if _, exist := Adjectives[s]; exist {
adjectives = append(adjectives, s)
if _, exist := Verbs[s]; exist {
verbs = append(verbs, s)
if _, exist := Adverbs[s]; exist {
adverbs = append(adverbs, s)
for _, s := range adverbs {
fmt.Print(" a: " + s)
for _, s := range verbs {
fmt.Print(" v: " + s)
for _, s := range adjectives {
fmt.Print(" a: " + s)
for _, s := range nouns {
fmt.Print(" n: " + s)
action := ""
//parse through verbs and adverbs to determine which ones the user was talking about
for _, v := range verbs {
//For each local verb the user types
for _, s := range Verbs[v] {
//get all of the Verbs in the Verb Map that match
if len(adverbs) == 0 {
//the user did not type an adverb... use the the matching verb
action = s
} else {
//user DID type an adverb... what did they want?
for _, a := range adverbs {
//look at each adverb the user typed, and use entries in Actions[] to match
if len(Actions[s].Adverbs) == 0 {
//there are no adverbs in the Verb Map to help decide,
//we'll take the given verb
action = s
} else {
//If there is an adverb though, we'll use it instead
if StringInSlice(a, Actions[s].Adverbs) {
//The last match will be used
action = s
if action == "look" {
if len(nouns) == 0 && len(input) == 1 {
} else if len(nouns) > 0 {
var candidates []Widget
for _, w := range Rooms[player.Location].Widgets {
//find all widgets in the room
//fmt.Print("Looking at " + r)
if _, exist := Widgets[w]; exist {
//does the actual entry exist?
//fmt.Println(" Found!")
if StringInSlice(nouns[0], Widgets[w].Names) {
//the user typed in a valid widget
candidates = append(candidates, Widgets[w])
if len(candidates) == 0 {
if len(input) == 1 {
} else {
Say("I don't see a " + nouns[0] + " nearby.")
} else if len(candidates) == 1 {
} else {
if len(adjectives) == 0 {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("There is more than one type of %s nearby!", nouns[0]))
} else {
for _, w := range candidates {
if StringInSlice(adjectives[0], w.Adjectives) {
//the user typed in a valid widget noun
} else {
Say("I can not look at that")
} else if action == "move" {
if len(nouns) > 0 {
//check for compass directions
if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "norths" {
if Rooms[player.Location].North != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].North])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "northeasts" {
if Rooms[player.Location].North_East != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].North_East])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "easts" {
if Rooms[player.Location].East != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].East])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "southeasts" {
if Rooms[player.Location].South_East != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].South_East])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "souths" {
if Rooms[player.Location].South != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].South])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "southwests" {
if Rooms[player.Location].South_West != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].South_West])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "wests" {
if Rooms[player.Location].West != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].West])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "northwests" {
if Rooms[player.Location].North_West != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].North_West])
} else {
Say("There is no path to the " + Rooms[Nouns[nouns[0]][0]].Names[0] + " from here")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "ups" {
if Rooms[player.Location].Up != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].Up])
} else {
Say("You can not " + verbs[0] + " " + nouns[0] + " at the moment")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "downs" {
if Rooms[player.Location].Down != "" {
player = move(player, Rooms[Rooms[player.Location].Down])
} else {
Say("You can not " + verbs[0] + " " + nouns[0] + " at the moment")
} else if Nouns[nouns[0]][0] == "backs" {
if player.Location != player.Last_Location {
player = move(player, Rooms[player.Last_Location])
} else {
Say("You are unable to retrace your steps")
} else {
//Not a compass direction, user may have typed a room name
//make a list of nearby rooms that use the noun the user typed
var candidates []Room
for _, r := range Rooms[player.Location].Adjacent {
//find all adjacent rooms
//fmt.Print("Looking at " + r)
if _, exist := Rooms[r]; exist {
//does the actual entry exist?
//fmt.Println(" Found!")
if StringInSlice(nouns[0], Rooms[r].Names) {
//the user typed in a valid adjacent noun
candidates = append(candidates, Rooms[r])
if len(candidates) == 0 {
if StringInSlice(nouns[0], Rooms[player.Location].Names) {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("You are already in the %s.", nouns[0]))
} else {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("You can not make it to the %s from here.", nouns[0]))
} else if len(candidates) == 1 {
player = move(player, candidates[0])
} else {
if len(adjectives) == 0 {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("There is more than one type of %s nearby!", nouns[0]))
} else {
for _, r := range candidates {
if StringInSlice(adjectives[0], r.Adjectives) {
//the user typed in a valid adjacent noun
player = move(player, r)
} else {
//user didn't tell me where to go
Say("I do not know where you are trying to " + verbs[0] + ".")
//check for current room
Say(fmt.Sprintf("%s is already in the %s", player.Name, player.Location))
target = ""
//check for adjacent rooms
//Can't go there
if target != "" {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("%s can not %s there", player.Name, input[0]))
} else {
Say(fmt.Sprintf("I do not understand what %s is trying to say", command.User_Name))
Players[player.Name] = player //Update the instance of the player in Players
func move(p Player, r Room) Player {
p.Last_Location = p.Location
p.Location = r.ID
//Say(fmt.Sprintf("%s is now in the %s", player.Name, Rooms[player.Location].Names[0]))
return p
func SayDesc_R(r Room) {
Say(r.Display_Name + "\n______________________________________________\n" + r.Description)
func SayDesc_W(w Widget) {
func SayDesc_I(i Item) {
func Say(text string) {
response := new(IncomingWebhook)
response.Channel = "C02HR18H4"
response.Username = "Adventure Bot"
response.Text = text
response.Icon_Emoji = ":adventureboticon:"
response.Unfurl_Links = true
response.Parse = "full"
func StringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
for _, b := range list {
//fmt.Println(strings.ToLower(b) + " --- " + a)
if strings.ToLower(b) == a {
return true
return false
func (p AdventureBot) Description() (description string) {
//Ehhh... todo?
return "Adventure bot!\n\tUsage: /adventure\n\tExpected Response: @user: Pong!"
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