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Last active June 28, 2022 21:56
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Packets are Easy (by Dany)
public static void init(FMLInitializationEvent e)
// this should be in initialization
public class PacketHandler
public static SimpleNetworkWrapper net;
public static void initPackets()
net = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel("YourModId".toUpperCase());
registerMessage(SimplePacket.class, SimplePacket.SimpleMessage.class);
private static int nextPacketId = 0;
private static void registerMessage(Class packet, Class message)
net.registerMessage(packet, message, nextPacketId, Side.CLIENT);
net.registerMessage(packet, message, nextPacketId, Side.SERVER);
public class SimplePacket implements IMessageHandler<SimpleMessage, IMessage>
public IMessage onMessage(SimpleMessage message, MessageContext ctx)
// just to make sure that the side is correct
if (ctx.side.isClient())
int integer = message.simpleInt;
boolean bool = message.simpleBool;
public static class SimpleMessage implements IMessage
private int simpleInt;
private boolean simpleBool;
// this constructor is required otherwise you'll get errors (used somewhere in fml through reflection)
public SimpleMessage() {}
public SimpleMessage(int simpleInt, boolean simpleBool)
this.simpleInt = simpleInt;
this.simpleBool = simpleBool;
public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf)
// the order is important
this.simpleInt = buf.readInt();
this.simpleBool = buf.readBoolean();
public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf)
// Sending packet to server
IMessage msg = new SimplePacket.SimpleMessage(500, true);;
// Sending packet to client
if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP)
IMessage msg = new SimplePacket.SimpleMessage(800, false);, (EntityPlayerMP)player);
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