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Chiyu Zhong CatTail

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CatTail / LengauerTarjan.scala
Created July 17, 2024 17:15 — forked from yuzeh/LengauerTarjan.scala
Lengauer-Tarjan Dominator Tree Algorithm
object LengauerTarjan {
// Implement these three yourself
def successors(v: Int): Iterable[Int] = ???
def predecessors(v: Int): Iterable[Int] = ???
def numNodes: Int = ???
// Lifted from "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java", 2nd ed. chapter 19.2
def computeDominatorTree(): Array[Int] = {
var N = 0
CatTail / charlist.ex
Created September 30, 2018 02:01
string to charlist
to_charlist "hello world"
CatTail /
Created August 4, 2018 07:34
Simple CLI script read kinesis record and log to console
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import boto3
import json
from datetime import datetime
import time
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "Usage: <region name> <stream name>"
CatTail /
Last active March 20, 2018 11:34 — forked from thomasst/
Migrate Redis data on Amazon ElastiCache
Copies all keys from the source Redis host to the destination Redis host.
Useful to migrate Redis instances where commands like SLAVEOF and MIGRATE are
restricted (e.g. on Amazon ElastiCache).
The script scans through the keyspace of the given database number and uses
a pipeline of DUMP and RESTORE commands to migrate the keys.
Requires Redis 2.8.0 or higher.
CatTail / proto.js
Last active February 1, 2024 15:59
Javascript prototype in a nutshell
var assert = require('assert')
var util = require('util')
function test (inherits) {
function Fruit () {
Fruit.prototype.round = false
Fruit.prototype.sweet = true = function () {}
CatTail / close.html
Last active May 10, 2017 06:39
close the fucking window
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
setTimeout(function () {
CatTail /
Last active April 13, 2017 07:21
convert lines output to json array
ls | jq -R -s -c 'split("\n")'
CatTail /
Created April 13, 2017 05:58
Dedupe large number of images in a directory
ls | xargs -I{} bash -c 'mv {} $(md5 -q {})'
CatTail / client.html
Created February 9, 2017 10:17
Simple Req/Rep pattern for (which is Pub/Sub in nature)
<script src=""></script>
var socket = io('http://localhost:8088');
var route = createRouter((reply) => {
socket.on('rep', reply)
socket.emit('req', route('hello world', (data) => {
CatTail /
Last active January 9, 2017 06:08
Add all exsiting vim bundle to gitmodules
plugins=$(find . -type d -d 1 | tail -n +3)
for plugin in $plugins; do
echo plugin: $plugin
cd $plugin
repo=$(git remote -v | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
echo repo: $repo
cd ..
git submodule add $repo