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Last active October 2, 2023 06:00
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Freespace Vita button mapping (1, 2, demo)

Freespace Vita Port Button Mapping (1, 2 and Demo):

  • For explaining the gamepad mapping for Freespace vita port.
  • All buttons and combinations can be remapped in game settings (Apart from: START, DPAD RIGHT and DPAD DOWN)
  • Note: Training missions should be skipped as they require keys that are not mapped. This can be done by tapping the "Skip Training" button in the top right of the mission briefing.

Basic Controls:

TOUCHSCREEN             - Mouse Click for Menu Navigation
TRIANGLE                - Lock onto Ship in Reticle 
CIRCLE                  - Fire Secondary Weapon 
CROSS                   - Target Next Closest Hostile Ship
SQUARE                  - Fire Countermeasures
DPAD UP                 - Call in Support Ship (More Ammo)
DPAD RIGHT              - ALT Mode Shifting (Holding ALT + Another Button)
DPAD DOWN               - SHIFT Mode Shifting (Hold SHIFT + Another Button)
DPAD LEFT               - Toggle 3rd Person Chase View
RB                      - Fire Primary Weapon
LB                      - Afterburner (boost/sprint)
START                   - ESC (Pause or Back)
SELECT                  - End Mission (Before or After Completion)
LEFT ANALOG             - Ship Control
RIGHT ANALOG UP/DOWN    - Set Ship Target Speed

Mode Shift ALT (ALT+n):

TRIANGLE                - Lock onto Subsystem in Reticle 
CIRCLE                  - Switch Secondary Weapon 
CROSS                   - Target Next Ship Subsystem
SQUARE                  - Switch Secondary Weapon Firerate (1x or 2x)
DPAD UP                 - Open Command Sub Menu
DPAD RIGHT              - 
DPAD DOWN               - 
DPAD LEFT               - 
RB                      - Switch Primary Weapon
LB                      - 
START                   - 
SELECT                  - Switch RADAR Range (2k, 10k, Infinity)

Mode Shift SHIFT (SHIFT+n):

TRIANGLE                - Squad Command: Attack my Target 
CIRCLE                  - Squad Command: Cover Me
CROSS                   - Squad Command: Engage Enemy Freely
SQUARE                  - Squad Command: Protect my Target
DPAD UP                 - 
DPAD RIGHT              - 
DPAD DOWN               - 
DPAD LEFT               - Toggle 3rd Person External View (Free Camera)
RB                      - Increase Weapon Energy
LB                      - Increase Engine Energy
START                   - 
SELECT                  - Increase Shield Energy


TRIANGLE                - Squad Command: Attack my Target Subsystem
CIRCLE                  - 
CROSS                   - Squad Command: Form on my Wing (Follow Me)
SQUARE                  - 
SELECT                  - Equalise Energy Between Weapon, Engine and Shield

Navigate Command Sub Menu:

  • The Command Sub Menu is used to give orders to your allied ships.
  • It can either be opened directly, or will auto open when a command button combo is used.
  • The Command Sub Menu is navigated with Num Key Input.
  • The Num Key mappings are only active when the sub menu is opened.
Open Command Sub Menu:
ALT + DPAD UP           - Open Command Sub Menu

Open Command Sub Menu With Button Combo(examples):
SHIFT + TRIANGLE        - Squad Command: Attack my Target 
ALT + SHIFT + SQUARE    - Squad Command: Cover Me

Navigate Command Sub Menu Choices:
TRIANGLE                - 1
CIRCLE                  - 2
CROSS                   - 3
SQUARE                  - 4
DPAD DOWN               - 5
DPAD LEFT               - 6

Example Order:
Step 1: SHIFT + TRIANGLE- Squad Command: Attack my Target 
Step 2: CROSS           - 3, Sub Menu Option 3: All Ships 
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