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YoYo Loader Submitting Banners and Trailers: For adding visual banners and downloadable trailers for games in YoYo Loader

YoYo Loader Banner and Trailer Submissions:

  • For adding image banners and downloadable video trailers for games in YoYo Loader

You Will Need:


  • Extract pngquant to a directory on your PC.
  • Extract ffmpeg to a directory on your PC.
  • Place youtube-dl in a directory on your PC.
  • Run gimp setup exe.

Banner Submissions

Step 1: Finding suitable banner images

  • Check to see if your game already has a banner in the "banners" folder in the YoYo Loader repository.
  • Or see if it downloads a banner in the YoYo Loader app (press SQUARE to update banners).
  • Identify a suitable banner image for your game and download it into a folder.
  • Good sources for banner images are Google Play, Steam, and Game Jolt.
  • Rename your banner image after the relevent Game ID. These can be found in the compatibility list as [GAME ID].

Step 2: Resizing the banner image to 394x160

  • Open the banner image in gimp or your preffered image editing software.
  • In gimp, navigate to "Image>Scale Image" in the tool bar and set the pixel width to 394 OR set the height to 160 (do not do both, or image will stretch).
  • Set "Interpolation to "none", or the image will blur.
  • Now select the crop tool (shortcut: Shift+C) and drag select the whole image.
  • In the crop tool options on the left, set the crop tool "size" field to 394 and 160.
  • Drag the crop window and click to crop to your preference.
  • Export the resized banner image as a .PNG "File>Export As...".

Step 3: Reducing the banner file size with pngquant

  • Locate the "pngquant.exe" in your pngquant directory and copy and paste it into the same folder as your banner(s).
  • Launch Command Prompt and change directory to your banner folder:
    cd C:\[YourFilepathToTheFolder]\[YourbannerFolder]
  • Now run the following script in Command Prompt:
    pngquant *.png --f --ext ".png"
  • This script will use "pngquant.exe" to reduce the size of all banners with no noticeable loss to visual quality.
  • Once the conversion is complete, delete the "pngquant.exe".

Step 4: Submit a banner to the YoYo Loader Repositiory.

Trailer Submissions

Step 1: Finding suitable trailers

  • Check to see if your game already has a trailer in the "trailers" folder in the YoYo Loader Trailer repository.
  • Or see if it downloads a trailer in the YoYo Loader app (press SELECT to update trailer).
  • Create a folder you can work out of and create a file called "list.txt" inside it.
  • Identify a suitable video trailer on youtube, ideally less that 1m 30s in length.
  • Copy and paste the youtube video link or multiple video links, into the "list.txt" (one per line).
  • Save the "list.txt" file when finished.

Step 2: Downloading the YouTube videos

  • Locate the "youtube-dl.exe" in your youtube-dl directory and copy and paste it into the same folder as "list.txt".
  • Launch Command Prompt and change directory to the folder containing "list.txt":
  • cd C:\[YourPathToTheFolder]\
  • Now run the following script in Command Prompt:
  • youtube-dl -f "best[height<=480]" --batch-file list.txt
  • This script will use "youtube-dl.exe" to download .MP4 versions of all the YouTube videos in "list.txt", in 480p.
  • Once the download is complete, you should have a folder full of videos in MP4 format.
  • Rename your trailers after the relevent Game ID. These can be found in the compatibility list as [GAME ID].

Note: You can get your trailer videos from other sources, as long as the file format is MP4.

Step 3: Resizing the trailer video to 284x160

  • Locate the "ffmpeg.exe" in your ffmpeg directory and copy and paste it into the same folder as your trailers.
  • Launch Command Prompt and change directory to the folder containing your trailers:
  • cd C:\[YourPathToTheFolder]\[TrailerFoldername]
  • Now run the following script in Command Prompt:
mkdir finished_trailers
for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %a in ('dir /B *.mp4') do ffmpeg -i "%a.mp4" -vf scale=-1:160 "finished_trailers\%a.mp4"

  • This script will use "ffmpeg.exe" to resize the trailer videos to 284x160.
  • The script will place the resized 284x160 trailer files in a new folder called "finished_trailers".
  • It will NOT delete your previous trailers, just incase the script fails to work.

Step 4: Submit a trailer to the YoYo Loader Trailer repositiory.

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