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Last active February 27, 2020 11:24
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周易 BASE 六十四卦
object Hexagram64 {
private const val zero = '䷀'
private const val nil = '⚋'
fun parse(string: String): ByteArray = ByteArrayOutputStream(128).use { stream ->
var count = 0
var length = 0
var data = 0
for (char in string) {
val bits = if (char == nil) -1 else char.minus(zero).takeIf { it in 0..64 } ?: continue
data = data shl 6 or bits.coerceAtLeast(0)
if(bits > -1) length++
if (++count > 3) {
count = 0
while (length-- > 1) {
stream.write(data and 0xFF0000 ushr 16)
data = data shl 8 and 0xFFFFFF
fun rend(byteArray: ByteArray): String = StringBuilder().apply {
val size = byteArray.size
var padding = 0
var i = 0
while (i < size) {
var group = 0
repeat(3) {
group = group shl 8
if (i < size) group = group or (byteArray[i++].toInt() and 0xFF) else padding++
repeat(4 - padding) {
val index = group ushr 18 and 0x3F
append(zero + index)
group = group shl 6
repeat(padding) { append(nil) }
fun main() {
val content = "Hello world!"
val encoded = Hexagram64.rend(content.toByteArray())
val decoded = String(Hexagram64.parse(encoded), Charsets.UTF_8)
Origin : $content
Encoded : $encoded
Decoded : $decoded
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