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Created July 30, 2016 20:43
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
version (X86):
import Std_;
import C_ = coretypes : Valº_ = Valº;
import Ir_ = intermediate;
import Rt_ = runtime : Rtº_ = RuntimeStateº;
static assert(Valº_.sizeof == 16);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- --- */
struct Ctxº {
FuncCodeº Code;
immutable(BufChainº delegate(R16º))[immutable Ir_.Symbolº] SymTbl;
/* is the code being generated in the tail position of a function? */
bool IsTailPosition;
/* there are at least this many parameters in scope */
size_t MinimumArgC;
void put(Tº)(Tº Xs) {Code.put(Xs);};
interface Codeº {
enum ubyte Pad = Op1.Break;
@property InputRange_!ubyte Read() immutable;
@property size_t ValignedSize() const;//out (Sz) {assert(is_valigned(Sz));};
class FuncCodeº : Codeº {
/* ? */
private SList_!(Rebindable_!(immutable Codeº)) Trail;
Unique_!BufChainº Payload;
/* note: don't let any references to the trail escape! */
invariant {assert(!Payload.isEmpty);};
this() {Payload = new BufChainº;};
void put(Tº)(Tº Xs) {Payload.put(Xs);};
@property override InputRange_!ubyte Read() immutable {
/* traverse the entire code sequence, with aligned payloads.
return range object because recursive type inference. */
return inputRangeObject_(
(cast() Trail)[]
.map_!(X => X.Read)
@property size_t NextOffset() const {
/* returns code offset of where the next byte appended will be placed,
relative to the start of the payload. */
return Payload.RawSize;
@property override size_t ValignedSize() const {
return ValignedTrailSize + Payload.ValignedSize;
@property size_t ValignedTrailSize() const {
return (cast() Trail)[].fold_!((Acc, X) => Acc + X.ValignedSize)(0);
void merge_append(BufChainº X) out {assert(X.Buffers.empty);} body {
/* moves all buffers from X to the end of Payload */
ptrdiff_t prepend(immutable Codeº X) {
/* prepends code to the trail.
returns code offset from the start of the payload. */
return -ValignedTrailSize;
class BufChainº : Codeº {
/* ? */
private DList_!(Appender_!(ubyte[])) Buffers;
/* note: don't let any references to the buffers escape! */
void put()(ubyte X) {put_impl(only_(X));};
void put(size_t Len)(ubyte[Len] X) {put_impl(X[]);};
void put(Tº)(Tº Xs) if (isInputRange_!Tº && is(ElementType_!Tº == ubyte)) {
private void put_impl(Tº)(Tº Xs) {
/* append to the last buffer */
if (Buffers.empty) {
@property override InputRange_!ubyte Read() immutable {
/* iterates over all the bytes in all the buffers, in forward order. */
/* resulting range is padded to alignment. */
return inputRangeObject_(
(cast() Buffers)[].map_!(X =>
@property size_t RawSize() const {
return (cast() Buffers)[]
.fold_!((Acc, X) => Acc +
@property override size_t ValignedSize() const {
return valign_up(RawSize);
void overwrite_at(Tº)(size_t Offset, Tº Xs) if (
isInputRange_!Tº && is(ElementType_!Tº == ubyte) && hasLength_!Tº
) {
/* must not straddle buffers */
ubyte[] S = slice(Offset, Offset + Xs.length);
foreach (Idx, X; Xs) {S[Idx] = X;};
private ubyte[] slice(size_t Start, size_t End) {
size_t PastSz;
foreach (Buf; Buffers[]) {
if (Start < PastSz + {
enforce_(End-PastSz <=, `range violation`);
return[Start-PastSz .. End-PastSz];
PastSz +=;
throw new Exception(`range violation`);
auto assume_unique(Tº)(Tº Obj) if (is(Tº == class)) {
return Obj.assume_unique();
auto assume_unique(Tº)(ref Tº Obj) if (is(Tº == class)) {
auto Imm = cast(immutable) Obj;
Obj = null;
return Imm;
unittest {
auto C = new FuncCodeº;
put_(C, ubyte(77).repeat_(Valignment));
auto U = C.assume_unique();
assert(U !is C);
assert(is(typeof(U) == immutable));
unittest {
auto C = new FuncCodeº;
auto Src1 = ubyte(77).repeat_(Valignment).array_;
auto Src2 = ubyte(99).repeat_(2*Valignment).array_;
put_(C, Src1);
assert(C.ValignedSize == Src1.length);
ptrdiff_t Offset = C.prepend(({
auto Buf = new FuncCodeº;
put_(Buf, Src2);
assert(Buf.ValignedSize == Src2.length);
return Buf.assume_unique();
assert(Offset == -Src2.length);
unittest {
auto C = new FuncCodeº;
auto Src1 = ubyte(77).repeat_(Valignment).array_;
auto Src2 = ubyte(99).repeat_(2*Valignment).array_;
put_(C, Src1);
ptrdiff_t Offset = C.prepend(({
auto Buf = new FuncCodeº;
put_(Buf, Src2);
return Buf.assume_unique();
C.Payload.overwrite_at(0, bytes(Offset)[]);
auto Ci = C.assume_unique();
/* --- code generators --- */
struct gen {
alias Generators = AliasSeq_!(
gen_nil, gen_utf8, gen_atom, gen_num, gen_sym,
gen_invocation, gen_if, gen_func, gen_let
static void opCall(Ctxº Ctx, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Irº X) {
static int Lvl;
writeln_("\t".repeat_(Lvl).join_(``), `-{ `, typeid(cast(Object) X));
/* generate code which evaluates X and writes the result to reg R */
DispatchTbl[typeid(cast(Object) X)](Ctx, R, cast(Object) X);
writeln_("\t".repeat_(Lvl).join_(``), `}- `, typeid(cast(Object) X));
/* dynamic dispatch table */
private static immutable Generº[TypeInfo] DispatchTbl;
private alias Generº = void function(Ctxº, R16º, Object);
shared static this() {
foreach (X; Generators) {
alias KeyTº = Unqual_!(Parameters_!X[2]);
DispatchTbl[typeid(KeyTº)] = cast(Generº) &X;
unittest {
class Tº {};
assert(typeid(new immutable(Tº)) == typeid(Tº));
void gen_nil(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Nilº) {
/* ? */
gen_opaque_lit(C.Code, R, cast(uint[4]) bytes(Valº_.init));
void gen_atom(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Atomº Obj) {
/* ? */
auto V = C_.atom(Obj.Txt);
/* R.Func <- &runtime.voke_atom */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Ax, Rtº_.VokeAtom.offsetof));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.Func.offsetof/4));
/* R.Len <- V.Len */
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.Len));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.Len.offsetof/4));
/* R.Payload[1] <- V.Payload[1] */
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.Payload[1]));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, 1 + V.Payload.offsetof/4));
if (V.IsShort) {
/* R.Payload[0] <- V.Payload[0] */
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.Payload[0]));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.Payload.offsetof/4));
} else {
auto Txt = new BufChainº;
Txt.put_(cast(ubyte[]) (V.LongStr[0 .. V.Len]));
ptrdiff_t Offset = C.Code.prepend(Txt.assume_unique());
/* R.LongStr <- Txt */
C.put_(gen_load_self_m4!q{Func}(R4º.Ax)); /* EAX <- Self.Func */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Ax, Offset)); /* EAX -= Offset */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.LongStr.offsetof/4));
void gen_utf8(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Utf8º Obj) {
/* ? */
auto V = C_.utf8(Obj.Txt);
/* R.Func <- &runtime.voke_utf8 */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Ax, Rtº_.VokeUtf8.offsetof));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.Func.offsetof/4));
auto Txt = new BufChainº;
Txt.put_(cast(ubyte[]) (V.S[]));
ptrdiff_t Offset = C.Code.prepend(Txt.assume_unique());
/* R.Ptr <- Txt */
C.put_(gen_load_self_m4!q{Func}(R4º.Ax)); /* EAX <- Self.Func */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Ax, Offset)); /* EAX -= Offset */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.S.offsetof/4));
/* R.Size <- V.Size */
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.S.length));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.S.offsetof/4 + 1));
/* R.Len <- V.Len */
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.Len));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, V.Len.offsetof/4));
void gen_num(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Numberº Obj) {
auto V = C_.floht(Obj.N);
/* ECX <- &runtime.voke_float */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Cx, R4º.Cx, Rtº_.VokeFloat.offsetof));
C.put_(op_xor_r16r16(R, R)); /* R <- 0 */
/* R.payload = V.payload */
foreach (ubyte Idx; 1 .. 4) {
if (V.Val.Data[Idx-1] != 0) {
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V.Val.Data[Idx-1]));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, Idx));
/* R.Func <- &runtime.voke_float */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Cx, V.Func.offsetof/4));
void gen_sym(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Symbolº Sym) {
/* ? */
/* get generator */
auto f = C.SymTbl.get(Sym, null);
enforce_(f !is null, `reference to undefined symbol `~to_!string(Sym));
/* generate */
void gen_if(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Ifº If) {
/* ? */
/* evaluate predicate */
gen(C, R, If.Pred);
C.put_(op_test_r16r16(R, R)); /* if (Pred is nil) */
size_t BranchOffset = C.Code.NextOffset;
C.put_(bytes(Op2.JeI4)~bytes(0xffffffff)); /* if (Pred is nil) goto Else */
/* evaluate 'Then' */
gen(C, R, If.Then);
/* jump over Else */
size_t JumpOffset = C.Code.NextOffset;
/* evaluate 'Else' */
size_t ElseOffset = C.Code.NextOffset;
gen(C, R, If.Else);
size_t EndOffset = C.Code.NextOffset;
/* fix the branch destination */
bytes(Op2.JeI4)~bytes(ElseOffset - BranchOffset - 6),
/* fix the jump destination */
Op1.JmpI4~bytes(EndOffset - JumpOffset - 5),
void gen_invocation(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Invocationº V) {
/* ? */
size_t ArgC = 1 + V.Params.length; /* #(self~params) */
bool DoTailJump;
/* does the current scope have enough param space for this tail-jump? */
bool CanTailJump = ArgC <= C.MinimumArgC;
if (V.ForceTailJump) {
enforce_(CanTailJump, `too many parameters to force a tail-jump`);
DoTailJump = true;
} else {
DoTailJump = CanTailJump && C.IsTailPosition;
/* set the stack up for a call */
version (assert) {
/* verify stack alignment */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp)); /* EAX <- ESP */
/* verify return value alignment */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Bp, 0x8)); /* EAX <- return value ptr */
version (none) C.put_([0x83, 0xe4, 0xf0]); /* ESP &= 0xFFFFFFF0 (align) */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 16*ArgC)); /* ESP -= 16*argc */
/* stack layout:
ESP+00: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+04: [??????]
ESP+08: [??????]
ESP+0c: [______]
ESP+10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+14: [??????]
ESP+18: [??????]
ESP+1c: [______]
ESP+20: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+……: [???……
gen(C, R, V.Invokee); /* R <- invokee */
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Sp, 0, R)); /* [ESP] <- R */
/* stack layout:
ESP+00: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+04: [ arg0 ]
ESP+08: [(self)]
ESP+0c: [______]
ESP+10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+14: [??????]
ESP+18: [??????]
ESP+1c: [______]
ESP+20: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+……: [???……
foreach (Idx, Param; V.Params) {
gen(C, R, Param); /* R <- param */
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Sp, 16*Idx, R)); /* [ESP + 16*Idx] <- R */
/* stack layout:
ESP+00: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+04: [ arg0 ]
ESP+08: [(self)]
ESP+0c: [______]
ESP+10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+14: [ arg1 ]
ESP+18: [ ]
ESP+1c: [______]
ESP+20: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+……: [ arg2…
if (DoTailJump) {/* do a tail-jump */
/* move parameters off the stack top, down into parameter positions */
foreach (Offset; iota_(0, ArgC, 16)) {
/* R <- [ESP + Offset] */
C.put_(op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Sp, Offset));
/* [EBP + 16 + Offset] <- R */
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Bp, 16 + Offset, R));
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, ArgC)); /* EAX <- argc */
C.put_(op_mov_m4r4(R4º.Bp, 0xc, R4º.Ax)); /* [EBP + 0xc] <- EAX */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Sp, R4º.Bp)); /* ESP <- EBP */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PopR4 + R4º.Bp)); /* POP EBP */
/* stack layout:
ESP+00: [ return address ]
ESP+04: [ return value pointer ]
ESP+08: [ argc ]
ESP+0c: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+10: [ arg0 ]
ESP+14: [(self)]
ESP+18: [______]
ESP+1c: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+20: [ arg1 ]
ESP+24: [ ]
ESP+28: [______]
ESP+2c: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
ESP+……: [ arg2…
/* JMP invokee.func */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp, Valº_.Func.offsetof));
/* <unreachable> */
} else {/* do a call */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp, 0)); /* EAX <- invokee.func */
C.put_(Op1.PushI4~bytes(ArgC)); /* PUSH ArgC */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Cx, R4º.Bp, 0x8)); /* ECX <- return value ptr */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PushR4 + R4º.Cx)); /* PUSH ECX */
C.put_(op_call_r4(R4º.Ax)); /* CALL EAX */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PopR4 + R4º.Ax)); /* EAX <- return value ptr */
C.put_(op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Ax, 0)); /* R <- [EAX] */
C.put_(op_add_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 4 + 16*ArgC)); /* ESP += 4 + 16*argc */
/* return value is in R */
void gen_let(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Letº Let) {
/* ? */
void gen_func(Ctxº C, R16º R, immutable Ir_.Funcº Func) {
/* ? */
/* generate function body */
ptrdiff_t Offset = C.Code.prepend(
gen_func_body(C, Func).assume_unique()
/* R <- new function value */
C.put_(op_xor_r16r16(R, R));
C.put_(gen_load_self_m4!q{Func}(R4º.Ax)); /* EAX <- Self.Func */
/* R.Func <- Self.Func + Offset */
C.put_(op_add_r4i4(R4º.Ax, Offset));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, C_.Closureº.Func.offsetof/4));
/* EAX <- &runtime */
/* R.runtime <- &runtime */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, C_.Closureº.Runtime.offsetof/4));
auto UpSyms = Func.UpvalSyms.array_;
if (UpSyms != []) {
/* ECX <- &runtime.valigned_malloc */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Cx, R4º.Ax, Rtº_.ValignedMalloc.offsetof));
/* allocate upvalues array */
C.put_(Op1.PushI4~bytes(UpSyms.length)); /* PUSH # of upvals */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PushR4 + R4º.Ax)); /* PUSH &runtime */
C.put_(op_call_r4(R4º.Cx)); /* EAX <- valigned_malloc(…) */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, C_.Closureº.Upvals.offsetof/4));
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PopR4 + R4º.Ax)); /* POP EAX */
// TODO: find an available scratch register
{/* PUSH R */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 16));
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Sp, 0, R));
/* evaluate upsyms, fill upvalues array */
foreach (Idx, Sym; UpSyms) {
R16º Scratch = R;
gen(C, Scratch, Sym); /* Scratch <- upvalue */
/* R.Upvals[Idx] <- Scratch */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp, C_.Closureº.Upvals.offsetof));
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Ax, Idx*16, Scratch));
{/* POP R */
C.put_(op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Sp, 0));
C.put_(op_add_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 16));
FuncCodeº gen_func_body(Ctxº OuterCtx, immutable Ir_.Funcº Func) {
Ctxº C = {
Code : new FuncCodeº,
MinimumArgC : 1 + Func.PosNames.length,
{/* fill the symbol table */
BufChainº delegate(R16º)[immutable Ir_.Symbolº] SymTbl;
foreach (Idx, Sym; Func.ParamSyms) {
bool IsVa = !Func.VaName.isNull && Sym.Name == Func.VaName;
ptrdiff_t Offset = IsVa ? -16 : 16 + Idx*16;
SymTbl[Sym] = (R16º R) {
auto C = new BufChainº;
/* R <- [EBP + Offset] */
C.put_(op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Bp, Offset));
return C;
foreach (Idx, Sym; Func.UpvalSyms) {
SymTbl[Sym] = (R16º R) {
auto C = new BufChainº;
/* EAX <- self.upvals */
/* R <- upvals[idx] */
C.put_(op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Ax, Idx*16));
return C;
C.SymTbl = cast() SymTbl.assumeUnique_;
/* prologue */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PushR4 + R4º.Bp)); /* PUSH EBP */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Bp, R4º.Sp)); /* EBP <- ESP */
/* stack layout:
EBP+00: [ saved EBP ]
EBP+04: [ return address ]
EBP+08: [ return value pointer ]
EBP+0c: [ argc ]
EBP+10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
EBP+14: [ arg0 ]
EBP+18: [(self)]
EBP+1c: [______]
EBP+20: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
EBP+24: [ arg1 ]
EBP+28: [ ]
EBP+2c: [______]
EBP+30: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
EBP+……: [ arg2…
params must be 16-byte aligned */
version (assert) {
/* verify stack alignment */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp)); /* EAX <- ESP */
/* verify return value alignment */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Bp, 0x8)); /* EAX <- return value ptr */
{/* verify argc */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Bp, 0xc)); /* EAX <- argc */
C.put_(Op1.CmpAxI4~bytes(C.MinimumArgC)); /* CMP argc, arity */
if (Func.VaName.isNull && Func.StrictArity) {/* fixed arity */
C.put_(Op1.JneI1.bytes~ubyte(2)); /* if argc != arity */
} else {/* variadic */
C.put_(Op1.JlI1.bytes~ubyte(2)); /* if argc < arity */
C.put_(Op1.Break); /* invalid argc */
/* … EAX still holding argc … */
if (!Func.VaName.isNull) {/* variadic */
/* construct a C_.Arrayº pointing to varargs on stack */
C.put_(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X0, R16º.X0)); /* XMM0 <- 0 */
C.put_(gen_load_self_m4!q{Runtime}(R4º.Cx)); /* ECX <- &runtime */
/* EDX <- runtime.VokeArray */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Dx, R4º.Cx, Rtº_.VokeArray.offsetof));
/* XMM0.Func <- runtime.VokeArray */
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X0, R4º.Dx, C_.Arrayº.Func.offsetof/4));
/* XMM0.Len <- ArgC - PosNames.len - 1 */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Ax, Func.PosNames.length + 1));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, C_.Arrayº.Len.offsetof/4));
/* XMM0.Ptr <- EBP + 0x20 + 16*PosNames.len */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Bp));
C.put_(op_add_r4i4(R4º.Ax, 0x20 + 16*Func.PosNames.length));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, C_.Arrayº.Ptr.offsetof/4));
/* PUSH XMM0 */
C.put_(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 16));
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Sp, 0, R16º.X0));
/* stack layout:
EBP-10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯¯]
EBP-0c: [varargs]
EBP-08: [(array)]
EBP-04: [_______]
EBP+00: [ saved EBP ]
EBP+04: [ return address ]
EBP+08: [ return value pointer ]
EBP+0c: [ argc ]
EBP+10: [¯¯¯¯¯¯]
EBP+……: [ arg0…
/* generate body expressions */
foreach (Idx, Body; Func.Bodies) {
C.IsTailPosition = Idx == Func.Bodies.length - 1;
C.put_(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X0, R16º.X0)); /* XMM0 <- 0 (break depend.) */
gen(C, R16º.X0, Body);
/* if the last expression was a tail call, following code is unreachable.
otherwise the return value is in XMM0 */
/* return the last expression */
C.put_(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Bp, 0x8)); /* EAX <- return value ptr */
C.put_(op_mova_m16r16(R4º.Ax, 0, R16º.X0)); /* [EAX] <- XMM0 */
/* epilogue */
C.put_(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Sp, R4º.Bp)); /* ESP <- EBP */
C.put_(ubyte(Op1.PopR4 + R4º.Bp)); /* POP EBP */
C.put_(Op1.Ret); /* RET */
return C.Code;
/* --- generator utilities --- */
void gen_assert_ax_aligned(Ctxº C) {
/* if (EAX & 0x0000000f) {int3} */
C.put_(Op1.Break); /* stack misaligned */
auto gen_load_param(R16º R, size_t Idx) {
/* loads a val from the current function's parameters */
return op_mova_r16m16(R, R4º.Bp, 0x10 + Idx*16);
auto gen_load_self_m4(string FieldName)(R4º R) if (
staticIndexOf_!(FieldName, FieldNameTuple_!(C_.Closureº))
) {
/* R <- self.FieldName */
enum Offset = mixin(`C_.Closureº.`~FieldName~`.offsetof`);
return op_mov_r4m4(R, R4º.Bp, 0x10 + Offset);
void gen_opaque_lit(Tº)(Tº C, R16º R, uint[4] V) if (
isOutputRange_!(Tº, ubyte)
) {
/* write literal value V into XMM register R:
pxor R, R;
mov EAX, V[0];
pinsrd R, EAX, 0;
mov EAX, V[1];
pinsrd R, EAX, 1;
mov EAX, V[2];
pinsrd R, EAX, 2;
mov EAX, V[3];
pinsrd R, EAX, 3;
C.put_(op_xor_r16r16(R, R)); /* R <- 0 */
foreach (ubyte Idx; 0 .. 4) {
if (V[Idx] != 0) {
C.put_(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, V[Idx]));
C.put_(op_insr_r16r4(R, R4º.Ax, Idx));
unittest {
auto C = new BufChainº;
gen_opaque_lit(C, R16º.X1, [
0xff445566, 0x00000000, 0x06000300, 0xffffffff
static void expect() {asm {
pxor XMM1, XMM1;
mov EAX, 0xff445566;
pinsrd XMM1, EAX, 0;
mov EAX, 0x06000300;
pinsrd XMM1, EAX, 2;
mov EAX, 0xffffffff;
pinsrd XMM1, EAX, 3;
enum ExpectSz = 0x25;
.equal_((cast(ubyte*) &expect)[0 .. ExpectSz])
/* --- --- */
enum Valignment = Valº_.sizeof;
static if (Valignment == 16) {
alias is_valigned = X => !(X & 0xf);
alias valign_up = X => (X & 0xfffffff0) + (X & 0xf ? 16 : 0);
alias valign_down = X => X & 0xfffffff0;
} else {
alias is_valigned = X => X % Valignment == 0;
alias valign_up = X => X + (Valignment - (X % Valignment));
alias valign_down = X => X - X % Valignment;
unittest {
assert(valign_up(0) == 0);
assert(valign_up(1) == 16);
assert(valign_up(2) == 16);
assert(valign_up(15) == 16);
assert(valign_up(16) == 16);
assert(valign_up(17) == 32);
assert(valign_up(31) == 32);
assert(valign_up(32) == 32);
enum R4º : ubyte {Ax, Cx, Dx, Bx, Sp, Bp, Si, Di};
enum R16º : ubyte {X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7};
enum Op1 : ubyte {
Break = 0xcc,
Nop = 0x90,
CallI4 = 0xe8, /* 32-bit displacement */
Ret = 0xc3,
MovR4I4 = 0xb8,
MovR4Rm4 = 0x8b,
MovRm4R4 = 0x89,
PushR4 = 0x50, /* +R4º */
PushI4 = 0x68,
PopR4 = 0x58, /* +R4º */
CmpAxI4 = 0x3d,
TestAxI4 = 0xa9,
AddAxI4 = 0x05,
SubAxR4 = 0x2d,
JmpI4 = 0xe9, /* 32-bit displacement */
JmpRm4 = 0xff,
JmpI1 = 0xeb, /* 8-bit displacement */
JeI1 = 0x74, /* 8-bit displacement */
JneI1 = 0x75, /* 8-bit displacement */
JlI1 = 0x7c, /* 8-bit displacement */
JleI1 = 0x7e, /* 8-bit displacement */
JgI1 = 0x7f, /* 8-bit displacement */
JgeI1 = 0x7d, /* 8-bit displacement */
enum Op2 : ushort {
CallRm4 = 0x10ff, /* +(R4º<<8) +(mode<<14) */
SubRm4I4 = 0x2881, /* +(mode<<14) */
JeI4 = 0x840f, /* 32-bit displacement */
JneI4 = 0x850f, /* 32-bit displacement */
JlI4 = 0x8c0f, /* 32-bit displacement */
JleI4 = 0x8e0f, /* 32-bit displacement */
enum Op3 : uint {
MovaR16Rm16 = 0x6f0f66, /* MOVDQA; aligned */
MovaRm16R16 = 0x7f0f66, /* MOVDQA; aligned */
XorR16R16 = 0xef0f66,
enum Op4 : uint {
PinsrD = 0x223a0f66,
Ptest = 0x17380f66,
ubyte[2] op_jmp_r4(R4º Dst) {
/* JMP Dst */
return [Op1.JmpRm4, to_!ubyte(Dst + 0b11100000)];
unittest {
assert(op_jmp_r4(R4º.Ax) == x"ff e0");
assert(op_jmp_r4(R4º.Bx) == x"ff e3");
assert(op_jmp_r4(R4º.Sp) == x"ff e4");
assert(op_jmp_r4(R4º.Di) == x"ff e7");
auto op_test_r16r16(R16º A, R16º B) {
/* PTEST A, B */
ubyte[5] C = bytes(Op4.Ptest)~to_!ubyte(0b11000000 + A*8 + B);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_test_r16r16(R16º.X0, R16º.X0) == x"660f3817 c0");
assert(op_test_r16r16(R16º.X7, R16º.X7) == x"660f3817 ff");
assert(op_test_r16r16(R16º.X2, R16º.X5) == x"660f3817 d5");
assert(op_test_r16r16(R16º.X7, R16º.X0) == x"660f3817 f8");
auto op_add_r4i4(R4º Dst, int Val) {
return op_sub_r4i4(Dst, ~Val); // temporary
auto op_sub_r4i4(R4º Dst, int Val) {
/* SUB Dst, Val */
ubyte[6] C;
C[0 .. 2] = bytes(to_!ushort(Op2.SubRm4I4|(Dst<<8)|(0b11<<14)));
C[2 .. 6] = bytes(Val);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Ax, 0x100) == x"81e800010000");
assert(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Bx, 0x100) == x"81eb00010000");
assert(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Di, 0x100) == x"81ef00010000");
assert(op_sub_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 0xaabbccdd) == x"81ecddccbbaa");
auto op_mova_r16m16(R16º Dst, R4º SrcPtr, int Displ) {
/* MOVDQA Dst, [SrcPtr + Displ] */
ubyte[9] C = Op1.Nop; /* padding */
C[0 .. 3] = bytes(Op3.MovaR16Rm16)[0 .. 3];
C[3] = to_!ubyte(0b10000000 + Dst*8 + SrcPtr);
if (SrcPtr == R4º.Sp) {
C[4] = to_!ubyte(R4º.Sp*8 + R4º.Sp); /* SIB byte */
C[5 .. 9] = bytes(Displ);
} else {
C[4 .. 8] = bytes(Displ);
return C;
unittest {
alias f = op_mova_r16m16;
assert(f(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, 0) == x"660f6f 80 00000000 90");
assert(f(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, 0xdeadbeef) == x"660f6f 80 efbeadde 90");
assert(f(R16º.X0, R4º.Sp, 0) == x"660f6f 8424 00000000");
assert(f(R16º.X0, R4º.Sp, 0xdeadbeef) == x"660f6f 8424 efbeadde");
assert(f(R16º.X7, R4º.Bp, -0x100) == x"660f6fbd00ffffff 90");
auto op_mova_m16r16(R4º DstPtr, int Displ, R16º Src) {
/* MOVDQA [DstPtr + Displ], Src */
ubyte[9] C = Op1.Nop; /* padding */
C[0 .. 3] = bytes(Op3.MovaRm16R16)[0 ..3];
C[3] = to_!ubyte(0b10000000 + Src*8 + DstPtr);
if (DstPtr == R4º.Sp) {
C[4] = to_!ubyte(R4º.Sp*8 + R4º.Sp); /* SIB byte */
C[5 .. 9] = bytes(Displ);
} else {
C[4 .. 8] = bytes(Displ);
return C;
unittest {
alias f = op_mova_m16r16;
assert(f(R4º.Ax, 0, R16º.X0) == x"660f7f 80 00000000 90");
assert(f(R4º.Ax, 0xdeadbeef, R16º.X0) == x"660f7f 80 efbeadde 90");
assert(f(R4º.Ax, 0xdeadbeef, R16º.X1) == x"660f7f 88 efbeadde 90");
assert(f(R4º.Sp, 0xdeadbeef, R16º.X0) == x"660f7f 8424 efbeadde");
assert(f(R4º.Sp, 0xdeadbeef, R16º.X7) == x"660f7f bc24 efbeadde");
assert(f(R4º.Bp, -0x100, R16º.X7) == x"660f7f bd 00ffffff 90");
assert(f(R4º.Sp, 0, R16º.X0) == x"660f7f 8424 00000000");
ubyte[2] op_call_r4(R4º Dst) {
/* CALL Dst */
return bytes(to_!ushort(Op2.CallRm4|(Dst<<8)|(0b11<<14)));
unittest {
assert(op_call_r4(R4º.Ax) == x"ffd0");
assert(op_call_r4(R4º.Si) == x"ffd6");
ubyte[4] op_xor_r16r16(R16º Dst, R16º Src) {
/* PXOR Dst, Src */
uint Param = 0b11000000 + Dst*8 + Src;
return bytes(Op3.XorR16R16|(Param<<24));
unittest {
assert(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X0, R16º.X0) == x"660fef c0");
assert(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X7, R16º.X7) == x"660fef ff");
assert(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X2, R16º.X5) == x"660fef d5");
assert(op_xor_r16r16(R16º.X7, R16º.X0) == x"660fef f8");
auto op_mov_r4i4(R4º Dst, uint Val) {
/* MOV Dst, Val */
ubyte[5] C;
C[0] = to_!ubyte(Op1.MovR4I4 + Dst);
C[1 .. 5] = bytes(Val);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Ax, 0) == x"b8 00000000");
assert(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Bx, 0) == x"bb 00000000");
assert(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Di, 0) == x"bf 00000000");
assert(op_mov_r4i4(R4º.Sp, 0xaabbccdd) == x"bc ddccbbaa");
auto op_mov_r4r4(R4º Dst, R4º Src) {
/* MOV Dst, Src */
ubyte[2] C;
C[0] = Op1.MovR4Rm4;
C[1] = to_!ubyte(0b11000000 + Dst*8 + Src);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_mov_r4r4(R4º.Bp, R4º.Sp) == x"8b ec");
auto op_mov_r4m4(R4º Dst, R4º SrcPtr, int Displ) {
/* MOV Dst, [SrcPtr + Displ] */
ubyte[7] C = Op1.Nop; /* padding */
C[0] = Op1.MovR4Rm4;
C[1] = to_!ubyte(0b10000000 + Dst*8 + SrcPtr);
if (SrcPtr == R4º.Sp) {
C[2] = to_!ubyte(R4º.Sp*8 + R4º.Sp); /* SIB byte */
C[3 .. 7] = bytes(Displ);
} else {
C[2 .. 6] = bytes(Displ);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Ax, 0) == x"8b80 00000000 90");
assert(op_mov_r4m4(R4º.Ax, R4º.Sp, 0xdeadbeef) == x"8b8424 efbeadde");
auto op_mov_m4r4(R4º DstPtr, int Displ, R4º Src) {
/* MOV [DstPtr + Displ], Src */
ubyte[7] C = Op1.Nop; /* padding */
C[0] = Op1.MovRm4R4;
C[1] = to_!ubyte(0b10000000 + Src*8 + DstPtr);
if (DstPtr == R4º.Sp) {
C[2] = to_!ubyte(R4º.Sp*8 + R4º.Sp); /* SIB byte */
C[3 .. 7] = bytes(Displ);
} else {
C[2 .. 6] = bytes(Displ);
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_mov_m4r4(R4º.Ax, 0, R4º.Ax) == x"8980 00000000 90");
assert(op_mov_m4r4(R4º.Sp, 0xdeadbeef, R4º.Ax) == x"898424 efbeadde");
assert(op_mov_m4r4(R4º.Sp, 0x100001, R4º.Di) == x"89bc24 01001000");
auto op_insr_r16r4(R16º Dst, R4º Src, ubyte Idx) in {
assert(Idx < 4);
} body {
/* PINSRD XMM*, E*X, Idx */
ubyte[6] C;
C[0 .. 4] = bytes(Op4.PinsrD);
C[4] = to_!ubyte(0b11000000 + Dst*8 + Src);
C[5] = Idx;
return C;
unittest {
assert(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, 0) == x"660f3a22 c0 00");
assert(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X0, R4º.Ax, 3) == x"660f3a22 c0 03");
assert(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X1, R4º.Ax, 3) == x"660f3a22 c8 03");
assert(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X1, R4º.Cx, 3) == x"660f3a22 c9 03");
assert(op_insr_r16r4(R16º.X7, R4º.Di, 2) == x"660f3a22 ff 02");
/* --- miscellaneous --- */
private auto bytes(Tº)(Tº X) {
return *(cast(ubyte[Tº.sizeof]*) &X);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/+bool sse41_enabled() @safe nothrow pure {
asm @safe nothrow pure {
mov EAX, 1;
shr ECX, 19;
and ECX, 1;
mov EAX, ECX;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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