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Created June 13, 2018 04:39
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Weather for the Netherlands
import requests
import bs4
import collections
Created with the help of Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps
WeatherReport = collections.namedtuple('WeatherReport',
'cond, temp, scale, loc')
This is the first part where we define teh main function of the program Weather App
def main():
code_zip = input('What city for the weather in the Netherlands(wageningen)? ')
html = get_html_from_web(code_zip)
report = get_weather_from_html(html)
print('The temp in {} is {} {} and {}'.format(
def print_the_header():
print(' WEATHER APP')
def get_html_from_web(place):
url = '{}'.format(place)
response = requests.get(url)
return response.text
def get_weather_from_html(html):
# cityCss = '.region-content-header h1'
# weatherScaleCss = '.wu-unit-temperature .wu-label'
# weatherTempCss = '.wu-unit-temperature .wu-value'
# weatherConditionCss = '.condition-icon'
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
loc = soup.find(class_='region-content-header').find('h1').get_text()
condition = soup.find(class_='condition-icon').get_text()
temp = soup.find(class_='wu-unit-temperature').find(class_='wu-value').get_text()
scale = soup.find(class_='wu-unit-temperature').find(class_='wu-label').get_text()
loc = cleanup_text(loc)
loc = find_city_and_state_from_location(loc)
condition = cleanup_text(condition)
temp = cleanup_text(temp)
scale = cleanup_text(scale)
report = WeatherReport(cond=condition, temp=temp, scale=scale, loc=loc)
return report
def find_city_and_state_from_location (loc: str):
parts = loc.split('\n')
return parts[0].strip()
def cleanup_text(text : str):
if not text:
return text
text = text.strip()
return text
if __name__ == '__main__':
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