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Created April 1, 2020 14:03
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* A small library for testing collisions between moving tokens in Roll20.
var TokenCollisions = (() => {
'use strict';
* An object encapsulating a collision between two tokens and the point
* of collision.
* @typedef {object} Collision
* @property {Graphic} token
* The token that moved.
* @property {Graphic} other
* The token it collided with.
* @property {vec2} pt
* The point of collision.
* @property {number} dist
* The distance of the collision from the its waypoint start.
* An object with optional parameters for collision functions.
* @typedef {object} CollisionOptions
* @property {boolean} detailed
* If true, the collision function will return Collision objects
* instead instead of Tokens that were collided with.
* A movement waypoint defined by two points: The starting point and the
* movement's endpoint.
* @typedef {vec2[]} waypoint
* For some token, this gets the list of tokens it collided with during its
* movement between two points, from some list of other tokens.
* The tokens are sorted in the order that they are collided with.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic[]} others
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {(Graphic[]|Collisions[])}
function _getCollisionsInWaypoint(token, others, waypoint, options) {
options = options || {};
let start = waypoint[0];
let end = waypoint[1];
let numCollisions = 0;
return _.chain(others)
// Get the list of tokens that actually collide, sorted by the distance
// from the starting point at which they occur.
.map(other => {
let dist = _testCollision(token, other, waypoint);
if(dist !== undefined && dist >= 0) {
let alpha = dist/VecMath.dist(start, end);
let vec = VecMath.sub(end, start);
vec = VecMath.scale(vec, alpha);
let pt = VecMath.add(start, vec);
return { token, other, dist, pt };
return undefined;
.sortBy(collision => {
if(collision === undefined)
return undefined;
return collision.dist;
// Other tokens with undefined collision distance will be sorted to the
// high end of the list. So, we'll just drop them.
.map(collision => {
return collision;
return collision.other
* Gets the list of all points traversed during a token's movement, including
* its current position at the end of the movement.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @return {vec2[]}
function _getLastMovePts(token) {
let move = token.get('lastmove').split(',');
let coords =, x => {
return parseInt(x);
let pts =, i => {
let x = coords[i*2];
let y = coords[i*2 + 1];
return [x, y];
pts.push([token.get('left'), token.get('top')]);
return pts;
* Gets the position of a token.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @return {vec2}
function _getPt(token) {
return [token.get('left'), token.get('top')];
* Gets the list of all points traversed during a token's movement, including
* its current position at the end of the movement.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @return {waypoint[]}
function _getWaypoints(token) {
let prev;
let waypoints = [];
_.each(_getLastMovePts(token), pt => {
waypoints.push([prev, pt]);
prev = pt;
return waypoints;
* Checks if a circle is overlapping a circle.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {graphic} other
* @param {int} inset
* @return {Boolean}
function _isOverlappingCircleCircle(token, other, inset) {
let circle1 = _tokenToCircle(token, inset);
let circle2 = _tokenToCircle(other, inset);
return circle1.intersects(circle2);
* Checks if a circle is overlapping a path/polygon.
* The path is treated as a polygon if its fill is not transparent.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {path} path
* @param {int} inset
* @return {boolean}
function _isOverlappingCirclePath(token, path, inset) {
let circle = _tokenToCircle(token, inset);
if(path.get('fill') === 'transparent') {
let segments = PathMath.toSegments(path);
return !!_.find(segments, seg => {
return circle.segmentIntersection(seg);
else {
let poly = new PathMath.Polygon(path);
return circle.intersectsPolygon(poly);
* Checks if a circle is overlapping a rectangle.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {graphic} other
* @param {int} inset
* @return {Boolean}
function _isOverlappingCircleRect(token, other, inset) {
let circle = _tokenToCircle(token, inset);
let rect = _tokenToRect(other, inset);
return circle.intersectsPolygon(rect);
* Checks if a rectangle is overlapping a path/polygon.
* The path is treated as a polygon if its fill is not transparent.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {path} path
* @param {int} inset
* @return {boolean}
function _isOverlappingRectPath(token, path, inset) {
let rect = _tokenToRect(token, inset);
if(path.get('fill') === 'transparent')
return rect.intersectsPath(path);
else {
let poly = new PathMath.Polygon(path);
return rect.intersects(poly);
* Checks if a rectangle is overlapping a rectangle.
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {graphic} other
* @param {int} inset
* @return {Boolean}
function _isOverlappingRectRect(token, other, inset) {
let rect1 = _tokenToRect(token, inset);
let rect2 = _tokenToRect(other, inset);
return rect1.intersects(rect2);
* Tests if a circular token collides with another circular token during
* its last movement.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic} other
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number}
* The distance along the waypoint at which the collision happens,
* or undefined if there is no collision.
function _testCirclesCollision(token, other, waypoint) {
let start = waypoint[0];
start[2] = 1;
let end = waypoint[1];
end[2] = 1;
let pt = _getPt(other);
pt[2] = 1;
let segment = [start, end];
let tokenR = token.get('width')/2;
let otherR = other.get('width')/2;
let totalR = tokenR + otherR;
// Reduce the problem to an intersection between a combined circle and
// the segment representing the waypoint.
let circle = new PathMath.Circle(pt, totalR-1); // inset by 1 to avoid edges.
let intersection = circle.segmentIntersection(segment);
if(intersection) {
let intPt = intersection[0];
let scalar = intersection[1];
// If our movement started in other's circle, then it doesn't count.
if(scalar <= 0)
return undefined;
// Return the distance from the start to the point of intersection.
return VecMath.dist(start, intPt);
* Tests for a collision between a circle and a Path.
* If the path's fill is not transparent, then the Path is treated as a
* Polygon.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {Path} path
* @param {Waypoint} waypoint
function _testCirclePathCollision(token, path, waypoint) {
let shape;
if(path.get('fill') === 'transparent')
shape = new PathMath.Path(path);
shape = new PathMath.Polygon(path);
return _testCirclePolyCollision(token, shape, waypoint);
* Tests for a collision between a circle and a Polygon.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {(PathMath.Polygon|PathMath.Path)} poly
* @param {Waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number} The minimum distance.
function _testCirclePolyCollision(token, poly, waypoint) {
let start = _.clone(waypoint[0]);
start[2] = 1;
let end = _.clone(waypoint[1]);
end[2] = 1;
let u = VecMath.sub(end, start);
let uLen = VecMath.length(u);
let uAngle = Math.atan2(u[1], u[0]);
let radius = token.get('width')/2 - 1; // Inset 1 to avoid edges.
// Quit early if the polygon's bounding box does not intersect the
// union of the start and end circles' bounding boxes.
let startCircle = new PathMath.Circle(start, radius);
let startBox = startCircle.getBoundingBox();
let endCircle = new PathMath.Circle(end, radius);
let endBox = endCircle.getBoundingBox();
let moveBox = PathMath.BoundingBox.add(startBox, endBox);
let polyBox = poly.getBoundingBox();
return undefined;
// Quit early if the polygon contains the start circle's center.
if(poly instanceof PathMath.Polygon && poly.containsPt(
return undefined;
// Produce a system transformation such that our circle is centered at
// the origin and u points up. Then transform the polygon to this system.
let rotation = Math.PI/2 - uAngle;
let m = MatrixMath.multiply(
MatrixMath.translate(VecMath.sub([0,0,1] ,start))
let mPoly = poly.transform(m);
let mCircle = new PathMath.Circle([0,0,1], radius);
// Return the minimum collision distance to a transformed segment.
let segments = mPoly.toSegments();
let keptSegs = _testCirclePolyCollision_clipSegments(segments, mCircle);
let minDist = _testCirclePolyCollision_minDistance(keptSegs, radius);
if(minDist === Infinity || minDist > uLen)
return undefined;
return minDist;
// Clip out segments that extend beyond +/-radius. Also, get their line
// equation data.
function _testCirclePolyCollision_clipSegments(segments, circle) {
let radius = circle.radius;
return _.chain(segments)
.map(seg => {
log("TokenCollisions DEBUG - Segment:")
let p = seg[0];
let q = seg[1];
// Keep vertical segments that lie within the radius.
if(p[0] === q[0]) {
if(p[0] > -radius && p[0] < radius) {
seg.m = undefined;
seg.b = undefined;
return seg;
// Let p be the leftmost point.
if(p[0] > q[0]) {
let swap = q;
q = p;
p = swap;
// Get the line equation info.
let dx = q[0] - p[0];
let dy = q[1] - p[1];
let m = dy/dx;
let b = p[1] - m*p[0];
// Clip the segment if it intersects the starting circle.
// Clip the segment if both points are under the circle.
if(p[1] < 0 && q[1] < 0)
// Clip the segment if both points are on the same side beyond the radius.
if(p[0] < -radius && q[0] < -radius)
else if(p[0] > radius && q[0] > radius)
// Clip at intersections with the left and right radius pillars.
else {
if(p[0] < -radius)
p = [-radius, -m*radius + b, 1];
if(q[0] > radius)
q = [radius, m*radius + b, 1];
let clippedSeg = [p, q];
clippedSeg.m = m;
clippedSeg.b = b;
return clippedSeg;
// Using the power of calculus, find the closest segment that
// wasn't clipped.
function _testCirclePolyCollision_minDistance(segments, radius) {
return _.chain(segments)
.map(seg => {
let p = seg[0];
let q = seg[1];
let fofX = x => { // The line equation for the segment in y=mx + b form.
return seg.m*x + seg.b;
let gofX = x => { // The line equation for the upper half of the circle.
return Math.sqrt(radius*radius - x*x);
let hofX = x => { // Collision distance equation.
return fofX(x) - gofX(x);
let hofXdx = x => { // first derivative.
return seg.m + x/gofX(x);
let hofXddx = x => { // second derivative.
return radius*radius/Math.pow(gofX(x), 3);
if(seg.m === undefined)
return Math.min(seg[0][1], seg[1][1]) - gofX(seg[0][0]);
else {
let root1 = seg.m*radius/Math.sqrt(1 + seg.m*seg.m);
let root2 = -root1;
// Clip roots outside of the segment, on the edge of the
// circle's movement, or whose slopes aren't valleys.
// Then get the collision distance to the closest root.
let minDist = _.chain([root1, root2, p[0], q[0]])
.filter(root => {
let isInRadius = (root >= -radius && root <= radius);
let isInSegment = (root >= p[0] && root <= q[0]);
let isValley = (hofXddx(root) > 0);
return isInRadius && isInSegment && isValley;
.map(root => {
let result = hofX(root);
return hofX(root);
.min() // Infinity if no valid roots.
if(minDist > 0)
return minDist;
return undefined;
.min() // Get the shortest distance among the segments.
* Tests if a circular token collides with a rectangular token during its
* last movement.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic} other
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number}
* The distance along the waypoint at which the collision happens,
* or undefined if there is no collision.
function _testCircleRectCollision(token, other, waypoint) {
let rect = _tokenToRect(other);
return _testCirclePolyCollision(token, rect, waypoint);
* Tests for a collision between a token and another object using a strategy
* appropriate for the shapes of the colliding objects.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {(Graphic|Path|PathMath.Polygon)} other
* @param {Waypoint} waypoint
function _testCollision(token, other, waypoint) {
let isSquare = token.get('aura1_square');
let otherIsPath = (other.get('_type') === 'path');
let strategy;
if(other instanceof PathMath.Polygon)
strategy = _testRectPolyCollision;
else if(other.get('_type') === 'path')
strategy = _testRectPathCollision;
else if(other.get('aura1_square'))
strategy = _testRectsCollision;
strategy = _testRectCircleCollision;
if(other instanceof PathMath.Polygon)
strategy = _testCirclePolyCollision;
else if(other.get('_type') === 'path')
strategy = _testCirclePathCollision;
else if(other.get('aura1_square'))
strategy = _testCircleRectCollision;
strategy = _testCirclesCollision;
return strategy(token, other, waypoint);
* Tests if a token overlaps another token or path, using a strategy
* appropriate for the shapes of the objects.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {(graphic|path)} other
* @param {int} inset
* @return {boolean}
function _testOverlap(token, other, inset) {
let strategy;
if(other.get('_type') === 'path')
strategy = _isOverlappingRectPath;
else if(other.get('aura1_square'))
strategy = _isOverlappingRectRect;
strategy = _isOverlappingCircleRect;
if(other.get('_type') === 'path')
strategy = _isOverlappingCirclePath;
else if(other.get('aura1_square'))
strategy = _isOverlappingCircleRect;
strategy = _isOverlappingCircleCircle;
return strategy(token, other, inset);
* Tests for an in-movement collisions between a rectangular token
* and a circular token.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic} other
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number}
* The distance along the waypoint at which the collision happens,
* or undefined if there is no collision.
function _testRectCircleCollision(token, other, waypoint) {
// Reduce the problem to a circle-rect test in the opposite direction.
let start = waypoint[0];
start[2] = 1;
let end = waypoint[1];
end[2] = 1;
let tokenPt = _getPt(token);
tokenPt[2] = 1;
let otherPt = _getPt(other);
otherPt[2] = 1;
let u = VecMath.sub(end, start);
let uReverse = VecMath.scale(u, -1);
let poly = _tokenToRect(token);
let offset = VecMath.sub(start, tokenPt);
poly = poly.transform(MatrixMath.translate(offset));
let reverseWaypoint = [otherPt, VecMath.add(otherPt, uReverse)];
return _testCirclePolyCollision(other, poly, reverseWaypoint);
* Tests for an in-movement collision between a rectangular token and a
* path. The path is treated as a polygon if its fill is not transparent.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Path} path
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number} The minimum collision distance.
function _testRectPathCollision(token, path, waypoint) {
let shape;
if(path.get('fill') === 'transparent')
shape = new PathMath.Path(path);
shape = new PathMath.Polygon(path);
return _testRectPolyCollision(token, shape, waypoint);
* Tests for an in-movement collision between two polygons.
* @private
* @param {graphic} token
* @param {(PathMath.Polygon|PathMath.Path)} poly
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number}
function _testRectPolyCollision(token, poly, waypoint) {
let start = waypoint[0];
start[2] = 1;
let end = waypoint[1];
end[2] = 1;
let u = VecMath.sub(end, start);
let uLen = VecMath.length(u);
let uAngle = Math.atan2(u[1], u[0]);
// Get the rectangle for the token's final position.
let rect = _tokenToRect(token, 1); // Inset by 1 to avoid edges.
let rectPt = _getPt(token);
rectPt[2] = 1;
let rectOffset = VecMath.sub(start, rectPt);
// Get the rectangle for the waypoint's start.
let startRect = rect.transform(MatrixMath.translate(rectOffset));
let startBox = startRect.getBoundingBox();
// Get the rectangle for the waypoint's end.
let endRect = startRect.transform(MatrixMath.translate(u));
let endBox = endRect.getBoundingBox();
// Quit early if the polygon's bounding box does not intersect the
// union of the start and end rects' bounding boxes.
let moveBox = PathMath.BoundingBox.add(startBox, endBox);
return undefined;
// Quit early if the polygons intersect.
return undefined;
// Transform the system so that the token's start rect is at the origin and
// u points up.
let rotation = Math.PI/2 - uAngle;
let m = MatrixMath.multiply(
MatrixMath.translate(VecMath.sub([0,0,1], start))
let mPoly = poly.transform(m);
let mRect = startRect.transform(m);
// Get the sets of clipped segments to test collisions between.
let mRectSegs = _testRectPolyCollision_clipRectSegs(mRect, moveBox);
let mPolySegs = _testRectPolyCollision_clipPolySegs(mPoly, mRect);
let minDist = _testRectPolyCollision_getMinDist(mPolySegs, mRectSegs);
if(minDist === Infinity || minDist > uLen)
return undefined;
return minDist;
// Clip the lower segments from the rect.
function _testRectPolyCollision_clipRectSegs(mRect, moveBox) {
return _.chain(mRect.toSegments())
.filter(seg => {
let u = VecMath.sub(seg[1], seg[0]);
let testPt = [seg[0][0], moveBox.height*2, 1];
let v = VecMath.sub(testPt, seg[0]);
let cross = VecMath.cross(u, v);
// Keep the segment if the test point is on its "left" side.
return cross[2] < 0;
.map(seg => {
let p = seg[0];
let q = seg[1];
// let p be the leftmost point.
if(p[0] > q[0]) {
let swap = q;
q = p;
p = swap;
// Get the segment's line equation data.
let dx = q[0] - p[0];
let dy = q[1] - p[1];
let m = dy/dx;
let b = p[1] - m*p[0];
let newSeg = [p, q];
newSeg.m = m;
newSeg.b = b;
return newSeg;
// Clip segments from the polygon that are outside the collision space.
function _testRectPolyCollision_clipPolySegs(mPoly, mRect) {
let mRectBox = mRect.getBoundingBox();
let left = mRectBox.left;
let right = left + mRectBox.width;
return _.chain(mPoly.toSegments())
.map(seg => {
let p = seg[0];
let q = seg[1];
// Keep vertical segments that are within the collision space.
if(p[0] === q[0] && p[0] >= left && p[0] <= right) {
seg.m = undefined;
seg.b = undefined;
return seg;
// let p be the leftmost point.
if(p[0] > q[0]) {
let swap = q;
q = p;
p = swap;
// Clip segments that are entirely outside the collision space.
if(p[0] < left && q[0] < left)
return undefined;
if(p[0] > right && q[0] > right)
return undefined;
if(p[1] < 0 && q[1] < 0)
return undefined;
// Clip intersections with the left and right borders
// of the collision space.
let dx = q[0] - p[0];
let dy = q[1] - p[1];
let m = dy/dx;
let b = p[1] - m*p[0];
if(p[0] < left)
p = [left, m*left + b, 1];
if(q[0] > right)
q = [right, m*right + b, 1];
let clippedSeg = [p, q];
clippedSeg.m = m;
clippedSeg.b = b;
return clippedSeg;
// Using the power of linear algebra, find the minimum distance to any of the
// polygon's segments.
function _testRectPolyCollision_getMinDist(mPolySegs, mRectSegs) {
return _.chain(mPolySegs)
.map(polySeg => {
return _.chain(mRectSegs)
.map(rectSeg => {
let fofX = x => {
return polySeg.m * x + polySeg.b;
let gofX = x => {
return rectSeg.m * x + rectSeg.b;
let hofX = x => {
return fofX(x) - gofX(x);
let left = rectSeg[0][0];
let right = rectSeg[1][0];
let p = polySeg[0];
let q = polySeg[1];
// Skip if this polySeg is not directly above rectSeg.
if(p[0] < left && q[0] < left)
return undefined;
if(p[0] > right && q[0] > right)
return undefined;
// Clip the intersections on the left and right sides of rectSeg.
if(p[0] < left)
p = [left, fofX(left), 1];
if(q[0] > right)
q = [right, fofX(right), 1];
// Return the minimum distance among the clipped polySeg's endpoints.
let dist = Math.min(hofX(p[0]), hofX(q[0]));
if(dist > 0)
return dist;
return undefined;
* Tests for a collision between two rectangular tokens and returns
* the shortest distance to the collision.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic} other
* @param {waypoint} waypoint
* @return {number}
* The distance along the waypoint at which the collision happens,
* or undefined if there is no collision.
function _testRectsCollision(token, other, waypoint) {
let poly = _tokenToRect(other);
return _testRectPolyCollision(token, poly, waypoint);
* Gets the circle bounding a token.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {number} inset
* @return {PathMath.Circle}
function _tokenToCircle(token, inset) {
inset = inset || 0;
let x = token.get('left');
let y = token.get('top');
let r = token.get('width')/2 - inset;
return new PathMath.Circle([x, y, 1], r);
* Gets the rectangule bounding a token.
* @private
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {number} inset
* @return {PathMath.Polygon}
function _tokenToRect(token, inset) {
inset = inset || 0;
let width = token.get('width') - inset;
let height = token.get('height') - inset;
let pt = _getPt(token);
let angle = token.get('rotation')*Math.PI/180;
let m = MatrixMath.multiply(
return new PathMath.Polygon([
MatrixMath.multiply(m, [-width/2, -height/2, 1]),
MatrixMath.multiply(m, [width/2, -height/2, 1]),
MatrixMath.multiply(m, [width/2, height/2, 1]),
MatrixMath.multiply(m, [-width/2, height/2, 1])
// The exposed API.
return class TokenCollisions {
* Returns the list of other tokens that some token collided with during
* its last movement.
* The tokens are sorted in the order they are collided with.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {(Graphic|Path|PathMath.Polygon)[]} others
* @param {CollisionOptions} [options]
* @return {(Graphic[]|Collisions[])}
static getCollisions(token, others, options) {
return _.chain(_getWaypoints(token))
.map(waypoint => {
return _getCollisionsInWaypoint(token, others, waypoint, options);
* Returns the first token, from some list of tokens, that a token has
* collided with during its last movement, or undfined if there was
* no collision.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {(Graphic|Path|PathMath.Polygon)[]} others
* @param {CollisionOptions} [options]
* @return {(Graphic|Collision)}
static getFirstCollision(token, others, options) {
return TokenCollisions.getCollisions(token, others, options)[0];
* Checks if a non-moving token is currently overlapping another token.
* This supports circular and rectangular tokens.
* Tokens are considered to be rectangular if their aura1 is a square.
* @param {Graphic} token
* @param {Graphic} other
* @param {boolean} [collideOnEdge=false]
* Whether tokens should count as overlapping even if they are only
* touching on the very edge.
* @return {Boolean}
static isOverlapping(token, other, collideOnEdge) {
if(token.get('_id') === other.get('_id'))
return false;
// Inset by 1 pixel if we don't want to collide on edges.
let inset = 1;
inset = 0;
return _testOverlap(token, other, inset);
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