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As suggested by Andrew, I will be working on the little shop project throughout my time off. I agree that doing that project would cover the gaps in knowledge that I need to work on. In this project, being able to focus on all aspects of it on my own, I will be able to work on: getting better with connections and managing multiple connections, sessions, nail down ActiveRecord and when I would want to use it, the different roles to be set i.e. admin, registered user. I have the stories and will create my own GitHub Repo and another session board.
I am going to make another personal site with a built in blogger. I will then use this blogger with the focus of using it throughout my career.
I plan to focus more time on using and have some small challenge practices throughout my time off.
I haven't made an account on StackOverflow yet. I plan on doing this and engage the StackOverflow community to answer questions I might have.
I will watch the calendar and reach out ahead of time
Date of feedback conversation:
The entirety of mod 2.
How did you prepare for the conversation?
I spoke with most of my partners on different projects from Mod 1 and 2. Having that connection been made we all talked to eachother since doing the projects and being more vulnerable to one another, making it easier to discuss what could have been better and what I could have done differently.
How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?
I prefer open and honest communication. It is a double edged sword but it helps build resolve, determination and understanding of what your weaknesses are. It's easy to talk like this with people who are open. I found it hard sometimes to be harsh on others on some issues.
What principles of feedback did you use in the conversation?
What project management strategies did you use in your projects this module? What went well? What would you do differently next time?
My groups for both projects decided to use the waffle board. We broke iteration by iteration down into different waffle cards. We attached the github repos with each one so to get auto updates and easier management between the two entities. On top of this we declared in our DTR that we would be communicating in person every day at the beginning and at the end of the day. We talked about what we did and what we needed to do next. This was really effective in communicating and progressing through with the project. There was one downside to the first groups approach to that project. We over communicated and believed our words were truth in what we needed to do, we didn't have the repo side by side at each meeting. We had transcribed the repo at the beginning into the waffle cards and didn't think to really check back in the repo. This resulted in missing a key desci
# Documentation Guidelines for Cold Outreach I Deliverable:
* Name of contact
* Dj Greenfield, Trey Tomlinson, Alex J, Jason Noble, Ryan O'hara
* Date of contact
* I have been talking with Dj on and off the last few mods, Dj was the start of my network.
* Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?)
Cdale3 / gist:cf86bfdb4f2514762ab0d32453b4afc5
Created April 12, 2017 19:36
Asset Pipeline Scavenger Hunt
What does it mean to concatenate files? Find an image of an example concatenated file. Why would we want to concatenate files? Concatenate is the combining of more than one files/strings/other elements to eachother. The asset pipeline provides us a framework to concatenate and minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets. By combining these files we are reducing the number of requests that a browser must make to render a web page.
What does it mean to precompile files? What does this have to do with coffeescript and sass files?
Rails will place files where they may be more easily accessed and delivered to the server. CoffeeScript and Sass are the tools rails uses to code these assets - Sass is for CSS and CoffeeScript is for JavaScript, erb is for both. if you add an erb extension to a JavaScript asset making it something like file_name.js.erb, then you can use an asset_path helper in your javascript code. You could also add CoffeeScript to that same file making it
Feedback III Reflection
What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator?
Being a team member to my groups and the community in general as a whole. I'm collaborative and open with everyone. I try to make the things around me and others easier by design. I try to take on challenges whether it is curriculum or a personal standpoint. I show great empathy towards those around me.
How do you use your strengths as a team member?
I try to identify my strengths and weaknesses and communicate them clearly. Open communication is the best way to make sure a team works efficiently.
How would you like to continue to develop your strengths?
Continue to learn, listen, engage and surround myself with sources of information. Practice old and new technologies.
HTML Skeleton   -- the basic structure that is implemented when you type html and then tab over. This has a head and body element already included and ready for you to easily start working on HTML code.
Head -- Head contains data that is present but doesn't necessarily show up on the web page (the body element is used for that). The title is the biggest example of this. I believe it shows up in the window tab of a page, but doesn't show anywhere actually on the page, unless there was a title element inside of the body element.
Body -- the main display of our content from html. What is in the body element will show up on the page. Links, lists, text...etc
Semantic Tags -- From the web: "A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer."
So a footer should be at the bottom, header should be at the top. Does this mean that it has no special properties to it, other than the fact that when you read it you know what it is? When I first heard of semantic tags
Cdale3 / gist:4b41df25238059df03045613bf34d315
Created March 11, 2017 06:58
what priorities will be as a learner moving into M2
  With having gone through Mod 1 twice and having more time to process both emotional and physical changes to my mind-set, I discovered challenges I haven't had or known how to deal with in quite a while. These challenges have stirred up a good amount of anxiety. I hardly understand it. However, your words about getting comfortable with this stranger stuck in my head. The unknown and the fear of not knowing were getting in the way. At the beginning of this mod and throughout, I found myself taking on more roles to help me be comfortable, though I didn't realize why I was doing it at the time. It was only after our talk that some things started to trigger, in a more positive and informative way for me. After the realization of what my sub-conscious was doing. I resolved that it was for the best that I had started to do these things, even though it was adding more to my plate and pressing me for more time. So I reflected on how my negative mind-set was, how it was transformed into something productiv
Cdale3 / gist:b2be461f6e40ec6183761759d34e5744
Created February 28, 2017 16:09
Getting better at difficult things
I try to be engaged with the content. Keeping things organized to an extent where I can grab things quickly.
The challenges I face are like the ones described in the video. I need to set more paramaters on the time I spend to
do things. Also set a time limit on how long I should work on each thing. I installed a few tools on my laptop to help with this. Pivotal and Todoist have opened my eyes on better scheduling controls.
The idea of growth mindset appeals to me strongly. The fact that it is in a constant state of flux is what interests me most. Continually being able to practice working through the motions of gaining a mindset state is great. It makes us better as human beings in my opinion. Repeating has helped me grow a better mindset with myself and towards others. I like to discuss and listen to peoples experiences and see how I can help or learn from them.