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Last active October 1, 2023 03:08
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  • Save Cdaprod/2fde51e9465544f618d3f105e0f1c521 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cdaprod/2fde51e9465544f618d3f105e0f1c521 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prototype - write_functions_to_files() for populating code as a small object `code`. Attempting a RAG system as a personal code base by parsing personal Python documentation. This will be utilized in an automated CD platform for deploying code base using `functions_code` embeddings
import os
import ast
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import List
# Pydantic model for function code blocks
class FunctionCodeBlock(BaseModel):
code: str = Field(..., description="The Python code block")
class Config:
schema_extra = {
"example": {
"code": "def hello():\n print('Hello, world!')"
# Function to validate functions_code list
def validate_functions_code(functions_code: List[FunctionCodeBlock]):
validated_list = [FunctionCodeBlock(**item) for item in functions_code]
return validated_list
except Exception as e:
print(f"Validation failed: {e}")
return []
# Function to write Python functions to individual files
def write_functions_to_files(functions_code, directory_path):
os.makedirs(directory_path, exist_ok=True)
for function in functions_code:
tree = ast.parse(function['code'])
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
filename = f"{}.py"
file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, filename)
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
functions_code = [
'code': '''
def query_weaviate(query):
def process_results(filter_function):
results = weaviate_client.query(query)
return filter_function(results)
return process_results
'code': '''
def store_in_minio(object):
def confirm_storage(callback):
minio_client.put_object("my-bucket", "object-key", object)
return callback("Successfully stored")
return confirm_storage
'code': '''
def retrieve_from_minio(key):
def process_retrieval(callback):
data = minio_client.get_object("my-bucket", key)
return callback(data)
return process_retrieval
'code': '''
def apply_template(template):
def populate_template(populate_function):
populated_template = populate_function(template)
return populated_template
return populate_template
'code': '''
import git
def commit_and_push_to_github_with_gitpython(directory_path, branch_name, commit_message="Initial commit", username="<your_username>", repo_name="<your_repo>"):
repo = git.Repo.init(path=directory_path)
remote_url = f"{username}/{repo_name}.git"
origin = repo.create_remote('origin', url=remote_url)
return "Successfully committed and pushed to GitHub."
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {e}"
'code': '''
import subprocess
def commit_and_push_to_github(directory_path, branch_name, commit_message="Initial commit", username="<your_username>", repo_name="<your_repo>"):
# Initialize a new git repository["git", "init"], cwd=directory_path)
# Add all files in the directory to the git index["git", "add", "."], cwd=directory_path)
# Commit the changes["git", "commit", "-m", commit_message], cwd=directory_path)
# Add the remote GitHub repository
remote_url = f"{username}/{repo_name}.git"["git", "remote", "add", "origin", remote_url], cwd=directory_path)
# Create a new branch and switch to it["git", "checkout", "-b", branch_name], cwd=directory_path)
# Push the changes to the remote repository["git", "push", "-u", "origin", branch_name], cwd=directory_path)
return "Successfully committed and pushed to GitHub."
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {e}"
# Example usage with placeholders
directory_path = '<path_to_your_directory>'
branch_name = '<name_of_new_feature_branch>'
commit_message = '<your_commit_message>'
username = '<your_github_username>'
repo_name = '<your_github_repo_name>'
commit_and_push_to_github(directory_path, branch_name, commit_message, username, repo_name)
validated_functions_code = validate_functions_code(functions_code)
directory_path = './test_build_dir'
if validated_functions_code:
write_functions_to_files(validated_functions_code, directory_path)
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