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Created March 29, 2014 16:03
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{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, DeriveGeneric, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, StandaloneDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
module Main (
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Data.List
import GHC.Generics hiding (moduleName)
import qualified GHC.Generics
-- A type representation
data TypeName = TypeName { moduleName :: String, typeName :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TypeDefF t = Declare { declared :: TypeDeclF t }
| Import { imported :: TypeName }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data TypeDeclF t = Data { fullName :: TypeName, typeVariables :: Integer, constructors :: [ConstructorDeclF t] }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type TypeDecl = TypeDeclF TypeExpr
data ConstructorDeclF t = ConstructorDeclF { constructorName :: String, fields :: [FieldDeclF t] }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data FieldDeclF t = FieldDeclF { fieldName :: String, fieldType :: t }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data TypeExprF t = Type t | Variable Integer | Application (TypeExprF t) (TypeExprF t)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type TypeExpr = TypeExprF TypeName
definedType :: TypeDefF t -> TypeName
definedType (Declare d) = fullName d
definedType (Import i) = i
isDeclare :: TypeDefF t -> Bool
isDeclare (Declare _) = True
isDeclare _ = False
declarations :: [TypeDefF t] -> [TypeDeclF t]
declarations = map declared . filter isDeclare
joinTypeExpr :: TypeExprF (TypeExprF t) -> TypeExprF t
joinTypeExpr (Type t) = t
joinTypeExpr (Application f a) = Application (joinTypeExpr f) (joinTypeExpr a)
joinTypeExpr (Variable x) = Variable x
data RecursiveTypeExpr = Fix { unFix :: TypeExprF (TypeDefF RecursiveTypeExpr) }
simplifyTypeExpr :: RecursiveTypeExpr -> TypeExpr
simplifyTypeExpr = fmap definedType . unFix
-- A type, with dependencies
data DataModelF t = DataModel { rootType :: TypeExpr, dependencies :: Map.Map TypeName (TypeDeclF t) }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type DataModel = DataModelF TypeExpr
emptyModel :: TypeName -> RecursiveTypeExpr
emptyModel = Fix . Type . Import
externalModel :: String -> String -> RecursiveTypeExpr
externalModel moduleName typeName = emptyModel TypeName {moduleName = moduleName, typeName = typeName }
simplifyDecl :: (Functor f) => f RecursiveTypeExpr -> f TypeExpr
simplifyDecl = fmap simplifyTypeExpr
flattenModel :: RecursiveTypeExpr -> DataModel
flattenModel model = DataModel {
rootType = simplifyTypeExpr model,
dependencies = allDependencies model
referencedDefinitions :: RecursiveTypeExpr -> [TypeDefF RecursiveTypeExpr]
referencedDefinitions = Foldable.toList . unFix
allDependencies :: RecursiveTypeExpr -> Map.Map TypeName TypeDecl
allDependencies = go Map.empty . referencedBy
go :: Map.Map TypeName (TypeDeclF RecursiveTypeExpr) -> Map.Map TypeName (TypeDeclF RecursiveTypeExpr) -> Map.Map TypeName TypeDecl
go explored unexplored =
if Map.null unexplored
then fmap simplifyDecl explored
else go nowExplored nowUnexplored
nowExplored = Map.union explored unexplored
referenced = Map.unions . map referencedBy . concatMap Foldable.toList . Map.elems $ unexplored
nowUnexplored = Map.difference referenced nowExplored
referencedBy :: RecursiveTypeExpr -> Map.Map TypeName (TypeDeclF RecursiveTypeExpr)
referencedBy = Map.fromList . map (\x -> (fullName x, x)) . declarations . referencedDefinitions
flatModel :: (Modelable a) => a -> DataModel
flatModel = flattenModel . dataModel
-- Modelable class
class Modelable a where
dataModel :: a -> RecursiveTypeExpr
default dataModel :: (Generic a, GModelable (Rep a)) => a -> RecursiveTypeExpr
dataModel (_ :: a) = gdataModel (undefined :: Rep a ())
class Modelable1 f where
dataModel1 :: (Modelable a) => f a -> RecursiveTypeExpr
default dataModel1 :: (Generic1 f, GModelable (Rep (f a)), Modelable a) => f a -> RecursiveTypeExpr
dataModel1 (_ :: f a) = gdataModel (undefined :: Rep (f a) ())
instance (Modelable1 f, Modelable a) => Modelable (f a) where
dataModel = dataModel1
-- GModelable
class GModelable f where
gdataModel :: f () -> RecursiveTypeExpr
class GConstructors f where
gconstructors :: f () -> [ConstructorDeclF RecursiveTypeExpr]
class GFields f where
gfields :: f () -> [FieldDeclF RecursiveTypeExpr]
-- Data types
instance (GConstructors a, Datatype d) => GModelable (M1 D d a) where
gdataModel d = (Fix . Type . Declare) Data {
fullName = TypeName {moduleName = GHC.Generics.moduleName d, typeName = datatypeName d},
typeVariables = 0,
constructors = gconstructors (undefined :: a ())
-- Construtors
instance (GConstructors a, GConstructors b) => GConstructors ((:+:) a b) where
gconstructors _ = gconstructors (undefined :: a ()) ++ gconstructors (undefined :: b ())
instance (GFields a, Constructor c) => GConstructors (M1 C c a) where
gconstructors c = [ConstructorDeclF {
constructorName = conName c,
fields = gfields (undefined :: a ())
-- Fields
instance (GModelable a, Selector s) => GFields (M1 S s a) where
gfields s = [FieldDeclF (selName s) (gdataModel (undefined :: a ()))]
instance GFields U1 where
gfields _ = []
instance (GFields a, GFields b) => GFields ((:*:) a b) where
gfields _ = gfields (undefined :: a ()) ++ gfields (undefined :: b ())
-- Type References
instance (Modelable a) => GModelable (K1 i a) where
gdataModel _ = dataModel (undefined :: a)
-- GTypeable
class GTypeable f where
gtype :: f () -> TypeName
instance (Datatype d) => GTypeable (M1 D d a) where
gtype d = TypeName {moduleName = GHC.Generics.moduleName d, typeName = datatypeName d}
defaultExternalModel :: (Generic a, GTypeable (Rep a)) => a -> RecursiveTypeExpr
defaultExternalModel (_ :: a) = emptyModel . gtype $ (undefined :: Rep a ())
-- DataModel
instance Modelable Bool where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Char where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Double where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Float where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Int where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Ordering where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable () where
dataModel = defaultExternalModel
instance Modelable Text where
dataModel _ = externalModel "Data.Text" "Text"
instance Modelable1 Maybe
instance Modelable1 []
-- example
data Concert = Concert [Artist]
deriving instance Generic Concert
instance Modelable Concert
data Album = Album Artist [Track]
deriving instance Generic Album
instance Modelable Album
data Artist = Artist Text Genre
deriving instance Generic Artist
instance Modelable Artist
data Track = Track Int String
deriving instance Generic Track
instance Modelable Track
data Genre = Jazz | Metal
deriving instance Generic Genre
instance Modelable Genre
data ExampleTree = Branch Int ExampleTree ExampleTree | Leaf
deriving instance Generic ExampleTree
instance Modelable ExampleTree
main = putStrLn . pretty . flatModel $ (undefined :: Album)
-- Pretty printing
class Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> String
instance Pretty (TypeName) where
pretty name = moduleName name ++ "." ++ typeName name
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty ([TypeDeclF t]) where
pretty = concatMap pretty
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty (TypeDeclF t) where
pretty typeDecl = "data " ++ (pretty . fullName) typeDecl ++ " " ++ (show . typeVariables) typeDecl ++ "\n" ++ (pretty . constructors) typeDecl
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty ([ConstructorDeclF t]) where
pretty = concat . fmap (\c -> "\t" ++ pretty c ++ "\n" )
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty (ConstructorDeclF t) where
pretty constructor = constructorName constructor ++ " " ++ (pretty . fields) constructor
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty ([FieldDeclF t]) where
pretty fields =
if all (null . fieldName) fields
then intercalate " " . fmap pretty $ fields
else "{ " ++ intercalate ", " (fmap pretty fields) ++ " }"
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty (FieldDeclF t) where
pretty field =
if (null . fieldName) field
then (pretty . fieldType) field
else fieldName field ++ " :: " ++ (pretty . fieldType) field
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty (DataModelF t) where
pretty model = (pretty . Map.elems . dependencies) model ++ "\n" ++ (pretty . rootType) model
instance (Pretty t) => Pretty (TypeExprF t) where
pretty (Type t) = pretty t
pretty (Variable x) = show x
pretty (Application f a) = "(" ++ pretty f ++ " " ++ pretty a ++ ")"
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