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Created November 29, 2014 05:25
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import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
type Sudoku = Array Pos (Maybe Color)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Color = Int
update :: Sudoku -> Pos -> Maybe Color -> Sudoku
update a i e = a // [(i, e)]
blanks :: Sudoku -> [Pos]
blanks a = filter (isNothing . (a !)) . indices $ a
adjacent :: Pos -> [Pos]
adjacent (x, y) = filter (/= (x, y)) $
[(x, y') | y' <- [1..9]] ++
[(x', y) | x' <- [1..9]] ++
[(x0+x', y0+y') | x' <- [1..3], y' <- [1..3]]
x0 = ((x - 1) `div` 3) * 3
y0 = ((y - 1) `div` 3) * 3
legal :: Sudoku -> Pos -> Color -> Bool
legal s p m = all ((/= Just m) . (s !)) . adjacent $ p
isSolved :: Sudoku -> Bool
isSolved = null . blanks
legalMoves :: Sudoku -> Pos -> [Color]
legalMoves s p = filter (legal s p) [1..9]
minBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
minBy _ [] = Nothing
minBy cmp xs = Just . foldl1 minBy' $ xs
minBy' x y = case x `cmp` y of
GT -> y
_ -> x
mostRestrictedBlank :: Sudoku -> Maybe Pos
mostRestrictedBlank s = minBy (comparing (length . legalMoves s)) . blanks $ s
branches :: Sudoku -> [Sudoku]
branches s =
p <- toList . mostRestrictedBlank $ s
m <- legalMoves s p
return (update s p (Just m))
depthFirstSearch :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> a -> Maybe a
depthFirstSearch done branches = go
go x =
if done x
then Just x
else listToMaybe . catMaybes . map go . branches $ x
solve :: Sudoku -> Maybe Sudoku
solve = depthFirstSearch isSolved branches
parseColor :: Char -> Maybe Color
parseColor c =
if isDigit c
then Just . digitToInt $ c
else Nothing
parseSudoku :: String -> Sudoku
parseSudoku = listArray ((1,1), (9,9)) . map parseColor . filter (/= '\n')
rows :: (Ix x, Ix y) => Array (x, y) e -> [[e]]
rows a = [[a ! (x, y) | y <- range (y0, y1)] | x <- range (x0, x1)]
((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = bounds a
printColor :: Maybe Color -> Char
printColor Nothing = ' '
printColor (Just c) = intToDigit c
printSudoku :: Sudoku -> String
printSudoku = intercalate "\n" . map (map printColor) . rows
printSolution :: Maybe Sudoku -> String
printSolution = fromMaybe "Unsolvable" . fmap printSudoku
puzzle :: Sudoku
puzzle = parseSudoku " 8 95 3\n 7 4\n857 31 \n 6 3 2\n 8 9 \n7 2 6 \n 56 248\n2 7 \n3 42 8 "
main = do
putStr . printSolution . solve $ puzzle
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