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Created April 20, 2013 09:14
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Spam Spam Spam!
print "Call 'instructions()' to get more info"
def instructions():
from time import sleep
instructionsdata=""" IMPORTANT!
Please be sure that you have these libs:
nltk, unidecode
Example Usage and Output:
>>> inboX = MailFactory()
>>> inboX.new_server("","yourpassword")
(\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
(\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam"
(\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" "[Gmail]/Taslaklar"
>>> inboX.fetch("INBOX",50)
>>> inboX.prettifier()
>>> spaM = MailFactory()
>>> spaM.new_server("","yourpassword")
(\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
(\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Gmail]/Spam"
(\HasChildren \HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" "[Gmail]/Taslaklar"
>>> spaM.fetch("[Gmail]/Spam",50)
>>> spaM.prettifier()
>>> doggY = SpamDog()
>>> doggY.new_spamdog()
"Your dog's name is Casey. It's a 42 years old Foxhound."
>>> doggY.trainer(inboX.pretty,"good")
>>> doggY.trainer(spaM.pretty,"bad")
>>> doggY.sniffer(inboX.pretty[5:]
Casey is whining, this is a good mail
Casey is whining, this is a good mail
Casey is barking, this isn't looking good
Casey is whining, this is a good mail
Casey forgot how to dog."
>>> doggY.sniffer(spaM.pretty[5:]
Casey is barking, this isn't looking good
Casey is barking, this isn't looking good
Casey forgot how to dog."
Casey is barking, this isn't looking good
Casey is barking, this isn't looking good
for line in instructionsdata.split("\n"):
print line
class MailFactory:
The MailFactory gives you a chance to get your mails
def new_server(self,username,password):
Creates 'Factory.server' and prints available folders
import imaplib
self.server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('') #Creating a imap client
self.server.login(username,password) #Logging in to imap server
for folder in self.server.list()[1]: #Prints available folders
print folder #Prints available folders
def fetch(self,mailbox,number):
Fetches the mailbox then creates 'Factory.fetched'
""" #Selecting Inbox
self.m_index = list() #Mail index list
whole = list() #Raw mail list
self.fetched = list() #Fetched mail bodies
result , data = , "ALL") #Getting all items in inbox
self.m_index = data[0].split() #Splitting uids and saving into mail index
#for i in range(1,number+1): #Testing Purposes Only!
# self.m_index.append(i) #Testing Purposes Only!
wanted = self.m_index[:number]
for i in wanted:
whole.append(self.server.fetch(i,"(RFC822)")) #Fetching mails with uids
for mail in whole:
self.fetched.append(mail[1][0][1]) #Refining mails from whole mails
def prettifier(self):
Prettifies the fetched data and creates 'Factory.pretty'
import email , re, nltk, HTMLParser
from unidecode import unidecode
parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
self.pretty = list() #Prettified mail bodies
for mail in self.fetched:
msg = email.message_from_string(mail) #Creating an email
for part in msg.walk(): #Checks for plain body parts to avoid unwanted parts
if part.get_content_maintype()=='multipart': #Checks for plain body parts to avoid unwanted parts
continue #Checks for plain body parts to avoid unwanted parts
if part.get_content_subtype() !='plain': #Checks for plain body parts to avoid unwanted parts
continue #Checks for plain body parts to avoid unwanted parts
qpm = email.quoprimime #Creates an Quoted Printable Decoder
payload = qpm.decodestring(qpm.decodestring(part.get_payload())) #Double decodes for unwanted problems
try: #Tries decoding
decoded = unidecode(unicode(parser.unescape(nltk.clean_html(payload.decode("windows-1254"))))) #First Decodes with a property defacto standard, Then removes
#tags, Then parses escaped html characters, Then Unicodes
#whole thing, Then decodes unicode to avoid turkish characters.
if " " in decoded: #Checks for base64 encoded mails
self.pretty.append(decoded) #Checks for base64 encoded mails
else: #Checks for base64 encoded mails
print "A Base64 Mail Ignored" #Checks for base64 encoded mails
except Exception , e: #Throws an exception
print e , part.get_content_charset() #Prints why it's ignored
class SpamDog:
The SpamDog Class gives you a chance to adapt a K9
def new_spamdog(self):
Hires a dog from local K9 breeder
from random import choice, randint
import docclass
self.K9 = docclass.naivebayes(docclass.getwords)
names = ["Max", "Bella", "Buddy", "Molly", "Rocky", "Lucy", "Bailey", "Maggie", "Jake", "Daisy", #Lovely dog names
"Charlie", "Sophie", "Jack", "Sadie", "Toby", "Chloe", "Cody", "Bailey", "Buster", "Lola", "Duke", #Lovely dog names
"Zoe", "Cooper", "Abby", "Riley", "Ginger", "Harley", "Roxy", "Bear", "Gracie", "Tucker", "Coco", #Lovely dog names
"Murphy", "Sasha", "Lucky", "Lily", "Oliver", "Angel", "Sam", "Princess", "Oscar", "Emma", "Teddy", #Lovely dog names
"Annie", "Winston", "Rosie", "Sammy", "Ruby", "Rusty", "Lady", "Shadow", "Missy", "Gizmo", "Lilly", #Lovely dog names
"Bentley", "Mia", "Zeus", "Katie", "Jackson", "Zoey", "Baxter", "Madison", "Bandit", "Stella", "Gus", #Lovely dog names
"Penny", "Samson", "Belle", "Milo", "Casey", "Rudy", "Samantha", "Louie", "Holly", "Hunter", "Lexi", #Lovely dog names
"Casey", "Lulu", "Rocco", "Brandy", "Sparky", "Jasmine", "Joey", "Shelby", "Bruno", "Sandy", "Beau", #Lovely dog names
"Roxie", "Dakota", "Pepper", "Maximus", "Heidi", "Romeo", "Luna", "Boomer", "Dixie", "Luke", "Honey", #Lovely dog names
"Henry", "Dakota"] #Lovely dog names
breeds = ["AustralianShepherd", "Beagle", "BelgianMalinois", "BassetHound", "EnglishCockerSpaniel", #Ideal K9 breeds
"EnglishSpringerSpaniel", "Foxhound", "GermanShepherd", "LabradorRetriever", "SulimovDog", #Ideal K9 breeds
"Schnauzer", "Weimaraner"] #Ideal K9 breeds
self.nameof = choice(names) #Choices a name for your SpamDog
self.ageof = randint(7,92) #Choices an age in dog ears
self.breedof = choice(breeds) #Choices a breed for your SpamDog
print "Your dog's name is %s. It's a %d years old %s." % (self.nameof, self.ageof, self.breedof) #Prints some info
def trainer(self, maillist, karma):
Trains The SpamDog with maillist you give and karma you want
for mail in maillist:
import re
refined_mail = re.sub("\n|\r| +"," ", mail) #Regex for cleaning whitespace and whitelines
self.K9.train(refined_mail,karma.lower()) #Trains your K9 with information
def sniffer(self, maillist):
Lets The SpamDog to sniff the stuff and bark or whine.
self.K9.setthreshold("bad",3.0) #Sets the threshold for bad words
for mail in maillist:
stat = self.K9.classify(mail) #Sniffes the mail
if stat == "good": #Prints mail info that you gave
print "%s is whining, this is a good mail" % (self.nameof) #Prints mail info that you gave
elif stat == "bad": #Prints mail info that you gave
print "%s is barking, this isn't looking good" % (self.nameof) #Prints mail info that you gave
elif stat == "unknown": #Prints mail info that you gave
print "%s needs more training, Not enough data" % (self.nameof) #Prints mail info that you gave
elif stat == None: #Prints mail info that you gave
print "%s forgot how to dog. It might be %100 good or %100 bad" % (self.nameof) #Prints mail info that you gave
print "I also forgot how to throw exception"
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