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CedricGatay / strip_play_services.gradle
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09 — forked from dmarcato/strip_play_services.gradle
Keep track of previous run to prevent restripping if nothing has changed
// adapted from
def toCamelCase(String string) {
String result = ""
string.findAll("[^\\W]+") { String word ->
result += word.capitalize()
return result
CedricGatay /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55 — forked from GUI/
Script for placing sudoers.d files with syntax-checking, from, adapted to work with Vagrant 1.4.x under OS X / Linux
# Script for placing sudoers.d files with syntax-checking
# From, adapted to work
# with Vagrant 1.4.x under OS X / Linux
# Making a temporary file to contain the sudoers-changes to be pre-checked
TMP=$(mktemp -t vagrant_sudoers.XXX)
cat /etc/sudoers > $TMP
# Does not reedit file