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Cedric L CedricL46

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* Apply view criteria named MyViewCriteria to it's ViewObject
* by getting it through the binding iterator MyViewObjectIterator
* Full library :
public void applyViewCriteriaOnViewObjectByIteratorName(String MyViewCriteriaName, String MyViewObjectIteratorName) {
try {
//Get The viewObject from the iterator define in the current binding context
ViewObject vo = this.getViewObjectFromIteratorName(MyViewObjectIteratorName)
//Get all it's ViewCriteria using the ViewCriteriaManager of the ViewObject
* Unapply a view criteria named MyViewCriteria to it's ViewObject
* by getting it through the binding iterator MyViewObjectIterator
* Full library:
public void UnApplyViewCriteriaOnViewObjectByIteratorName(String MyViewCriteriaName, String MyViewObjectIteratorName) {
try {
//Get The viewObject from the iterator define in the current binding context
ViewObject vo = this.getViewObjectFromIteratorName(MyViewObjectIteratorName)
//Get all it's ViewCriteria using the ViewCriteriaManager of the ViewObject
//Function to call as follow :
//Object myValue = MyBean.getRichTableSelectedRowAttributeValue("tableID", "VoAttributeName");
public Object getRichTableSelectedRowAttributeValue(String tableID, String attributeName) {
Object value = null;
RichTable richTable = (RichTable)findComponentInRoot(tableID); //part of the JSFUtils opensource class
if (richTable != null) {
ViewObject vo = getViewObjectFromTable(richTable); //part of the ADFUtils opensource class
if (vo != null) {
//Get select row from the view object
//Oracle ADF ActionEvent to duplicate a row
public void duplicateRowLine(ActionEvent e) {
ViewObject vo = this.getViewObjectFromIterator("YOUR_ITERATOR_NAME");
Row currentRow = vo.getCurrentRow();
Row duplicatedRow = vo.createRow();
AttributeDef[] voKeyAttributes = vo.getKeyAttributeDefs(); //List of the primary keys that need to be unique
String[] currentRowAttributes = currentRow.getAttributeNames();
for (String attributeName : currentRowAttributes) {
int attributeIndex = duplicatedRow.getAttributeIndexOf(attributeName);
//Check if the attribute is updatable
//Function to call as follow :
//setRichTableSelectedRowAttributeValue("YOUR_TABLE_JSF_ID", "YOUR_VO_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "THE_NEW_VALUE_TO_SET");
public void setRichTableSelectedRowAttributeValue(String tableID, String attributeName, Object newAttributeValueToSet) {
Object value = null;
RichTable richTable = (RichTable)JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot(tableID);
if (richTable != null) {
RowKeySet rks = richTable.getSelectedRowKeys();
Iterator it = rks.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
//Here is how to simply retreive the value of and ADF Binding from the view El Expression :
//Below is a view example with values taken from an ADF View Object
<af:inputText id="it1" autoSubmit="true" value="#{bindings.YOUR_VO.YOUR_VO_ATTRIBUTE.inputValue}" />
<af:table value="#{bindings.YOUR_VO.collectionModel}" var="row">
<af:column sortProperty="#{}"
<af:outputText value="#{row.YOUR_VO_ATTRIBUTE}" id="ot1"/>
<!-- use xmlns:f="" in the f:view at the top of your jsf file -->
<!-- e.g: <f:view xmlns:f="" xmlns:af="" -->
<!-- Here's how to set binding values one a button click - useful when you want to set values right before commiting a user form -->
<af:commandButton text="YOUR_BUTTON" id="bid1" action="#{YOUR_SCOPE.YOUR_BEAN.YOUR_ACTION_FUNC}">
<!-- You can either set a custom value YOUR_VALUE or the value of another binding #{bindings.YOUR_SOURCE_BINDING.inputValue} -->
<!-- or even the value of an attribute of YOUR_BEAN with getter and setter generated-->
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="YOUR_VALUE" target="#{bindings.YOUR_TARGET_BINDING1.inputValue}"/>
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{bindings.YOUR_SOURCE_BINDING.inputValue}" target="#{bindings.YOUR_TARGET_BINDING2.inputValue}"/>
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{YOUR_SCOPE.YOUR_BEAN.YOUR_ATTRIBUTE}" target="#{bindings.YOUR_TARGET_BINDI
# 1) First step is to sudo as the unix user with weblogic access (replace YOUR_SUDO_USER with yours)
sudo su - YOUR_SUDO_USER
# 2) Locate your installed weblogic domain start file
find / -name -type f -print 2>/dev/null
#or if you use mlocate
## After a while this command should print something like :
--Audit Trail
-- SQL Query to provide detail audit trail via SQL (useful when a flowtrace can't be open)
-- SQL to get bpel ECID from ID Demande :
select ECID, ID, composite_dn
from soa_user.composite_instance
where title ='&BUSINESS_DEFINED_ID'
order by created_time desc;
--SQL to get detailed status of a bpel instance and his ECID Replace Flowtrace
--Performance/Development Action
--Script to mass abort all running instances. (Usefull during perf testing to keep volumetry between runs)
update YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.composite_instance set state=16 where state=32;
update YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.work_item set state = 10, modify_date = sysdate where state<5;
update YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.cube_instance ci set ci.state = 8 ,
ci.scope_revision = (select cit.scope_revision+1 from YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.cube_instance cit where cit.ecid = ci.ecid) ,
ci.modify_date = sysdate where ci.state < 4;
update YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.dlv_message set state = 3 where state in (0, 2);
update YOUR_YOUR_SOA_USER.dlv_subscription set state = -1 where state=0;