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/* | |
// Place your snippets for PHP here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and | |
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: | |
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the | |
// same ids are connected. | |
// Example: | |
"Print to console": { | |
"prefix": "log", | |
"body": [ | |
"console.log('$1');", | |
"$2" | |
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It may make a small fix :
when redis connecton error , "last_update_time" also needs to be updated anyway, or, nginx will try to connect to redis by every request.
It may make a small fix :
when redis connecton error , "last_update_time" also needs to be updated anyway, or, nginx will try to connect to redis by every request.
I am nowise to Lua Script but I can see that this issue is resolved at line 71 and this script is not connecting to redis on each request. Yet I wanted to be sure that this issue is really solved. So, is it solved now?
I am nowise to Lua but I think I found some possible errors and updates
You have set local redisconnectiontimeout = 100 at line 34 while to update with variable you have called red:set_timeout(redisconnecttimeout);. Please note the difference between words connection/connect in both variables.
A return call should be made if connection was not successful at line 58 otherwise it can possibly go to if condition of ip_blacklist:get(ip)
Thanks so much. I made a ip_whitelist version. Hope anyone may be helped.