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Last active January 3, 2016 07:19
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  • Save Celeo/8428919 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Celeo/8428919 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uses the character's notification system to determine if there are any new applications to their corporation.
import eveapi
from datetime import datetime
api = eveapi.EVEAPIConnection()
def main():
auth = api.auth(keyID=raw_input('keyID: '), vCode=raw_input('vCode: '))
characterID = raw_input("Your Director/CEO's character name: ")
notifications = auth.char.Notifications(characterID=characterID)
applicants = []
for n in notifications.notifications:
if n.typeID == 16:
applicants.append(Applicant(notification_id=n.notificationID, char_id=n.senderID, \
char_name=get_character_name(n.senderID), date=format_date(n.sentDate), read=True if == 1 else False))
ids = [n.notification_id for n in applicants]
notification_text = auth.char.NotificationTexts(characterID=characterID, IDs=ids)
for count, n in enumerate(notification_text.notifications):
applicants[count].text = parse_notification_text(
print applicants[count]
class Applicant:
def __init__(self, char_id=1, char_name='', date=1, text='', read=False, notification_id=1):
self.char_id = char_id
self.char_name = char_name = date
self.text = text = read
self.notification_id = notification_id
def __repr__(self):
return '\n%s applied to the corp on %s: %s' % (self.char_name,, self.text)
parse_notification_text = lambda text: text.split('charID: ')[0].split(': ')[1].replace('\n', '')
get_character_name = lambda charid: api.eve.CharacterName(IDs=charid).characters[0].name
format_date = lambda timestamp: datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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