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Forked from Synthetica9/
Last active September 18, 2015 21:40
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Save Celeo/b6ba14082ae6677b3c75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An interpeter for pyg, the golfed python. Fully backwards compatible with python.
# A golfed python 'accent'. Fully backwards compatible with python.
# If you DO use it for a production (non-challenge/codegolf) program, I'm not
# responsible for anything bad that happens to you, your computer,
# your spare time, your code maintainability, any kittens that god might kill,
# or the tears of blood you will weep.
import sys
from math import *
Al = all
An = any
import collections
C = collections
CC = C.Counter
CD = C.deque
Cd = C.defaultdict
Cn = C.namedtuple
CO = C.OrderedDict
E = eval
I = __import__
Ip = input
import itertools
It = itertools
ItCo = It.count
ItCy = It.cycle
ItRe = It.repeat
ItCh = It.chain
ItCo = It.compress
ItDW = It.dropwhile
ItGB = It.groupby
ItiF = It.ifilter
ItiS = It.islice
ItiM = It.imap
ItSM = It.starmap
Itt = It.tee
ItTW = It.takewhile
ItiZ = It.izip
ItiZL = It.izip_longest
ItPr = It.product
ItPe = It.permutations
ItCo = It.combinations
ItCoR = It.combinations_with_replacement
def J(iterable):
return ''.join(iterable)
K = 1000
L = list
Ln = len
M = map
Mx = max
Mn = min
N = "\n"
O = None
# Print standard
def P(*args):
for arg in args:
print arg
# Print expand
def Pe(*args):
for arg in args:
for subarg in arg:
print subarg,
# Print joined
def PJ(*args):
print J(args)
R = range
import random
Ra = random
RaSe = Ra.seed
RaGS = Ra.getstate
RaSS = Ra.setstate
RaJA = Ra.jumpahead
RaRB = Ra.getrandbits
RR = Ra.randrange
RI = Ra.randint
RS = Ra.shuffle
RSm = Ra.sample
RU = Ra.uniform
RT = Ra.triangular
RBv = Ra.betavariate
REv = Ra.expovariate
RGv = Ra.gammavariate
RG = Ra.gauss
RLv = Ra.lognormvariate
RNv = Ra.normalvariate
RVv = Ra.vonmisesvariate
RWv = random.weibullvariate
import re
S = sorted
Se = set
Sp = " "
import string
ST = string
STl = string.ascii_letters
STlc = string.ascii_lowercase
STuc = string.ascii_uppercase
STd = string.digits
STod = string.octdigits
STp = string.punctuation
STP = string.printable
STw = string.whitespace
STDI = sys.stdin
except AttributeError:
STDI = None
T = tuple
Z = zip
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "[filename]"
fle = open(sys.argv[1])
code = Q =
#Q stands for quine. P(Q) works.
#This will attempt to close your parrens. DO CLOSE YOUR STRINGS!
reqparrens=" "
for char in code:
if char in parrens:
elif char == reqparrens[0]:
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