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Created July 13, 2023 21:57
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Eyes in the Darkness Server (Modified)
#Set to false to disable the jumpscare system.
Jumpscare = true
#Set to a number > 0 to cause the jumpscare to apply poison the player. A value of 5 will take around half of the health.
#Range: 0 ~ 6
JumpscareHurtLevel = 1
#While set to true, the eyes entity will ignore the artificial light level and will jumpscare even if it's lit. Daylight will still disable it's AI.
EyesCanAttackWhileLit = true
#The speed at which the eyes move, when not aggressive.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
SpeedNoAggro = 0.10000000149011612
#The speed at which the eyes move when aggressive.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
SpeedFullAggro = 0.5
#The time the spawn cycle can take before a warning is printed to the log. In Microseconds. Default = 50ms
#Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807
LongSpawnCycleWarning = 50000
#While set to true, the eyes entities will progressively get more bold, and move faster, the longer they live.
EnableEscalation = true
#While set to true, the eyes entities will spawn with higher aggresion levels in higher local difficulties.
LocalDifficulty = true
#While set to true, the eyes entities will have higher aggression values on lower light levels.
LightLevel = true
#Changes the volume of the idle sounds, relative to the volume of the hostile mob category.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
IdleNoiseVolume = 1.0
#Changes the volume of the death/disappear sounds, relative to the volume of the hostile mob category.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
DisappearNoiseVolume = 1.0
#Changes the volume of the jumpscare sounds, relative to the volume of the hostile mob category.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
JumpscareVolume = 1.0
#If false, the eyes entity will not spawn naturally during the night.
EnableNaturalSpawn = true
#Max block distance from a player at which the eyes will spawn.
#Range: > 1
MaxEyesSpawnDistance = 3
#Specifies rules for accepting or rejecting biomes.
#The rules are scanned one by one until a rule matches, This means the first rule to match takes precedence over any other subsequent rule, so more specific rules should go first.
# "biome:name" -- ALLOWS spawning in the given biome.
# "!biome:name" -- DISALLOWS spawning in the given biome.
# "#biome_label" -- ALLOWS spawning in the given biome dictionary label.
# "!#biome_label" -- DISALLOWS spawning in the given biome dictionary label.
# "$biome_label" -- ALLOWS spawning in the given biome tag.
# "!$biome_label" -- DISALLOWS spawning in the given biome tag.
# "!*" -- DISALLOWS spawning unconditionally. Place this at the end of the list to disable spawning if no other rules pass (defaults to allow otherwise).
# To disable spawning in the end: [ "!#END" ]
# To disable spawning in the nether biome: [ "!minecraft:nether" ]
# To disable spawning in forest areas, but allow them in dark fores: [ "minecraft:dark_forest", "!#FOREST" ]
#NOTE: VOID type biomes are disabled by default, internally. You can explicitly enable those by adding "#VOID" to the rules, but this is not recommended.
BiomeRules = ["minecraft:dark_forest", "!#FOREST"]
#Specifies rules for accepting or rejecting dimensions.
#The rules are scanned one by one until a rule matches, This means the first rule to match takes precedence over any other subsequent rule, so more specific rules should go first.
# "dimension:name" -- ALLOWS spawning in the given dimension.
# "!dimension:name" -- DISALLOWS spawning in the given dimension.
# "#dimension:type" -- ALLOWS spawning in any dimension with the given dimension type.
# "!#dimension:type" -- DISALLOWS spawning in any dimension with the given dimension type.
# "!*" -- DISALLOWS spawning unconditionally. Place this at the end of the list to disable spawning if no other rules pass (defaults to allow otherwise).
# To disable spawning in the end dimension: [ "!minecraft:the_end" ]
# To disable spawning in the nether dimension: [ "!minecraft:nether" ]
# To disable spawning in all secondary overworlds, but allow the vanilla overworld: [ "minecraft:overworld", "!#minecraft:overworld" ]
DimensionRules = ["!minecraft:the_end", "!minecraft:nether"]
#Default spawn settings
#Number of ticks between spawn cycles.
#Range: > 1
SpawnCycleInterval = 1200
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn around any one player.
#Range: > 1
MaxEyesAroundPlayer = 2
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn in each dimension.
#Range: > 1
MaxTotalEyesPerDimension = 15
#Spawn settings in the minutes around midnight
#Number of ticks between spawn cycles.
#Range: > 1
SpawnCycleInterval = 300
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn around any one player.
#Range: > 1
MaxEyesAroundPlayer = 3
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn in each dimension.
#Range: > 1
MaxTotalEyesPerDimension = 15
#Spawn settings in the days leading to halloween
#Number of ticks between spawn cycles.
#Range: > 1
SpawnCycleInterval = 50
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn around any one player.
#Range: > 1
MaxEyesAroundPlayer = 5
#Max number of eyes entities that will spawn in each dimension.
#Range: > 1
MaxTotalEyesPerDimension = 25
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