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Created April 22, 2010 11:09
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RC3 verze | Nekopírovat, jen se inspirovat!
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Milan
* Date: Apr 22, 2010
* Time: 11:21:57 AM
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Scanner;
class InputOutput {
* Method that asks user for a filename
* @return text string from an user
private static String getFileName () {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
String value;
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Název souboru"));
value = ();
return (value);
* Public overloaded method that calls getFileName () method to get the
* filename from user, then calls openFile () method to open specified
* file
* @return opened buffered stream
public static BufferedReader openFile () {
return openFile (getFileName ());
* Method that opens a buffered reader on a specified file and keeps that
* reader open by returning reference to that reader
* @param filename name of file to open
* @return opened buffered stream
private static BufferedReader openFile (String filename) {
try {
File file = new File (MessageFormat.format ("src{0}Queues{0}{1}", File.separator, filename));
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader (file);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader (fileReader);
return (bufferedReader);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Soubor neexistuje: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
return (null);
* Public method that reads information about one plane from queue file
* and returns it without doing any edits as a string
* @param bufferedReader opened buffered stream
* @return one line from queue file as a string
public static String readPlane (BufferedReader bufferedReader) {
try {
return (bufferedReader.readLine ());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Ze souboru nelze číst: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
return (null);
* Public method that tries to set a "backstop" in queue file
* @param bufferedReader opened buffered stream
public static void setMark (BufferedReader bufferedReader) {
try {
bufferedReader.mark (255); // should be more than enough!
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (
MessageFormat.format ("Nepodařilo se nastavit zarážku: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Public method that tries to return to most recent backstop
* @param bufferedReader opened buffered stream
public static void resetMark (BufferedReader bufferedReader) {
try {
bufferedReader.reset ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (
MessageFormat.format ("Nepodařilo se vrátit se na zarážku: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Closes previously opened file
* @param bufferedReader file stream identifier
public static void closeFile (BufferedReader bufferedReader) {
try {
bufferedReader.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Soubor se nepodařilo uzavřít: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Public method that creates log file for session
* @return name of created log file
public static String createLogFile () {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();
String logFileName;
String year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
year = Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR));
month = Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
day = Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.DATE));
hour = ((calendar.get (Calendar.AM_PM) == 0) ?
// Forenoon
(calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR) < 10) ? "0" + Integer.toString (
calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR)) : Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR)) :
// Afternoon
Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR) + 12));
minute = ((calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE) < 10) ? "0" + Integer.toString (
calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE)) : Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE)));
second = ((calendar.get (Calendar.SECOND) < 10) ? "0" + Integer.toString (
calendar.get (Calendar.SECOND)) : Integer.toString (calendar.get (Calendar.SECOND)));
logFileName = MessageFormat.format ("{0}. {1}. {2}. – {3}.{4}:{5}.txt", year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
try {
File logFile = new File (MessageFormat.format ("src{0}Logs{0}{1}", File.separator, logFileName));
FileWriter logFileWriter = new FileWriter (logFile);
logFileWriter.close ();
return (logFileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Soubor nelze vytvořit: {0}", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
return (null);
public static void addLogEntry (String logFileName, String event, String name, int time, int fuel) {
try {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ();
String line;
File logFile = new File (MessageFormat.format ("src{0}Logs{0}{1}", File.separator, logFileName));
FileReader logFileReader = new FileReader (logFile);
BufferedReader bufferedLogReader = new BufferedReader (logFileReader);
while ((line = bufferedLogReader.readLine ()) != null) {
result.append (MessageFormat.format ("{0}\n", line));
if (event.equals ("arrival")) {
result.append (MessageFormat.format ("{0} >-- {1} ({2})", time, name, fuel));
} else if (event.equals ("landing")) {
result.append (MessageFormat.format ("{0} --> {1} ({2})", time, name, fuel));
} else if (event.equals ("crash")) {
result.append (MessageFormat.format ("{0} --x {1} ({2})", time, name, fuel));
FileWriter logFileWriter = new FileWriter (logFile);
BufferedWriter bufferedLogWriter = new BufferedWriter (logFileWriter);
bufferedLogWriter.write (result.toString ());
bufferedLogWriter.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Nelze zalogovat událost: {0}", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Public method that prints simple header
* @param header text of header
* @param level level of header
public static void printHeader (String header, int level) {
if (level == 1) {
System.out.format ("========== %-15s ==========\n", header.toUpperCase ());
} else if (level == 2) {
System.out.format ("========== %-15s ==========\n", header);
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Milan
* Date: Apr 22, 2010
* Time: 11:21:49 AM
class Plane {
Plane next;
String name; // Could as well be "final"
int arrivalTime; // __,^
int fuel;
Plane (String name, int arrivalTime, int fuel) { = name;
this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
this.fuel = fuel;
next = null;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Milan
* Date: Apr 22, 2010
* Time: 11:19:35 AM
import java.text.MessageFormat;
public class Project {
"Global" variables holding total amount of planes, landings and crashes
... just to make my life less painful
private static int numberOfPlanes = 0, numberOfCrashes = 0, numberOfLandings = 0;
* Main method that asks the user for name of file with queue, opens that
* file, starts the simulation and closes file with queue
* @param args command line arguments; not used
public static void main (String[] args) {
BufferedReader bufferedReader;
String logFileName;
bufferedReader = InputOutput.openFile ();
logFileName = InputOutput.createLogFile ();
startSimulation (bufferedReader, logFileName);
InputOutput.closeFile (bufferedReader);
* Method that does everything that happens above the airport during one
* second, which means:
* 1, checks if new airplanes arrived to airport
* 2, allows one plane to land
* 3, checks if any plane has fuel level of zero (= crashed plane)
* 4, decreases fuel level of all airplanes in the air
* 5, increases time unit by one
* @param bufferedReader reference to file with queue
* @param logFileName name of log file for given session
private static void startSimulation (BufferedReader bufferedReader, String logFileName) {
Queue queue = new Queue ();
boolean endOfFile;
int time = 0;
System.out.println ("Zahajuji simulaci…");
do {
InputOutput.printHeader (MessageFormat.format ("{0}. sekunda", time), 1);
endOfFile = addPlanesToQueue (bufferedReader, logFileName, queue, time);
landPlane (logFileName, queue, time);
checkForCrashes (logFileName, queue, time);
decreaseFuelLevel (queue);
time = increaseTime (time);
System.out.println ();
} while ((!endOfFile) || (!queue.isEmpty ()));
System.out.println ("Ukončuji simulaci…\n");
printStatistics ();
* Method that checks if there are new planes in the air near airport and
* if so, adds them to queue
* @param bufferedReader opened buffered reader with queue file
* @param logFileName name of log file for this session
* @param queue queue with planes
* @param time current time
* @return returns true if plane was last plane in queue file
private static boolean addPlanesToQueue (BufferedReader bufferedReader, String logFileName, Queue queue, int time) {
String[] planeProperties;
String line;
String name;
int arrivalTime;
int fuel;
InputOutput.printHeader ("Přílety", 2);
do {
InputOutput.setMark (bufferedReader);
line = InputOutput.readPlane (bufferedReader);
if (line != null) {
planeProperties = line.split (" ");
name = planeProperties[0];
arrivalTime = Integer.parseInt (planeProperties[1]);
fuel = Integer.parseInt (planeProperties[2]);
if (arrivalTime != time) {
InputOutput.resetMark (bufferedReader);
} else {
queue.addPlane (name, arrivalTime, fuel);
InputOutput.addLogEntry (logFileName, "arrival", name, time, fuel);
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format (
"Letadlo {0} právě přiletělo k letišti. Zbývá paliva na {1} sekund(y) letu.", name, fuel));
} else {
return (true); // We just reached end of queue file
} while (arrivalTime == time);
return (false);
* Method that lets one plane to land
* @param logFileName name of log file for this session
* @param queue queue with planes that are flying above airport
* @param time current time
private static void landPlane (String logFileName, Queue queue, int time) {
Plane plane;
InputOutput.printHeader ("Přistání", 2);
if (!queue.isEmpty ()) {
plane = queue.deletePlane ();
InputOutput.addLogEntry (logFileName, "landing",, time, plane.fuel);
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Letadlo {0} úspešně přistálo.",;
* Method that checks if there are any planes with fuel level of zero
* and if so, it calls method to delete such plane
* @param logFileName name of log file for this session
* @param queue queue with planes that are flying above airport
* @param time current time
private static void checkForCrashes (String logFileName, Queue queue, int time) {
Plane auxiliary, crashed;
InputOutput.printHeader ("Havárie", 2);
if (!queue.isEmpty ()) {
auxiliary = queue.start;
while (auxiliary != null) {
if (auxiliary.fuel <= 0) {
crashed = queue.deleteCrashedPlane (;
InputOutput.addLogEntry (logFileName, "crash",, time, crashed.fuel);
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Letadlo {0} spadlo.",;
auxiliary =;
* Method that decreases fuel level of all flying airplanes by one
* @param queue queue with planes
private static void decreaseFuelLevel (Queue queue) {
queue.decreaseFuelLevel ();
* Method that increases time by one and lets the program sleep for that
* one second
* @param time current time
* @return new time
private static int increaseTime (int time) {
try {
Thread.sleep (1000l);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Nepodařilo se uspat vlákno: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
return (time);
* Method that writes to stdout statistics of simulation
private static void printStatistics () {
InputOutput.printHeader ("Statistiky", 1);
System.out.format ("%-30s%7d\n%-30s%7d\n%-30s%7d\n", "Celkem letadel:", numberOfPlanes,
"Celkem úspěšných přistání:", numberOfLandings, "Celkem pádů:", numberOfCrashes);
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Milan
* Date: Apr 22, 2010
* Time: 11:21:32 AM
class Queue {
Plane start;
Plane end;
* Constructor that initializes a queue and sets start and end point to
* null; these nulls are overwritten when first plane is added
Queue () {
start = null;
end = null;
* Method that checks if a queue is empty or not
* @return true = queue is empty
* false = queue contains at least one plane
boolean isEmpty () {
return (start == null);
* Method that adds a plane into an arrival queue
* Planes with low amount of fuel are put at the start of a queue
* @param name plane name
* @param arrivalTime time of arrival at the airport
* @param fuel amount of remaining fuel
void addPlane (String name, int arrivalTime, int fuel) {
Plane auxiliary = start;
Plane plane = new Plane (name, arrivalTime, fuel);
// If queue is empty...
if (isEmpty ()) {
start = plane;
end = plane;
// If plane needs to be put at the start of a queue...
if (start.fuel > plane.fuel) { = start;
start = plane;
// If plane needs to be put somewhere else...
while (auxiliary != null) {
// If plane needs to be put at the end of the queue...
if ( == null) {
end = plane; = plane;
// If plane needs to be put in the middle of the queue...
if ( > plane.fuel) { =; = plane;
auxiliary =;
* Removes first plane from queue
* @return removed plane
Plane deletePlane () {
Plane auxiliary = start;
start =; = null;
if (start == null) {
end = null;
return auxiliary;
* Removes plane with fuel level of zero from queue
* @param name name of plane, we're assuming plane name is an unique
* identifier
* @return crashed plane
Plane deleteCrashedPlane (String name) {
Plane auxiliary, crashed;
if ( (name)) {
// If crashed plane is located at the start of a queue...
crashed = start;
start =;
} else {
// If crashed plane is located somewhere else...
auxiliary = start;
crashed = null;
while (auxiliary != null) {
if ( (name)) {
// If crashed plane is located at the end of te queue...
if ( == end) {
end = auxiliary;
crashed =; =;
auxiliary =;
return crashed;
* Decreases amount of fuel for all planes by one
void decreaseFuelLevel () {
Plane auxiliary = start;
while (auxiliary != null) {
auxiliary =;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Milan
* Date: May 8, 2010
* Time: 7:30:06 PM
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class QueueGenerator {
"Global" variable holding current time
private static int time = 0;
* Main method that asks the user for all information needed to start
* automatic generation of planes
* @param args command line arguments; not used
public static void main (String args[]) {
BufferedWriter bufferedWriter;
String plane;
int numberOfPlanes, planesPerSecond;
float fuelBase, fuelCoefficient;
bufferedWriter = openFile ();
numberOfPlanes = getPlanes ('t');
planesPerSecond = getPlanes ('a');
fuelBase = getFuel ('b');
fuelCoefficient = getFuel ('c');
System.out.println ("Už se na tom maká, šéfe.");
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlanes; i++) {
plane = generatePlane (fuelBase, fuelCoefficient, planesPerSecond);
writePlane (bufferedWriter, plane);
System.out.println ("Hotovka, šéfe.");
closeFile (bufferedWriter);
* Method that asks the user for a filename
* @return text string from an user
private static String getFileName () {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Název souboru"));
return ( ());
* Method that asks the user for fuel-related values
* @param id 'b' = ask for base fuel value
* 'c' = ask for coefficient fuel value
* @return value from user
private static float getFuel (char id) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
if (id == 'b') { // Base
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Benzín (základ)"));
} else if (id == 'c') { // Coefficient
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Benzín (koeficient)"));
} else { // Fallback
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Benzín"));
return (scanner.nextFloat ());
* Method that asks the user for plane-related values
* @param id 'a' = ask for average number of planes per secodn
* 't' = ask for total number of planes
* @return value from user
private static int getPlanes (char id) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
if (id == 'a') { // Average
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Letadel za vteřinu (průměrně)"));
} else if (id == 't') { // Total
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Celkem letadel"));
} else { // Fallback
System.out.print (MessageFormat.format ("{0}: ", "Počet letadel"));
return (scanner.nextInt ());
* Overloaded method that calls getFileName () method to get the filename
* from user, then calls openFile () method to open specified file
* @return opened buffered stream
private static BufferedWriter openFile () {
return openFile (getFileName ());
* Method that opens a buffered writer on a specified file and keeps that
* writer open by returning reference to that writer
* @param filename name of file to open
* @return opened buffered stream
private static BufferedWriter openFile (String filename) {
try {
File file = new File (MessageFormat.format ("src{0}Queues{0}{1}", File.separator, filename));
FileWriter fileReader = new FileWriter (file);
BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter (fileReader);
return (bufferedWriter);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Soubor nelze otevřít: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
return (null);
* Method that writes one generated plane into queue file
* @param bufferedWriter opened buffered stream
* @param plane plane details
private static void writePlane (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter, String plane) {
try {
bufferedWriter.write (plane);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (
MessageFormat.format ("Nepodařilo se zapsat do souboru: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Closes previously opened file
* @param bufferedWriter opened buffered stream
private static void closeFile (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter) {
try {
bufferedWriter.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (MessageFormat.format ("Soubor se nepodařilo uzavřít: {0}!", e.getLocalizedMessage ()));
* Method that generates one plane using the given paramethers
* @param fuelBase fuel base
* @param fuelCoefficient fuel coefficient
* @param planesPerSecond average amount of planes per second
* @return string with plane details
private static String generatePlane (double fuelBase, double fuelCoefficient, int planesPerSecond) {
String plane, planeName;
int fuel;
if ((int) (Math.random () * 5 + 1) == planesPerSecond) {
planeName = generatePlaneName ();
fuel = (int) ((fuelBase + (Math.random () * 10 + 1) / 5) * (fuelCoefficient + (Math.random () * 10 + 1) / 5));
plane = planeName + ' ' + time + ' ' + fuel + '\n';
return plane;
* Generates random plane name
* @return generated plane name
private static String generatePlaneName () {
String planeName = "";
char randomChar;
// Two letters
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
randomChar = (char) ((int) ('A') + Math.random () * ((int) ('Z') - (int) ('A') + 1));
planeName += randomChar;
// And three numbers
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
planeName += (int) (Math.random () * 9 + 1);
return planeName;
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